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Song of the Week!


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Luxe Ford

CamelPhar & Elderbrook - Cola

It warms my heart that a song that resonates with the very core of my being can get nominated for a Grammy.

#runningman #shuffle

What happens in Luxe Ford stays in Luxe Ford
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High Princess

I don't know if my obsession for this song can grow any further... definitely my top song of the week!


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That J

From my favorite album of all time..


The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than The Driver Of The Screw
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Luxe Ford

GRANT - Waterline

As shallow as I can be, and as much as I love the glitz and bling in pop, when I'm served perfect pop craftmanship on Swedish morning television I surrender completely.

GRANT is from the same small Swedish town and is the same age as my latest messed up pop crush Ängie, but couldn't be more different. This is real music with real emotions.

And I've had goosebumps the whole time I've had this on repeat since she first made me choke on my morning coffee less than an hour ago.

Class A.

Edit: sheesus, she's even better live. Well deserved standing ovation. Plus points for singing about yout suicide attempt at a family gathering.

Also a veritable tourist brochure for my beautiful home town of Stockholm.

What happens in Luxe Ford stays in Luxe Ford
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Luxe Ford

Stockholm Noir - Fear

SN are talented and I'd dance to this in a club because it's a straight up 4/4 catchy banger.

I just wish it had some syncopation or anything to make it swing and groove more to make it more intreresting.

As a contrast, here's something syncopated and less clean with a USP from 1993.

Delta Lady - Anything You Want

[i talk too much!]

What happens in Luxe Ford stays in Luxe Ford
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  • 4 months later...
Luxe Ford

Aldous Harding - The Barrow

Alt Folk is so not my thing, but the thumbnail - weird costume, dramatic pose - intrigued me when it appeared in my YouTube recommendations.

. My skin was sort of crawling the first time, but I kept putting it on repeat.

Very different from your average singer-songwriter stuff and I have NO Idea what the lyrics or video is about. But it's eccentric and different enough to shake my mind up.

What happens in Luxe Ford stays in Luxe Ford
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Luxe Ford

Friends of Matthew  - Feeling High


You want underground? This is underground!

Almost disco?

#poppers #MollyCulture


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Fallulah - Dysfunctional


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Arisa - Ho perso il mio amore (I've lost my love)

She's an italian singer, one of our best vocalist. Her voice is so pure, if you like please check her out! She's got some amazing songs! Let me know what you think :diane:

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