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Diasies- 1.2M youtube views after 12 hours


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God Control
1 minute ago, Poker said:

Only her fans care for Katy and she doesn't have that many anymore. The GP let her go during the Rise era.

I’ll be honest, I don’t follow pop singer news much and I’m only here because I’m bored later. Before that I was just lurking, but what really happened with Katy? Why did her fan base dwindle? What went wrong? Chained to the Rhythm was beautiful and everything she did before that was amazing. Bon Appetite and Swish Swish were so popular too, so what happened?

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I listened to it once yesterday and forgot about it until I saw this thread again to be quite honest.. I'm so sorry Katy :nooo:

fan-tas-tique, chic, freak, slaaaay
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Daylight Jokers
2 hours ago, SEXODUS said:

What can revive her career at this point? :rip:

A great song (NRO) followed by another good song (not Small Talk). NRO did great but she lost her momentum with ST. I have a soft spot for Katy so I still hope Daisies charts even though I didn't vibe with it.

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11 minutes ago, God Control said:

I’ll be honest, I don’t follow pop singer news much and I’m only here because I’m bored later. Before that I was just lurking, but what really happened with Katy? Why did her fan base dwindle? What went wrong? Chained to the Rhythm was beautiful and everything she did before that was amazing. Bon Appetite and Swish Swish were so popular too, so what happened?

I was a huge Katy fan during One of the Boys/Teenage dream. I can only speak from my experience. She lost her charm during TD. She went from a corky, silly, fun girl to a chart obsessed cringe worthy atention seeker. The quality of her music suffered a lot (even tho Prism has some jewels). First, she promised an evolution only to return with a washed down sound. Then, she changed her look, which was one of her main strengths during OftB/TD/Prism. She lost her personality, her looks AND she lost Dr Luke for obvious reasons, too, which were her formula to success.. Now, imo, everything she does seems uninspired and fake, as if she's trying to return to her OOTB/TD persona but failing miserably.

Kindness rules all.
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God Control
1 minute ago, Poker said:

I was a huge Katy fan during One of the Boys/Teenage dream. I can only speak from my experience. She lost her charm during TD. She went from a corky, silly, fun girl to a chart obsessed cringe worthy atention seeker. The quality of her music suffered a lot (even tho Prism has some jewels). First, she promised an evolution only to return with a washed down sound. Then, she changed her look, which was one of her main strengths during OftB/TD/Prism. She lost Dr Luke for obvious reasons, too. Now, for me, everything she does seems uninspired and fake, trying to stick to her TD persona but not really.

I got to know her in TD. I used to play the Complete Confection version in full from start to end, and I loved every song on it, then Prism came and I loved Walking On Air, Dark Horse and few other songs on it, and with Witness, Chained to tru Rhythm and Bon Appetit were nice, but it wasn’t as strong of an album as TD.

Recently, I thought 365 and NRO were good, music videos were impressive, Daisies is just ok and so is Harleys in Hawaii.

It does feel like she isn’t innovating and when she tries to follow the same style, it comes off as alright or good, but misses the strong punch of the earlier works. Like you said, a watered down version of them... ugh. I hope she collaborates with some real talents and makes something completely different and h expected with some surprise release, top visuals and a huge event to launch it. 

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TWICE on hatius
18 minutes ago, God Control said:

I’ll be honest, I don’t follow pop singer news much and I’m only here because I’m bored later. Before that I was just lurking, but what really happened with Katy? Why did her fan base dwindle? What went wrong? Chained to the Rhythm was beautiful and everything she did before that was amazing. Bon Appetite and Swish Swish were so popular too, so what happened?

Bon Appétit peaked #59, Swish Swish peaked #46. CTTR was coming off a huge ass era and peaked #4. Wouldn’t say they’re that popular.

After 2014 music started to switch to EDM’ed and Trap while miss Hudson was still believing in hyper teen pop. Hence, her music felt out of place => dated music

Her appearance was also changed, making her looking like what Americans hate most: a white feminist. => lost sex appeal

Her vague political identity also lost her conservative stans like her HAC soccer moms while liberals still found it hard to believe in her (unlike Beyoncé) => lost favoritism on radio

What she could have done differently is paying a big risk right with dark horse with her witchy original concept. So GP could get used to her new image right when the music was still popular but she didn’t. Consequently, they boxed her into the corny quirky girl with a lot of sex appeal image.

Please ignore the spelling in username. I am a Beyonce stan afterall.
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I try to like the song but even after 10 times listening to the song, I can't remember its melody or anything. Never Worn White is a better song, in my opinion. I kept replaying it and Never Really Over. But Daisies is just like Small Talk...

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The only part I like is when she screams DAISIES:billie: 

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God Control
9 minutes ago, OooooooO said:

Bon Appétit peaked #59, Swish Swish peaked #46. CTTR was coming off a huge ass era and peaked #4. Wouldn’t say they’re that popular.

After 2014 music started to switch to EDM’ed and Trap while miss Hudson were still believing in hyper teen pop. Hence, her music felt out of place => dated music

Her appearance was also changed, making her looking like what Americans hate most: a white feminist. => lost sex appeal

Her vague political identity also lost her conservative stans like her HAC soccer moms while liberals still found it hard to believe in her (unlike Beyoncé) => lost favoritism on radio

What she could have done differently is paying a big risk right with dark horse with her witchy original concept. So GP could get used to her new image right when the music was still popular but she didn’t. Consequently, they boxed her into the corny quirky girl with a lot of sex appeal image.

Whoa, that’s a lot to take in.

I wouldn’t say the songs weren’t popular though. They got great YouTube views at least, but yeah maybe not the best by her own standards.

It‘a a shame though. None of the reasons (and I’m not saying that they aren’t true) seems to be a good enough reason to ditch a singer, which speaks volumes on how shallow this new generation is and how America perhaps is towards music. Like an artist looking like a feminist or having leftist views or losing sex appeal or a song not following the most recent trend shouldn’t be a reason to not even give a song a chance. You don’t need to align your political views, looks, image and body with your favorite singer to listen to a song and shake your a*s to, nor do you need to listen only to the most recent trends. 

It’s a shame where music and the evaluation of music and the standards by which evaluation is made, has gotten us to, and I’m not just saying this to sound cool but I’d listen to Teenage Dream any day over anything on charts today or Trap or whatever, and I’m not even a huge fan of Katy nor pop music in general anyway.

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I feel like people are looking for reasons to drag her and I don't know why. 

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It's a good song but rather a weak leadsingle choice...I love her vocals in this one.

I feel Katy has lost touch with her genre and doesn't know what her style, vibe is. Ever since Witness, she's been trying to find out bur doesn't seem to have found her signature style.

She needs to go back to her pop songs a la Teenage Dream and PRISM.

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Guest Adarsh
3 minutes ago, Doot said:

I feel like people are looking for reasons to drag her and I don't know why. 

I think it’s because of her fans. Go to twitter, ATRL etc, her fans are saying SL is the biggest flop, dragging Gaga for every little thing. 

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12 hours ago, Miaou said:

this is the definition of tragic :rip: She has 36M subscribers on YouTube and it's her lead single :rip: 

Most of those 36M are not real people :huntyga:

I agree the song is mediocre...I understand it’s important to her personally but her voice is just grating and it sounds like it’s been done before and better by others. 

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This is the type of song you close out an era with not start one imo. It sounds like a "4th/5th single ending this chapter" type of track...idk why this is the lead. Cute song though

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