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Chromatica Track Lengths & Names


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Infinity Wave

This album is a rollercoaster of emotions lol

One second I am SO hyped then the next track lenghts come out and I'm so disappointed, then I think I'll be able to listen through it all every time while commuting and I's SO happy again cuz if I got just 30 minutes I can never choose the rigth songs and I just end up listening to the singles and forget about all the deep cuts :bradley:

I'm so HYPED AGAIN omg

QUEEN of giving us a FULLY LISTENABLE album on a 30 minutes train ride :bradley:

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I know I commented like 3 seconds ago but I think Iā€™m okay with these lengths actually. After the Free Woman and Rain On Me demo, I think what Gaga did was make the song as she normally would with intros and all and then she cut out the fluff (I.e. think of Poker Faceā€™s long ass, never endingĀ outro). Poker Face couldā€™ve ended at 3:06 and still have been the monstrous bop that it is. The outro is literally over aĀ minute of fluff šŸ˜‚

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Infinity Wave
10 minutes ago, TylerBR97 said:

Iā€™m disappointed that they are all short but this will be a VERY easy album to listen to start to finish pretty much every time,Ā as long as every song is as good as Rain On Me šŸ˜‚

I will admit that sometimes listening to albums in full is hard for me. I get tired of it if itā€™s too long even if I love every single song (BTW Deluxe, Madame X Deluxe, Norman ****ing Rockwell, etc). Iā€™ll wait til it comes.Ā 

Thanks for this Ā :giveup:

You just changed my scope on the lengthsĀ :giveup:

I usually have 30 minutes train rides + 10 minutes walks... and always have to carefully choose what songs to listen to...Ā 

Now I won't have to omgĀ :bradley: I'm so HYPED

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1 minute ago, Infinity Wave said:

Thanks for this Ā :giveup:

You just changed my scope on the lengthsĀ :giveup:

I usually have 30 minutes train rides + 10 minutes walks... and always have to carefully choose what songs to listen to...Ā 

Now I won't have to omgĀ :bradley: I'm so HYPED

Yeah, as long as the songs are as densely packed as Rain On Me, I think Chromatica will still be excellent and the perfect album to always listen to start to finish

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I mean, ROM does have replay value but itā€™s kinda sad to see her sacrifice minutes of a song just for commercial purposes. I think thatā€™s the only reason why theyā€™re so short. Maybe Chromatica is just a very commercial album after all. Iā€™ll still bop to it and iā€™m gonna love it but i really think she couldā€™ve done more with the songs. 2:37 for Sour Candy? Come on, what kind of collab is that short? The artists should have the time to say what they have to say in the songĀ :messga:Ā this looks like Gaga only called them to have a ā€œtrendyā€ feature. Iā€™m really loving ROM but i hate that everything about this era has to be ā€œtrendyā€.Ā 

Maybe itā€™s not that serious but whateverĀ :oops:

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5 hours ago, Enigma said:

I never noticed John Wayne was short so I'm not worried about theseĀ :shrug:

That's when you know it's that good music right:flutter:

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Acid Wonderland
1 hour ago, NewUsername said:

well, it's an "evolution" to fit the streaming era (which is not HER fault), but artistically it's a risk and actually a set back :(Ā 

Ā Ā 

10 minutes ago, SHALLOW said:

I mean, ROM does have replay value but itā€™s kinda sad to see her sacrifice minutes of a song just for commercial purposes.

Why are you acting like Gaga is making some crazy edgy progressive music that requires an incredible amount of time to get into all the complex composition... This is mainstream manufactured corporate pop music we're talking about, if you want long songs go listen to some indie bands.Ā Gaga is NOT the only one who decides about such strategiesĀ , Gaga is a brand, it's a company with tons of employees and people who take care of the brand in different areas, Interscope records is adapting to the market and if you look at all the recent interscope releases they're all kinda short due to the streaming era.Ā I just get annoyed fast if the song feels over and the artist is just beating a dead horse. I want the piece to leave me wanting more, not thinking "finally".

You're really uncultured if you think length determines quality.Ā There is no room for error in a short timespan so every section of the song must be strong.Ā Depends entirely on the genre and the song composition. It makes sense for stuff like grind or crust to be really short since it's so frantic, whereas stoner or progressive can't be rushed.

Shorter songs tend to work most effectively when it comes to certain genres, as it reinforces the urgent and frenetic energy that the genre relies on.Ā Short pieces of music can communicate as much as long pieces. In fact I value concise, efficient story-telling in a song as a positive trait.Ā One of the things punk music often does is boil rock songs down to their most essential elements then amplify that.Ā 

Some of Boards of Canadas most emotive and beautiful songs clock under 2 minutes.Ā 

Short songs are also common in grindcore and powerviolence. Look at most grind albums and you'll see lots of songs shorter than a minute (sometimes much shorter), and hardly any longer than 2 minutes. It serves the genre well because it gives an effect of unpredictability and restless energy when you're listening to an album, which fits the extreme aesthetic well. It also prevents the music from being tedious to listen to - even as someone who loves grind, I find it difficult to listen to 5+ minute songs and 40+ minute albums in that style.

Do you even listen to hip-hop or lofi stuff? This short song thing has been a thing for +2 years now , andĀ rap is the most streamed genre across streaming services these days, The biggest rap songs of the last few years were all less than 2Ā minute long (Gucci Gang, Old Town Road etc), most of xxxtentacion's songs are short as hell too.Ā 

I'm also going to suggest checking out J Dilla's album Donuts. I don't think a single track exceeds the three minute mark and it is consistently wonderful throughout.Ā Deerhoof also have very short songs, but they are stuffed with ideas. Have you tried Wire? They're an example too - they have a song that's 30 seconds long, and it's a masterpiece.

