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2 hours ago, brucee said:

I think the real core of it is the music. When you put it on you headphones and you just feel the rush. It's all that really matters. This though really helps. 

Ofc it’s the music but when it comes to Gaga, fashion and visuals are just as important and Gaga has always had an attention for those. That’s what made me stan her. So i’m disappointed.

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3 hours ago, Francesca Cipriani said:

But is she doing it? Where? On twitter and instagram I see nothing, beside haus labs and random selfies. 

She is doing nothing, she's just disappeared.


2 hours ago, SHALLOW said:

She can still let us know that she's alive and engage with us without risking her life one bit tho. :ohwell:

Y'all really see what you want to see huh?

She hasn't disappeared. She literally posted on IG 3 days ago thanking everyone for the VMA support.

Also on her post-release IG :

SIX pages of BLM non profits detailed and donated to

THREE pages stating her exact feelings on BLM and racism

THREE BLM takeovers, archived right there at the top of the page

PSA: Wear a mask X BTWF

VIDEO: An inspiring speech to all 2020 graduates ( so good that it was the last speech before Obama)

PROMO/PHILANTHROPY:  threw a virtual live fundrager with Paper Magazine, raising $75K+ for the Marsha P. Johnson Foundation and the Black trans community-- while serving looks, costume changes, a little go-go and comedy-- and a 2hr escape from Rona hell (*Note: if you were following, she was trying to chat to us but had tech difficulties)

PROMO: exactly ONE official Haus Labs and ONE Tudor ad that, btw, completely coincides with what would've been the opening of  Chromatica Ball in Paris

HL: hate all you want, she still gave us a full photoshoot, video and  TWENTY new products 

and SIX candids looking snatched, living her best Malibu Gaga life

As well as things we can't see happening behind the scenes and  things that had to be cancelled.

The demands some of you put on this ONE woman to keep you entertained--while completely dismissing what she does do-- is something else. 

She's obviously trying. She just dropped four years of her blood, sweat and tears. The era's not over. Just be patient.

"She's an intellectual, your honor"
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You know, at the end of the day, I just hope she's happy and healthy. Ultimately that's the most important thing. I hope she's doing well, mentally and physically, and I hope that she's surrounded herself with great people.

That said, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't annoyed by how this era has been handled. Look: I will ultimately respect whatever decision she has for this era. I may like it, I may not like it, but I will respect whatever it is she decides to do with Chromatica. That said, this era has been uneventful ever since Chromatica released, and I think it's valid for people to wonder and question why things haven't picked back up.

Now, I 100% think that Gaga should continue promoting stuff for BLM and COVID-19. There are obviously much bigger issues in the world right now than a pop album, and I recognize that. She should 100% continue to promote those issues. That being said, it'd be nice if she promoted Chromatica too. We knew from Blade that this era had a lot of stuff planned. To see virtually none of it take place is sad, to be honest. Like, an online performance would be cool. Or another interview, or an Instagram Live Q&A, or the listening party that she originally planned, or literally anything. 

And look, this isn't me dissing on the album. At the end of the day, even without the promo, the music should be able to speak for itself, and I think Chromatica accomplishes that. It's either my favorite or second favorite album depending on how I'm feeling. However, something to make this era feel more alive would of course be appreciated.

I just hope that she has something planned in the near future.

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43 minutes ago, SHALLOW said:

So i’m disappointed.

And she's not? The Haus, Interscope, all the artists she was working with, are not? All the photo shoots, all the promo performances, all the cross promo deals, all the venues, the army of people that have lost their jobs from all these cancellations, are not? All the months and months of planning, an entire era compromised over and over, 2021 not being a 100% certainty...how do you think she feels?

You're simply disappointed. Can you imagine how frustrated and anxious she must be feel? 

She just gave one of the best albums of her entire career. Be grateful for that. Be (more) patient for everything else.



"She's an intellectual, your honor"
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We didn't even have proper promo before the lockdowns started. Second album in a row with no notable performances of the lead single :bear:

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Nothing much, tbh! I’m not mad at her lack of promo, but I definitely don’t revisit Chromatica all too much. 

