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Fat Shaming Gaga... Seriously?


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9 minutes ago, Monsterabriel said:

Well, her ass is famous!

As it should be :ally:

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Most people fail to realize that being REALLY skinny like Gaga was during the Monster Ball - early BTW era, if your metabolism doesn't naturally work that way, needs A LOT of hard work and consistency, which we may not have during these times. I used to be skinny as ****, like, you could count my bones. I did 6 days of training a week, and ate only two meals each day, never really finishing a plate. Let me tell you tha I would NEVER want to go back to that. After a while, you start not being able to eat as much, which is scary. Every time I went back to my hometown people would be like "oh you lost weight". Now, they're like "oh, you gained weight". While it never hurt me, there are a lot of people who are hurt by these comments, people who deal with severe anorexia, or obesity, diabetes, or any disorder that may affect your eating habits, really.

You can never make people completely happy. That is not important anyway.

What's important is being able to be happy and healthy in your own body, through your own standards. This applies to anyone, not just Gaga, but to you too. If people don't want you, if they don't like you in your current form, **** them. 

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What disturbs me the most about this idiotic mentality, is that, if you call a body like that "fat", or even when some of you pretend to be nice "she gained pounds cuz quarantine", is that, what screwed up standards you can have that you consider that overweight? If you consider Gaga fat in these pics, if one extra pound deserves to be called out, then you must consider people like, idk, old Adele as some radioactively mutated inflated blue whale, and thats pretty effed up.

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5 minutes ago, Adakam said:

What disturbs me the most about this idiotic mentality, is that, if you call a body like that "fat", or even when some of you pretend to be nice "she gained pounds cuz quarantine", is that, what screwed up standards you can have that you consider that overweight? If you consider Gaga fat in these pics, if one extra pound deserves to be called out, then you must consider people like, idk, old Adele as some radioactively mutated inflated blue whale, and thats pretty effed up.

It’s horrifying that some people seem to want Gaga at her absolute skinniest, which we all know was achieved through the unhealthiest of ways and during a time when she was clearly in a really bad place mentally.

It’s one thing to have a preferred aesthetic, but it’s another entirely to crave that look even when it’s to the detriment of her health.

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12 minutes ago, Adakam said:

What disturbs me the most about this idiotic mentality, is that, if you call a body like that "fat", or even when some of you pretend to be nice "she gained pounds cuz quarantine", is that, what screwed up standards you can have that you consider that overweight? If you consider Gaga fat in these pics, if one extra pound deserves to be called out, then you must consider people like, idk, old Adele as some radioactively mutated inflated blue whale, and thats pretty effed up.

It's a continuation of the issue where pop fans tend to imprint on a particular image of their pop star and don't ever want it to change.  So for girls like Gaga, Britney, XTina, Ariana,Rihanna, et al, any change from the "standard" that the fans imprinted on is looked down on.   It's a big problem in the image driven world of commercial pop music.   I remember how much crap Xtina got from her fans and everyone when she gained weight.  Her voice and artistry didn't change at all, but because of her weight she was less desirable as a pop star to many.   On the other hand stars like Adele and Lizzo can actually be expected to get some measure of "shaming" in their own way from some of their fans if they lose weight, because people will feel like they betrayed them for some dumb reason.  The superficiality of the commercial pop industry is not healthy for it's stars, especially because the demands of some of these people (as you alluded to) can only be satisfied with basically what amounts to eating disorders.



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Galactic Mess

Lol who cares about her weight. Look at the amazing album she just put out. As long as it doesn't affect her health, it shouldn't be a problem. 

And yes, I'm aware popstars also live off their image, but Gaga isn't promoting her work right now, so she doesn't have to worry about her looks that much. I know I don't. Haven't shaved for weeks now.

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3 minutes ago, gagasicebath said:

It’s horrifying that some people seem to want Gaga at her absolute skinniest, which we all know was achieved through the unhealthiest of ways and during a time when she was clearly in a really bad place mentally.

It’s one thing to have a preferred aesthetic, but it’s another entirely to crave that look even when it’s to the detriment of her health.

And even if it wasn’t unhealthy, metabolisms change over time. I don’t know if everyone complaining is just refusing to acknowledge that or if they’re too young to understand that lol. The body someone has in their early to mid 20s probably isn’t the body they’ll have in their mid 30s, especially for women

reality’s tight if the music is right
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I’m sorry but everyone is spelling sexy AF wrong! :vegas: Would anyone like to tell me what they think of this look?!:oprah:

She has a curvy body that most woman would kill for! I have chicken legs, do you know what I would do for legs like hers? She’s prefect and always has been. She’s healthy looking now and it’s a fantastic look on her! I’m sorry but healthy >>>>>>>> skinny! 

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14 minutes ago, Renie said:

I’m sorry but everyone is spelling sexy AF wrong! :vegas: Would anyone like to tell me what they think of this look?!:oprah:

She has a curvy body that most woman would kill for! I have chicken legs, do you know what I would do for legs like hers? She’s prefect and always has been. She’s healthy looking now and it’s a fantastic look on her! I’m sorry but healthy >>>>>>>> skinny! 

Your legs are perfect :interestinga: and so are hers :ally:

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feel sick thinking about how upset she would be seeing people say that about her

I would absolutely HATE to be a celebrity, have everyone pick me apart every day, I do that myself enough! stop it already people, spread more kindness and love, I honestly think Gaga would rather little monsters die off and those that are true fans of hers and support her without constantly tearing her down just call themselves a kindness punk instead, so that is what I will do

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I just realized that she could have gain little weight because she quitted smoking 🤔

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I don´t understand this fanbase.. 

At some point I think that some of the Little Monsters are just never satisfied with Gaga.

If she weighs too little - it is wrong.

Did she gain 5 kilograms - wrong too.

If she is posting too much on social media - wrong

Too little - wrong too.

What tf do you want? I love her body - she does obviously, and you should too! :legend:


Go get a Life !! 

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