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Twilight Author Defends Bella Swan Against Claims She's A Bad Role Model

BUtterfield 8

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BUtterfield 8


Author Stephenie Meyer dropped by The Remember Podcasts, where she has pushed back against Bella Swan's most outspoken critics. While Meyer says that the relationship that Bella and Edward have is certainly not one that's usually reflected in an average couple, she also highlights that the circumstances are far from ordinary. Instead, Meyer emphasizes that Edward is a supernatural being and that the Twilight novels were written as fantasy books, rather than a realistic depiction of an everyday romance.

However, Meyer says that Bella's assertiveness and confidence in pursuing Edward is something she feels that high school girls can embody, albeit not to the extreme that Bella displayed these qualities. Meyer explains that she wants girls to read Twilight and have the understanding that they "can be sure of what [they] want" and be certain enough to go after it. It's an interesting perspective to evaluate Bella's character through, especially now that Meyer's Midnight Sun, which is a rewrite of the first Twilight book from Edward's point-of-view, has now hit the shelves. As such, it's clear that Meyer is encouraging critical fans to take a step back, realize that Bella and Edward's love story is rooted in fantasy, and still be able to appreciate Bella's quiet inner strength.


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Its a fiction book, not a parent substitute. I hate this people that demand role models in every media. They're fiction, they're meant to distract, to paint a world, not to educate someone.

God.Judge Judy Reaction GIF

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Dear parents, you are the role models of your kids, they are a reflection of you and your education.


His fart felt like a kiss
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:ladyhaha: I always thought that she was a bad role model for girls, when I was watching too. Then I wondered why I was even watching, but I had to, with the kids. lol. She was full of bad choices. At least she did one think right, choosing Edward.

The future's uncertain and the end is always near.
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I agree with the above comments, and also at the end of the day she’s neither a good nor a bad role model considering how much of a bland and boring character she is :laughga: I mean, she really was one of the most useless main characters ever.

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latina twilight
1 hour ago, Blue Lagoon said:

While Meyer says that the relationship that Bella and Edward have is certainly not one that's usually reflected in an average couple, she also highlights that the circumstances are far from ordinary. Instead, Meyer emphasizes that Edward is a supernatural being and that the Twilight novels were written as fantasy books, rather than a realistic depiction of an everyday romance.

This pretty much sums it up.

What? Are you really worried that your daughter is gonna come across a 100+ years old vampire and she's gonna fall in love with him and get in a love triangle with werewolves involved and a lot of vampires trying to kill her or her soon to be conceived baby? :triggered:

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