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Gaga Daily hacked, @ladygaga tweets


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Glad that the site is back online and Gaga really is the sweetest thing for sending you guys help! I do wonder whether we can trust mods/admins of this site when they say all the information stayed safe, because they do not want to risk losing all the visitors. Has anyone experienced something weird with their computer?

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I'm still confused as to why they hacked this site though? Was it just NBC and here?

no other sites like ohmygaga.net got hacked by the same person...

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Sorry it took so long to fix the site. If you want to know what happened, check out Mashable's story on this: http://mashable.com/.../04/nbc-hacked/ Your info and passwords are safe.

BTW Gaga's team contacted and offered help right after she sent out that tweet. Very nice of her.

So do you already know what information they got, what they did to the site and if they installed viruses on the computers of visitors or something? How can we trust they really do not have our passwords and you are not just saying that to not lose your visitors? Just wanted to have things cleared up.

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Why not go after littlemonsters.com tho? seems much more hack worthy.

I'm not trying to shade it at all just curious.

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Figured it was some weird hacking stuff going on.

Gaga personally sending techies to take down the hackers tho :flutter:

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