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Gaga Sad After Monsters Comments On Her Weight


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Mister G

Can someone seriously explain to me how the hell she comes off as flabby or unhealthy looking?? Seriously, I want someone on me based on that picture posted how she even remotely looks overweight and unhealthy..

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I don't think she's offended.

It's the fact that she makes a Body Revolution and everyone here backs it like they agree it's the greatest idea ever

And then THOSE people ridicule her as being unnatractive (even in the slightest degree!) for not being toned.

THAT'S why she's dissapointed.

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Whoever has been saying mean things about her weight on here, shouldn't be here tbh.

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Oh well, that comes with the fame. I really don't like how she pulls the victim card non-stop these days.

Edited by Bryan
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seriously am I going blind? She's not even fat...

Ikr .she looks so good . there is so much disrespectful James Blunts on here that said she was fat

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Oh well, that comes with the fame. I really don't like how she pulls the victim card non-stop these days.

Victim implies she's offended.

I see it as dissapointed to hear this after monsters backing her 'body revolution'.

I don't think she'd give a **** if someone called her fat lately.

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Oh well, that comes with the fame. I really don't like how she pulls the victim card non-stop these days.

Victim card? You know everything she's done and is constantly doing for her fans, what she's been trying to accomplish politically and socially, and that she's suffered from bulimia and other body issues for a long time (which you can't heal from 100%), right? She's being honest with us. She's a sensitive, empathetic, incredibly loving human being which some people on here seem unable to grasp. She's never played the martyr no matter how many outrageous and painful things have happened to her in situations where almost anyone else would break down and do "pull the victim card".

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seriously am I going blind? She's not even fat...

ikr. She looked so happy and healthy in Brazil. I think she looks great these days. :wub:

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This, sadly, is an unfortunate truth about our culture. As an adult, I've experienced more negativity (I'm loathe to use the term "bullying," considering my experiences with it as a teenager) from the gay community than from any other demographic, namely other gay men who have criticized my appearance. I just don't understand how members of a community that is often so disparaged by the general populace can treat other members with such disdain and vileness on the basis of such shallow criteria.

Some gays on here think "born this way" is just about accepting gays, so no surprise they don't get it's fuller meaning for Gaga and many of her female fans.

Just because you don't appreciate a curvy female figure doesn't mean straight guys don't.

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Just to point out a few, it's so easy for someone behind a computer screent to make snarky comments and be an ass and claim "oh it's just the internet why take it seriously" if it was reversed and it was about the commenters it would be totally different. Gaga's from the US , the US has wayyy more obese people, not to take a jab at them but just to say gaga doesn't look "unhealthy" she doesn't look hollywood fake. she's definitely healthy which is all that matters, weather you're some scrawny little twink who thinks everyone should be like you and everyone that has a few extra pounds are "gross and disgusting" can go get attention somewhere else tbh :coffee:

Why do you automatically assume I think anyone with meat on their bones is gross and disgusting just because im a "scrawny little twink"? The majority of guys I have s-x with are meatier than I am.

Never did I say she looked gross or disgusting. All I said was that if she toned her tummy up she'd look hotter. Jump off that politically correct pedestal now please :coffee:

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Your post is godly. Funny how these haters are probably the same ones that hide behind the idea that obesity is genetic but homos-xuality is a choice :huh:

Is this a serious post? Because obesity the majority of the time derives from poor diet and lack of getting off your ass and working out. Its more often than not a choice. Homos-xuality however is not.

I do not think Gaga is obese even in the slightest, to think so would be a gross overstatement.

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Lyzz the Monster

Oh well, that comes with the fame. I really don't like how she pulls the victim card non-stop these days.

Well, the media has been going with this **** for like 2 months, I mean they couldn't even report those beach pics of her in Puerto Rico lately without adding words like "fuller body" to their articles. Now some of her own fans also whine about the same **** on a daily basis, I don't blame her for getting slightly upset.
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