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Stanley Digaga

I only caught one, it was a Golbat on pokémon shapir. I threw my master ball instantly when I saw it :ladyhaha:

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52 minutes ago, LateToCult said:

I didn’t participate in that event. Didn’t even know it happened. :bear:

I wanted a shiny staryu so bad during last week’s event but I never caught one. I snagged a Gengar, Gyarados, Dratini, and Clefairy these last few weeks but I really wanted a staryu. :messga:

I don't have a Clefairy, but I have the others.

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I have Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Gallade, Koffing, Magnemite, Jolteon, Horsea, Slakoth, Slaking, Vigoroth, Blaziken, Lopunny, Bagon, Sheldon, Salamence, Sandshrew, Castform, Gorebyss, Huntail, Krabby, Swinub, Piloswine, Mamoswine, Meditite, Aron, Milotic, Linoone, Totodile, Croconaw, Feraligart, Dratini, Eevee, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Pinsir, Larvitar, Beldum, Metagross, Meganium, Snubbull, Vaporeon, Moltres, Squirtle, Squirtle shiny and sunglasses, Altaria, Honchrow, Roselia, Blastoise, Charizard and thats it.

I stopped playing like 10 months ago but :ohwell:

Estàvem al cel, ara estem a l'infern
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Pokemon Go: For me, shiny Shinx is my favourite because I’ve raided more than 100 times to get the shiny :huntyga: 

Sword and Shield: shiny Lucario 😍

Ps. Shinx-Luxio-Luxray are my favourite pokemon :heart:



Come come, unwrapp me!
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I don't play Go much anymore, but I had most of the community day shinies from the first few years. I do have quite a few in the mainline games that I spent a lot of time hunting for, or came across randomly:

Gold: Chikorita, Togetic, Gengar, Alakazam, Mr. Mime, Jynx, Sudowoodo, Quagsire.

Let's Go Pikachu: Mr. Mime, Jynx, Gengar, Alakazam, Slowpoke, Horsea, Chansey, Zubat, Clefairy, Oddish, Pidgey x2, Articuno.

Shield: Pumpkaboo, Togekiss, Mr. Rime, Vileplume, Grimmsnarl, Hatterine, Gyarados, and I just recently bred for my shiny Bulbasaur.

I'm currently resetting for a shiny Piplup in Pearl, so i'm excited to see what kind of Gen 4 shinies I can find. This one is going to take a while.

Strung out for another taste
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I have a shiny Beldum.. not my kinda Pokemon, but they're cute. :lolly:

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Lion Heart

I have over 200+ shiny Pokemon across Pokemon Go and Shield. My most recent shinies are Genesect, Rayquaza, and shadow Beldum. 

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All I’m sayin is Go Fest got lit 




Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen
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28 minutes ago, Daenerys said:

All I’m sayin is Go Fest got lit 




Omg i Love shiny buneary 

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