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11 minutes ago, SHALLOW said:

I mean, ROM does have replay value but itā€™s kinda sad to see her sacrifice minutes of a song just for commercial purposes. I think thatā€™s the only reason why theyā€™re so short. Maybe Chromatica is just a very commercial album after all. Iā€™ll still bop to it and iā€™m gonna love it but i really think she couldā€™ve done more with the songs. 2:37 for Sour Candy? Come on, what kind of collab is that short? The artists should have the time to say what they have to say in the songĀ :messga:Ā this looks like Gaga only called them to have a ā€œtrendyā€ feature. Iā€™m really loving ROM but i hate that everything about this era has to be ā€œtrendyā€.Ā 

Maybe itā€™s not that serious but whateverĀ :oops:

What besides the track lengths has been trendyĀ :triggered:Ā 

sheā€™s promoting the album on a weather channel. The aesthetic of the album is like nothing out right now (common theme but not trendy). House music isnā€™t really on trend. I think itā€™s been pretty stand out and unique. Sheā€™s selling a jock strap, thong, umbrella, and rain boots for Godā€™s sake šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

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13 minutes ago, SHALLOW said:

I mean, ROM does have replay value but itā€™s kinda sad to see her sacrifice minutes of a song just for commercial purposes. I think thatā€™s the only reason why theyā€™re so short. Maybe Chromatica is just a very commercial album after all. Iā€™ll still bop to it and iā€™m gonna love it but i really think she couldā€™ve done more with the songs. 2:37 for Sour Candy? Come on, what kind of collab is that short? The artists should have the time to say what they have to say in the songĀ :messga:Ā this looks like Gaga only called them to have a ā€œtrendyā€ feature. Iā€™m really loving ROM but i hate that everything about this era has to be ā€œtrendyā€.Ā 

Maybe itā€™s not that serious but whateverĀ :oops:

I have to agree.Ā 

I mean, definitely the track lengths are that short because of commercial purposes. And, to be honest, I STAN Ariana and Gaga since like a century ago and while I love every second of them together doing ANYTHING, sometimes I feel like Gaga is trying too hard to be involved with her and for the GP to see that she's friends with her. It feels a bit like she wants to take advantage of Ariana's success for her album. Same goes with BLACKPINK now that I see the length of 'Sour Candy'

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8 hours ago, POPARTHD said:

Okay but why have a 27 second track?:rip::selena:

This, it could just be added to the song as an intro:coffee:

I'm probably wrong
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26 minutes ago, ***goys said:

Ā Ā 

Why are you acting like Gaga is making some crazy edgy progressive music that requires an incredible amount of time to get into all the complex composition... This is mainstream manufactured corporate pop music we're talking about, if you want long songs go listen to some indie bands.Ā Gaga is NOT the only one who decides about such strategiesĀ , Gaga is a brand, it's a company with tons of employees and people who take care of the brand in different areas, Interscope records is adapting to the market and if you look at all the recent interscope releases they're all kinda short due to the streaming era.Ā I just get annoyed fast if the song feels over and the artist is just beating a dead horse. I want the piece to leave me wanting more, not thinking "finally".

You're really uncultured if you think length determines quality.Ā There is no room for error in a short timespan so every section of the song must be strong.Ā Depends entirely on the genre and the song composition. It makes sense for stuff like grind or crust to be really short since it's so frantic, whereas stoner or progressive can't be rushed.

Shorter songs tend to work most effectively when it comes to certain genres, as it reinforces the urgent and frenetic energy that the genre relies on.Ā Short pieces of music can communicate as much as long pieces. In fact I value concise, efficient story-telling in a song as a positive trait.Ā One of the things punk music often does is boil rock songs down to their most essential elements then amplify that.Ā 

Some of Boards of Canadas most emotive and beautiful songs clock under 2 minutes.Ā 

Short songs are also common in grindcore and powerviolence. Look at most grind albums and you'll see lots of songs shorter than a minute (sometimes much shorter), and hardly any longer than 2 minutes. It serves the genre well because it gives an effect of unpredictability and restless energy when you're listening to an album, which fits the extreme aesthetic well. It also prevents the music from being tedious to listen to - even as someone who loves grind, I find it difficult to listen to 5+ minute songs and 40+ minute albums in that style.

Do you even listen to hip-hop or lofi stuff? This short song thing has been a thing for +2 years now , andĀ rap is the most streamed genre across streaming services these days, The biggest rap songs of the last few years were all less than 2Ā minute long (Gucci Gang, Old Town Road etc), most of xxxtentacion's songs are short as hell too.Ā 

I'm also going to suggest checking out J Dilla's album Donuts. I don't think a single track exceeds the three minute mark and it is consistently wonderful throughout.Ā Deerhoof also have very short songs, but they are stuffed with ideas. Have you tried Wire? They're an example too - they have a song that's 30 seconds long, and it's a masterpiece.

Very well put. Fans seem to think Gaga is above typical pop music/industry standards; she isn't.Ā 

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Some of her shorter songs like Money Honey, Eh, Eh, Just Another Day, Beautiful Dirty Rich, Grigio Girls, John Wayne are all under 3 minutes and don't sound short so fingers crossed!

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