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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Have Left Canada and Are Now Settled in L.A.

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@StrawberryBlond Why would you say Meghan manipulates Harry  and that she is a gold digger? Wasn't she paid well in Suits and popular/known from this tv show ? (Idk much about her and Harry at all)

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Am I the only one that feels for them? Harry lost his mother from attacks from the public and the scrutiny is happening all over again. It probably really bothers him and he doesn’t want much to do with it. And good for him doing what he wants! It’s not fair to blame them or specifically her. They are living their lives. They don’t owe anything to anyone. LA is for sure a strange choice though...

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4 minutes ago, OBEY said:

@StrawberryBlond Why would you say Meghan manipulates Harry  and that she is a gold digger? Wasn't she paid well in Suits and popular/known from this tv show ? (Idk much about her and Harry at all)

Because he's become a different person since being with her and not in a good way. She's turned him into one of these clean-living woke types, complete with sanctimonious preachy speeches. He was nothing like this before her. There are rumours she even writes a lot of his public statements which wouldn't surprise me as they're littered with Americanisms. Moving away from his family to halfway across the world where he knows no one is not something the old Harry would have done, he was super close to family, there was no evidence of any rift between him and William until Meghan came along. It's clear who's the problem here. And she's clearly a gold digger as she's tried to make it in movies for years, taking any role she could get to make money, no matter how objectifying. And as soon as any guy she got with got her higher up the ladder, she dumped him and moved onto the next guy she used. She was living with her chef boyfriend, Corey, when she met Harry. She didn't make anywhere near as much money from Suits as it was claimed, she was never a millionaire. Even Americans hadn't heard of her. As many never tire of telling you, they had no clue who she was until she started dating Harry, it was a cable access show she was on, cable tv actresses don't mean anything in Hollywood. Let's not even get into all her other shady behaviour like ghosting people, abandoning her dad when he was no longer of use to her, not letting the public see her baby (who we're paying for), clearing seats around her at Wimbledon and refusing anyone the right to take photos of her (something never done by a royal before). She's trouble, it should be plain to see.

3 minutes ago, ADVENTURE said:

Am I the only one that feels for them? Harry lost his mother from attacks from the public and the scrutiny is happening all over again. It probably really bothers him and he doesn’t want much to do with it. And good for him doing what he wants! It’s not fair to blame them or specifically her. They are living their lives. They don’t owe anything to anyone. LA is for sure a strange choice though...

William lost his mum too and he never relied on that trauma like Harry does, who never stops bringing it up. William had to deal with awful things being printed about Kate too, but they muddled on through and that's how they're respected now. I highly suspect that Meghan's the one who's brought out all this late onset grief in Harry, almost encouraging him to be a mental wreck as he was never like this before. And absolutely, they don't owe anything to anyone. But they think we owe them. They still want us to pay for their security even though they're no longer royals or living in the UK. That's why people are still so annoyed with them even though they've given it all up.

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3 hours ago, StrawberryBlond said:

William lost his mum too and he never relied on that trauma like Harry does, who never stops bringing it up. William had to deal with awful things being printed about Kate too, but they muddled on through and that's how they're respected now. I highly suspect that Meghan's the one who's brought out all this late onset grief in Harry, almost encouraging him to be a mental wreck as he was never like this before. And absolutely, they don't owe anything to anyone. But they think we owe them. They still want us to pay for their security even though they're no longer royals or living in the UK. That's why people are still so annoyed with them even though they've given it all up.


I do hear what you are saying about tax payers paying their way but is that even an option? Like do they realistically have the choice to remove the security? And could they afford it if they even wanted to?

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14 hours ago, ADVENTURE said:

I do hear what you are saying about tax payers paying their way but is that even an option? Like do they realistically have the choice to remove the security? And could they afford it if they even wanted to?

Of course they have the choice but will they do it? When Trump send out that tweet about how the US isn't going to pay for them, the official statement was that they weren't expecting that and they'd already arranged private security. But that's still an ambiguous phrase. By private do they mean paid for by themselves? Or paid for by British taxpayers but not officially stated? We still haven't been told if they're refunding us for the refurbishment of Frogmore Cottage. I wouldn't put it past them to still want a slice of the pie, even if they only get 20% of our money or something. In America, celebrities pay for their own security. It won't look good if they're relying on any hand-outs. When your security costs £8 million a year, you have to make it abundantly clear who's paying for it.

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On 3/26/2020 at 6:34 PM, Glamourpuss said:

That's exactly it. They were expecting a free ride. It seems that they thought Canada would have taken them on as their adopted royal family but they weren't having it. It was only a matter of time until Meghan persuaded him to move to LA so she can go back to acting again. 

Harry and Meghan when they first arrived in Canada:


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19 hours ago, StrawberryBlond said:

I think it's the exotic nature of hearing an accent that you don't hear in your day-to-day life more than anything. I think the Californian accent is associated with hot girls and obviously, p**n stars. Whenever outsiders hear that accent from women, it tends to be a movie of some variety, so we associate it with wealth, celebrity, exclusivity, that kinda thing. And for a British man to get with an American woman, that's seen as a much bigger victory because we view American women to have super high standards when it comes to the attractiveness of men. I can't help thinking that average looking ginger Harry couldn't believe his luck that he'd pulled an American that looks like one of those hot sorority girls you see in movies. Men have proven to move heaven and earth to keep a beautiful woman, to hold on to the most beautiful woman who wants them. That's all I see when Harry's with her.

