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Fat Shaming Gaga... Seriously?


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For some people being a real Gaga fan means buying tickets for each of her tours, owning a ton of merch and knowing all lyrics by heart.

For me a real gaga fan is one who just loves what she does AND ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS HER MESSAGE ABOUT KINDNESS AND ACCEPTANCE.

Wanna know what "beauty standards" led me to? A ****ING EATING DISORDER. Watching all food labels, counting calories... and I was still overweight and judged by my look? Wow, it's hard. I was going crazy. Sometimes I was starving myself, sometimes I was eating supersized portions of food because I was so tired to control everything for what... nothing? I was still "fat"! Let me tell you... it's a vicious circle.

2 years ago after months of crying because I gained weight (I was in a burn out so I was already not feeling well at all), I consulted a nutritionist. I thought she would help me lose the weight. ahahahah. BIG MISTAKE. She wanted me to stop fearing food and to re-learn the feeling of satiety I totally lost with years of going crazy. 2 years after, it's getting better but I often wonder if I ate too much or not enough. It's not as easy as you would think.

I gained about 40 pounds by trying to recover from this. It's kinda hard when you have a food addiction because it's in your face EVERY DAY, and not just once. You can't just cut it out of your life like you can do with alcohol or drugs. And coronavirus didn't help, even tho I go out every day to move my body. 

I won't write everything about my journey here, but honestly:

1- Shaming people based on their size NEVER DO ANY GOOD.

2- It's very hypocritical to be supportive of SOME discriminated groups (but not all of them because...???) And that said..:

3- Go educate yourself on fatphobia. Hey, even wikipedia have a super nice page about it! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_stigma_of_obesity


5- The value of Gaga (or anybody else in the world) isn't linked to her size

6- The pandemic situation made MANY PEOPLE gain weight. Because they can't go out as they would want to, or for some food can bring some consolation (HINT: consolation by food isn't just linked to an eating disorder)... who are we to judge them?

7- Seriously reconsider your status as "fan" if you shame your favorite singer because she gain a bit of weight.

I'm so tired of seeing people bashing others.



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5 hours ago, KanyeWest said:

What is great shape to you could be something else to some people

Not everyone is insecure about their body. So to say "if Gaga can go out there while gaining weight..." is a little weird. Maybe she doesn't care. I gain weight then lose the weight and I never think about it because I don't care if my belly looks a bit fuller and maybe Gaga doesn't either so you can't assume how she feels about her body.

Just because u gain weight doesn't mean ur depressed. She could be very happy in her rship and eating good italian food. Not everyone is insecure like you so stop assuming how other people feel about theirs

First paragraph: I know this.

Second paragraph: I don't think it's fair of you to take a dump on something that inspires me. And your logic is flawed. She has always stood on a stage and said "If I can do it, you can do it" even though the 20,000 people in the audience don't have the same brain as her.

Third: I gave real reasons for the possibility that she is depressed. Never once did I say "she's gained weight so she's depressed now."

Other people in this thread have pointed out understandable reasons to not like my post. You have not. 

My name isn't Timmers
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  I was so confused when I finally saw the photo after reading this thread... LMs judging her for her weight when you literally can’t even see anything from the photo. Yall (LMs complaining on Twitter) are a MESS

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mr wayne

I'm seriously not surprised of how this fanbase is treating her as media did back in 2012 :interestinga:lady_gaga_fat2.jpg?quality=70&strip=all

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It feels like a pertinent time to recall these photos which Gaga posted herself with the caption "anorexia and bulimia since I was 15." I hope we can all create a safer world for each other where we don't have to fear the ridicule we've seen today

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People are so disgusting and ignorant 😡😡😡 I feel ashamed if any her team see tweets about this u realise when she was really skinny back from 2008-2011 she was anorexic and had bulimiaIs this how u treat somebody who makes music to heal you and better YOUR mental health. True evil some fans are. She looks healthy like any average woman, Not that she has to explain herself to ANYONE. u realise when she was really skinny back from 2008-2011 she was anorexic and had bulimia !! her body type is not naturally thin. So if you’s want her to go back to that so she fits ur ‘beauty standards’ idk what to say 😤 however her small weight gain could be from anything:

1- in your 30s, keeping weight off gets harder

2- fibromyalgia ‘her chronic pain condition’ causes flaring and body swelling / added water weight 

3- she’s on strong anti-psychotics which cause weight gain 

4- she has depression so we don’t know how that effects her eating habits 

5- we don’t know if she’s on any birth-control pills 🤷🏽‍♀️ Since she hasn't gotten pregnant she could be on them. They’re known for making u gain weight 

6- its QUARANTINE !!! lots of people have gained weight from staying home so why put her to such a high standard expecting her to look perfect while yall out here gaining weight too ?? 

7- she likes to feel good and EAT whatever she wants rather than starve to look good for media/hateful fans and not be happy

EITHER LISTEN TO HER MESSAGE OF KINDNESS OR STFU (yall cannot call yourself true little monsters, nobody who actually loves her would dare say something that could affect her like that)

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I’m not even sure what photo you’re talking about but I will say the fatphobic thread still has me triggered. It really makes me feel that if some of the people on here met me in real life they wouldn’t be so nice as they are to me here. 

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mr wayne
Just now, Doot said:

What photo are y'all even talking about?


8 minutes ago, SamanthaC said:

I’m not even sure what photo you’re talking about but I will say the fatphobic thread still has me triggered. It really makes me feel that if some of the people on here met me in real life they wouldn’t be so nice as they are to me here. 


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What photo are we talking about??

im confused why anyone would fat shame our queen

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1 hour ago, HybridAT said:

She will appear on the Dear Class of 2020 Youtube livestream, we don't know the exact time though


Omg is this screenshot what y'all are freaking out about? :ladyhaha:

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Can everyone RELAX it’s just an unflattering outfit

also it’s HER BODY 💀💀 If y’all are so obsessed with Gaga that her weight bothers YOU.. oh my

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Hybrid AT
8 minutes ago, Doot said:

Omg is this screenshot what y'all are freaking out about? :ladyhaha:

Yes, this is what has gotten the fatphobes triggered today. A normal picture of her trying to throw it back by wearing a loose Judas-esque jacket and bandana  :fthis:

"Her face looks bigger, is she pregnant" :rip:

(I'm not joking, someone literally said that in the original thread)

"I was protected by the monks of Azarath, I was raised by my friends. They are my family, this is my home and you are not welcome here."
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Judas Society
2 hours ago, LGs LM said:

What's more disturbing is that most of the people who fatshamed her are probably MEN.

Most of them are probably gay men who is masc4masc, no skinny, no fat, prefers gym fit athletic tall.....

This is why Gaga is no longer trying to please her fans. Because her fans bully her the same way their bullies did them. And most probably those are her "original fans" who stanned TF/TFM era and wants that era back.

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