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Fat Shaming Gaga... Seriously?


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8 hours ago, blankpaper said:

And even if it wasn’t unhealthy, metabolisms change over time. I don’t know if everyone complaining is just refusing to acknowledge that or if they’re too young to understand that lol. The body someone has in their early to mid 20s probably isn’t the body they’ll have in their mid 30s, especially for women

Absolutely this too. It hits you like a truck when you start to get older and suddenly can’t quite eat like you used to without gaining weight like you never did before!

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She put on a bit of weight (like most of us, lbr), but its not a substanial amount. She is by no means fat. If she had styled herself differently we wouldn't be having this convo. GGD stanned her lewks a week or two ago in those ROM mini-weather reports.

 I wish she'd get out of that rut of having the same 2 looks for the GeePee (Sparkly leotard, or leather & a bandana). That said, this is all heading towards a #PlasticDoll type of place.

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It really sad to see fat shaming. Gaga has many times said that she takes a lot of medication and certain types of medication do make you gain weight easily. She could probably be eating the smallest portions of food but gains weight so quick due to a type of medication she's on. 

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even gaga fat shaming herself with posting grammy photo with edited big boobs for ROM promo

kindness queen indeed

my country hates F@Gs
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You're so right, and the shaming is disgusting. I think she looks beautiful! And I'm so sorry you've been triggered as well :( 

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I mean no disrespect to the OP who was clearly well-intentioned, but I think essentially what has happened here is that a topic which should have been buried in an unmarked grave has ended up generating 260 replies and 10000 views.

If someone makes a comment on social media which is unacceptable, then I think the best course of action is to report it and otherwise just ignore it. There are 7 billion of us on this planet. I think it is unwise to get hot and bothered over one person's comment. 

The photo which was the subject of the original thread was a still from Gaga's speech to the class of 2020. I watched the speech. I saw a woman with a strong voice make an impassioned and excellent speech, and, if you must know, I thought the woman was beautiful as well.


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Cas Winchester
1 hour ago, ActLikeStr8 said:

even gaga fat shaming herself with posting grammy photo with edited big boobs for ROM promo

kindness queen indeed

Is this a new troll account? :oprah:

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1 minute ago, Cas Winchester said:

Is this a new troll account? :oprah:

troll me daddy

my country hates F@Gs
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 As a woman myself, it’s hurtful seeing people comment on her body, especially most of these comments coming from her fans. I’ve seen threads criticize her look and shading her for looking like “discount Judas”.

Like damn, let her dress and look how she wants. There’s already so much societal pressure for women to look and act a certain way, she definitely doesn’t need it from her fanbase ugh

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The only thing that’s fat in the pic is her hair

That being said it’s bad to see people shame her. Especially since it’s probably still a sensitive issue for her..she even sings about it on Chromatica:“you don’t think I‘ve pulled my weight“ so the guy she was dating dragged her & now her fans are as well. Great toxic circle.


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high heeled fem
12 hours ago, BloodyM said:

It really sad to see fat shaming. Gaga has many times said that she takes a lot of medication and certain types of medication do make you gain weight easily. She could probably be eating the smallest portions of food but gains weight so quick due to a type of medication she's on. 

Thank you for this I posted about the type of anti psychotic she’s on that’s terrible and banned in some countries. She should be on a lighter one, the one is she on is very very very heavy for people with extreme schizophrenia 

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14 hours ago, high heeled fem said:

Thank you for this I posted about the type of anti psychotic she’s on that’s terrible and banned in some countries. She should be on a lighter one, the one is she on is very very very heavy for people with extreme schizophrenia 

I agree with you 100%!! And it seems like she takes more medication rather than just psychotic's as I remember in 5ft2, there was a scene where she was at the doctor and the list of medications was very long! And she also had mentioned thyroid which can make you gain weight by breathing air ..... I am sure that she tries her best to stay fit but medication does that to you and people need to be more sensitive about it. . . 

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Tim, I agree with you whole heartedly. 

and one thing I always notice is the amount of gay cis men that comment on and shame women’s bodies. It’s like not even your territory! You don’t even crave it! Even if you were straight that would be even more disgusting. Why does ANY man feel the need to shame a body they have NO IDEA how to care for.

I am currently on a health journey for myself and it’s moments like these that tell me how cruel her fans can be. 

I WISH some people could have the audacity to say it in front of her face and see what happens.


Oh wait, some of you won’t ever get to meet her. 



How can you knowingly be a fan of someone to preaches kindness and be the least kind of people?! She doesn’t deserve that. No one does! 

Be kind or get a new hobby, or a new fave. 

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Let me get this straight. Gaga pulls a speech from her heart about kindness and development as a human being, and fans are commenting on her weight?

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