3 points in and ready for more
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About Gaga I think she’s doing what she has to do, it wouldn’t feel right any other way.

About the freaking planet, I hate you for ruining this experience :ladyhaha:

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46 minutes ago, KNJ said:

Y'all really see what you want to see huh?

She hasn't disappeared. She literally posted on IG 3 days ago thanking everyone for the VMA support

:ladyhaha: oh wow

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17 minutes ago, KNJ said:

And she's not? The Haus, Interscope, all the artists she was working with, are not? All the photo shoots, all the promo performances, all the cross promo deals, all the venues, the army of people that have lost their jobs from all these cancellations, are not? All the months and months of planning, an entire era compromised over and over, 2021 not being a 100% certainty...how do you think she feels?

You're simply disappointed. Can you imagine how frustrated and anxious she must be feel? 

She just gave one of the best albums of her entire career. Be grateful for that. Be (more) patient for everything else.



She can still do promo :bear: but she won’t so i can’t excuse her anymore at this point.

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Well I'm annoyed with the situation but my feelings towards her haven't changed :laughga:

She's still my queen :hor: and I respect her decisions. It's her career, her art, and her choice. She's driving, we're all just along for the ride.

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Linus Gaga

I can always wait for the promo and resume of Chromatica era, but I was just confused why Haus Lab can still do promo and not Chromatica. I know she is still doing lots of things behind the scenes, but at the same time feel like she/ her team lost the opportunity of the hype of ROM and SC already, as both artist/group is releasing new material, so as others in the industry.

For her mental health and daily life, I am not so worried about her. As she lives with Michael and Bo's couples, I'm sure they have a good relationship, talk together and supporting each others these days. 

Hit me a message and say hi !
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Honestly I hate her right now. And I am on the brink of unstanning. I know she doesn't owe me anything. She just gave me knew music. But her not acknowledging that new music felt like a betrayal. 


And it's hypocritical that she is now promoting Haus Labs products on all her accounts but not her music. She can't hide behind COVID19 and the BLM movement now. She just doesn't care anymore. 

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a bit bored, but mostly neutral. im listening and stanning other artists that are currently active. 

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Jose P
1 hour ago, KNJ said:


Y'all really see what you want to see huh?

She hasn't disappeared. She literally posted on IG 3 days ago thanking everyone for the VMA support.

Also on her post-release IG :

SIX pages of BLM non profits detailed and donated to

THREE pages stating her exact feelings on BLM and racism

THREE BLM takeovers, archived right there at the top of the page

PSA: Wear a mask X BTWF

VIDEO: An inspiring speech to all 2020 graduates ( so good that it was the last speech before Obama)

PROMO/PHILANTHROPY:  threw a virtual live fundrager with Paper Magazine, raising $75K+ for the Marsha P. Johnson Foundation and the Black trans community-- while serving looks, costume changes, a little go-go and comedy-- and a 2hr escape from Rona hell (*Note: if you were following, she was trying to chat to us but had tech difficulties)

PROMO: exactly ONE official Haus Labs and ONE Tudor ad that, btw, completely coincides with what would've been the opening of  Chromatica Ball in Paris

HL: hate all you want, she still gave us a full photoshoot, video and  TWENTY new products 

and SIX candids looking snatched, living her best Malibu Gaga life

As well as things we can't see happening behind the scenes and  things that had to be cancelled.

The demands some of you put on this ONE woman to keep you entertained--while completely dismissing what she does do-- is something else. 

She's obviously trying. She just dropped four years of her blood, sweat and tears. The era's not over. Just be patient.

You know damn well all of those complainers will ignore this. It’s truly aggravating to see the lengths to which this fanbase can go to complain about almost EVERYTHING she does. Legit people were already saying she wouldn’t acknowledge her VMAs nominations, and yet when she did there were still negative comments. If there’s something I’ve learned is that LMs will NEVER be satisfied with anything. If she doesn’t do a livestream every day, performs each song 5 times, gives us 5 music videos, 8 different album covers, 6 remixes collaborating with other artists, 10 photoshoots, 3 rereleases, and creates a GGD account to interact with us, then you know they will not be satisfied. 

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