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The Sims 1, 2, 3 or 4?


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Regina George

LOVE ALL of them but I will have to go with Sims 2 and then Sims 3 as close second. Sims 2 was and is just perfect. Sims 4, even tho it has best CAS and building options, feels empty and basic for some reason. 

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I never played TS1, played TS2 for like few minutes, TS3 since 2013, and I think TS4 are the best, because of graphics, cause I always like the newest things

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Sims 4 has the best building, but Sims 3 has the best gameplay. They need to make the Sims 5 a combination of both. We need to bring back the goal and personality systems of 3, as well as the character of the game, and then keep the Sims 4 building with some added things - painted ceilings, rotatable columns, columns that you can adjust the height of, etc. 

They also need to add the same fabric and wood tone swatches for every item. It's so hard using items in the same room that will match because of their terrible wood tones. 

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My absolute favorite is 2. I was never able to get into Sims 3, it came out during a time when I was really focused on other things. On top of that, I never had a computer that could run it smoothly. Also the sims 3 were just straight up ugly with or without CC.

i currently play the sims 4 and have all expansions and it reminds me of sims 2 in some ways. With the CC and mods, it’s a lot of fun imo. I hated the build mode when I first started playing but I love it now.

i go into binges where I play it for months and then don’t even think about it for months. :air: 

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Born in Chromatica

The Sims 2. The little details, the cut scenes, the expansion packs, Bella Goth's disappearance, the perfect Sims game. The Sims 3 is a close second, and The Sims 1 third. The Sims 4 is boring without mods.


FaShIoN iS mY pAsSiOn!
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The Sims 1 for Nostalgia Reasons, and Superstar! :staymad:

for now I kinda prefer The Sims 4, because of the graphics and multitasking (not to mention that change lot only take about 5 seconds-ish. although it's not as wholesome as The Sims 3 (but really, it feels a little bit janky performance-wise)

I play the sims 2 for Open for Business & Apartment Life (they nailed both mechanics right)

Although The Sims 5 may be near, why do I feel like they will stretch 4 further with idk, The Sims Online? :koons:

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Nothing will ever top The Sims 1 Makin Magic and that's on period

chaeri pls
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4 minutes ago, littlepotter said:

Nothing will ever top The Sims 1 Makin Magic and that's on period

when they jump into the hole :bradley:

#bringbacktherollercoasters :bradley:

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21 minutes ago, Born in Chromatica said:

Bella Goth's disappearance

What did I miss? I’ve read numerous theories but I don’t remember it happening while I was playing...

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Galactic Mess

3. The only thing they did better with 4 is vampires. The rest is worse - I buy it anyway for nostalgia’s sake though. 2 was also great. 1 I didn’t play.

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Galactic Mess
31 minutes ago, Regina George said:

LOVE ALL of them but I will have to go with Sims 2 and then Sims 3 as close second. Sims 2 was and is just perfect. Sims 4, even tho it has best CAS and building options, feels empty and basic for some reason. 

4 doesn’t have as much chaos as the other ones I think. I mean, I feel like it was easier to die in TS2 or 3.

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