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Madonna on Gaga: "Good Voice!"

Guest theFuture

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You're just the most cynical person I think you need to relax and stop letting people's opinions on Lady Gaga have such an effect on your mood.

I wasn't supposed to escalate like this. Also, calling me an imbecile is unnecessary. Just, no, okay? It's not right :(

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Just watched the clip. Haha, she's witty! Still not feeling her personality though, b---h sounds cold and stuck up. :smh:

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Lol the undeniable shade in this thread.

I'm at school,so I'm not entirely sure if I can say too much,but I'm just going to throw

out the fact that I like both Madonna and Gaga,and I think that both fanbases shading each other

is ridiculous and ludacris and think about what REALLY happens.I personally think that it's a publicity thing,tbh.

Despite the fact that Gaga doesn't need the publicity,it's more on Madonna's part.

But seriously,BOTH fanbases need to chill out and just enjoy the music.It's quite irritating seeing arguments on either side.

Both artists are extremely talented in some sort of way and they certainly don't deserve shade from either base.


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Lion Heart


Madonna compliments Gaga's voice, and suddenly a war breaks out. Jesus Christ.

I am 100 PERCENT HERE for another 20-page thread filled with pressed monsters seething over a positive comment

This tbh

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Ray of Light


Madonna compliments Gaga's voice, and suddenly a war breaks out. Jesus Christ.

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Here's the stan juice for y'all. Notice how she said Beyonce 'incredible voice' then Gaga 'good voice'. This could totally be seen as shade. 'Good' is legs down from 'incredible'.

But B's voice is much stronger than Gaga's or we should dispute that too?

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But B's voice is much stronger than Gaga's or we should dispute that too?

Besides the point. The way she said it could be seen that way given the history of Madonna's shading tendencies when it comes to Gaga.

As for B's voice being stronger than Gaga's. I have to disagree. They are both very different voices. But that's a discussion for another time/thread.

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Besides the point. The way she said it could be seen that way given the history of Madonna's shading tendencies when it comes to Gaga.

As for B's voice being stronger than Gaga's. I have to disagree. They are both very different voices. But that's a discussion for another time/thread.

I don't think it was shade on M's part and here's why: she knew people were expecting her to say something shady or a subtle insult about Gaga and of course she felt the pressure of it and said what she said.

Madonna said way more hurtful things back in the early 90s and if you compare them to "Good voice", it seems like a genuine compliment.

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Is anyone really gullible to believe this though?

I don't understand why people think that one positive comment is enough to mend over everything.

She was on Ellen, and she received a **** ton of bad press for her b---hy comments. Of course she is going to quit with the shade for awhile.


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i hate madonna but some of you are reaching a lot in this threat.the only comments about talent were made for beyonce and gaga.the rest were good kisser,s-xy,nice ass (nothing about a singer)plus she sure knows a lot about gaga for her to pretend she doesnt care:)she knew what her tatoo is about.plus she said it herself in a humorous way that the pause was to play .she knows what she sais abot gaga makes headlines obviously unlike what she sais about the rest.that alone makes gaga ahead of the rest(that madonna has to think twice and play more before answering).that said i hope bey wipes the floor of her feed with the next superbowl.ppl need to see real talent this time:)

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Well i think it was nice of madonna to say that, "good voice" and the comment on her tattoo is really nice. One of the best comments she said there. If not the best.

why are there people arguing about this tho, you people love to argue about everything. damn.


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