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Cardi B ft Megan Thee Stallion - WAP


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7 hours ago, wrs said:

the beginning reminds me of ME! by miss Taylor. :air:

It made me think of G.U.Y

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Thomas P

:bear: This was kind of a serve 

I’m a simple guy to please, if you like Melodrama, we chill.
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Don’t come for me....it was kinda awful and nothing we all haven’t seen 10000x 


battle for your life.
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6 minutes ago, tezbear91 said:

Don’t come for me....it was kinda awful and nothing we all haven’t seen 10000x 


10000 Doves?

I’ve never had feelings about Cardi or Megan either way, but I loved this.

i don't remember ARTPOP
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Just now, HeavyMetalLover said:

10000 Doves?

I’ve never had feelings about Cardi or Megan either way, but I loved this.

1000 Doves 🥰

battle for your life.
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2 hours ago, StrawberryBlond said:

I've had this motto for a long time - if a man won't do it, I'm not doing it either

Im exactly the same.

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Gracious Gaga
23 hours ago, Ployd said:

Lmao Megan demolished Cardi. I have no idea why you gagadaily gays stan Cardi, she has zero flow.

I agree w u actually.  Cardi didn’t sound good here . Megan was amazing 

♥ Kindness Police.
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On 8/7/2020 at 5:24 PM, StrawberryBlond said:

It's a while since I've heard such a dirty rap song promoted as a lead single. Is it too dirty to be a hit? We'll see. But its video will be a smash. The first listen kinda tied me up in knots listening to the lyrics but the second listen with lyrics has me hooked. I've been needing some nasty bops in my life!

It still makes me feel guilty when I then consider my feminist principles, however. I want women to be proud of their sexuality but not own it in such a publicly explicit way. If men can talk about their sexuality while keeping their clothes on, so can we. Videos like this always make me ask the big question: "Surely someone's worried about their family seeing this?" Part of the reason I decided against becoming famous was knowing that I'd have to censor my art and always be afraid to swear or do anything remotely sexual because my family would be embarrassed at best, disgusted at worst. Even my friends would be kinda grossed out and be like "tmi." Everyone's ok with this stuff until its their own family doing it so I have trouble believing all these women come from homes where everyone was accepting of raunchiness for the purpose of art. I'm shocked that Rosalia's in it for that very reason, she's always been an artist who's supported classy sensuality rather than getting down and dirty.

This is the double bind I find myself in when I like this stuff as well. You can enjoy a nasty song but at the same time wonder what message this sends when this is the overwhelming imagery that is sent to young women and men. We underestimate how damaging it can be in multiple ways. We need to start selling empowerment as something you can do while clothed. Being unclothed should make you feel vulnerable, that's why most men opt not to do it. But women are told it's empowering. It's not hard to see who came up with and sold this theory. I've had this motto for a long time - if a man won't do it, I'm not doing it either. More women need to ask themselves this : If a man can be viewed as hot and sexy when fully clothed, why can't I?

Honestly I appreciate how unashamedly sex-positive it is :sara:  

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21 hours ago, Jase said:

Honestly I appreciate how unashamedly sex-positive it is :sara:  

I argue that you can be sex positive without putting all your body on display and turning yourself into an object. It's unfortunate that women have embraced the idea that the less clothes you wear, the more body positive and sex positive you are, it always shames women who don't take that route. I've seen women who prefer to cover up accused of not being body confident or ashamed of their sexuality, which shows just how toxicity has found its way into feminism. I always assert that I keep my body covered because I'm proud of it and I don't think everyone is deserving of seeing it. Allowing the sight of your body to a favoured few and maintaining sexual mystery around it is surely a way of being body confident as well? Don't get me wrong, I'm supportive of women enjoying their sexuality but I just don't feel we should give in to the framing of it that men want all the time. We'd benefit from showing that there are other ways of expressing sexuality than just the most explicit forms of it. I was surprised Rosalia was in it because she'd always displayed a more subtle, classy version of sexuality that's sadly lacking in a lot of young female artists. I certainly think her choice of clothing was at least more sensual than overt and I can find that stuff far sexier than putting it all out there. I'd just like to see more women attempting sexiness with their clothes on. It would expand our definitions and attitudes towards sexuality so much.

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