And American girl next door snatched a royal prince thinking she gets to live the good life and gets knocked up and "seals the deal" for the rest of her life...only to find out she is hated by the royals and media in the UK and doesnt wanna be a princess anymore so she wants her old life back as a semi successful actress and is dragging rebel prince harry with her... they are truly acting like spoiled teenagers running away together 

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9 minutes ago, TimisaMonster said:

And American girl next door snatched a royal prince thinking she gets to live the good life and gets knocked up and "seals the deal" for the rest of her life...only to find out she is hated by the royals and media in the UK and doesnt wanna be a princess anymore so she wants her old life back as a semi successful actress and is dragging rebel prince harry with her... they are truly acting like spoiled teenagers running away together 

I'm still torn on whether it was her plan from the start to get married, have a baby and overall stay in the family for about 2 years before quitting and moving back to LA to become a more successful actress based on her connections...or if this was a backup plan because the original plan of being a royal for the rest of her life wasn't the freedom-filled, progressive, adoring role she thought it would be. Without a doubt, like many Americans, I'm sure she was unaware of exactly what being a royal entails. First off, your role and how much attention you get depends on your ranking, with the lesser royals not getting all the perks. In the modern age, royals are merely public servants who do charity work, they don't even have any real power to make laws, that's for government. They have a whole bunch of public engagements every year, have to dress very proper, aren't allowed to get physically close to the public and can't do any career moves for personal gain. Maybe she went into this thinking she'd be the centre of attention, the most popular royal. That she'd have the power to bring a progressive role to an outdated institution, that she could maybe even put forward new laws. That she could live a life of opulence and luxury with only a couple of days "work" a year. That she'd be allowed to dress like a celebrity and hug the public and maybe, just maybe, be allowed to film an occasional movie. Plus, automatic adoration from the press and public. The reality was the opposite and her ego couldn't handle that.

She's probably convinced Harry that breaking away is what he wanted. But really, what are the chances that an LA actress who became a royal leaves the royalty and goes back to what she was before? There's a plan. By all accounts, Harry was fine living a coddled royal life, not having all the spotlight and pressure on him, safe and looked after, getting everything done for him. I don't believe he really wanted to leave and was just waiting for the right woman to leave with, no matter what people say. I also don't think he'll cope well on the celebrity circuit and doing stuff for himself with no guidance. You don't be royal all your life, leave it all behind at the age of 34 and can adapt perfectly. I don't know what will make him want to bail out faster - Meghan becoming top dog and bossing him around in her new-found civilian life or the gravity of being 100% responsible for everything in a way that he's never been before.

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19 hours ago, ADVENTURE said:

Am I the only one that feels for them?

yes, you are the only one.
Harry is not the only one who lost his mother as a child. I think his family was too good for him and spoiled him too much. He became trouble maker (do you remember this Nazi uniform, naked Las Vegas party?). I just don't get why people alway defend him and says this mess is just because of Meghan. They are both the same. 

I had a hole in the pocket of my favourite coat And my love for @Juanlittlem dropped into the lining
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9 minutes ago, magnolia said:

yes, you are the only one.
Harry is not the only one who lost his mother as a child. I think his family was too good for him and spoiled him too much. He became trouble maker (do you remember this Nazi uniform, naked Las Vegas party?). I just don't get why people alway defend him and says this mess is just because of Meghan. They are both the same. 


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1 hour ago, StrawberryBlond said:

I'm still torn on whether it was her plan from the start to get married, have a baby and overall stay in the family for about 2 years before quitting and moving back to LA to become a more successful actress based on her connections...or if this was a backup plan because the original plan of being a royal for the rest of her life wasn't the freedom-filled, progressive, adoring role she thought it would be. Without a doubt, like many Americans, I'm sure she was unaware of exactly what being a royal entails. First off, your role and how much attention you get depends on your ranking, with the lesser royals not getting all the perks. In the modern age, royals are merely public servants who do charity work, they don't even have any real power to make laws, that's for government. They have a whole bunch of public engagements every year, have to dress very proper, aren't allowed to get physically close to the public and can't do any career moves for personal gain. Maybe she went into this thinking she'd be the centre of attention, the most popular royal. That she'd have the power to bring a progressive role to an outdated institution, that she could maybe even put forward new laws. That she could live a life of opulence and luxury with only a couple of days "work" a year. That she'd be allowed to dress like a celebrity and hug the public and maybe, just maybe, be allowed to film an occasional movie. Plus, automatic adoration from the press and public. The reality was the opposite and her ego couldn't handle that.

She's probably convinced Harry that breaking away is what he wanted. But really, what are the chances that an LA actress who became a royal leaves the royalty and goes back to what she was before? There's a plan. By all accounts, Harry was fine living a coddled royal life, not having all the spotlight and pressure on him, safe and looked after, getting everything done for him. I don't believe he really wanted to leave and was just waiting for the right woman to leave with, no matter what people say. I also don't think he'll cope well on the celebrity circuit and doing stuff for himself with no guidance. You don't be royal all your life, leave it all behind at the age of 34 and can adapt perfectly. I don't know what will make him want to bail out faster - Meghan becoming top dog and bossing him around in her new-found civilian life or the gravity of being 100% responsible for everything in a way that he's never been before.

I mean...she may have a plan, be more comfortable in LA, and pursue her acting again...but what will he do? His resume just says spoiled royal for life...is he gonna work at Starbucks? America has no royals or obligation to treat him differently...especially if hes a has been royal now. Even as a "socialite" he will just be at parties and maybe do a lil charity work but how is he gonna make money for himself? What are his passions? Etc...

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41 minutes ago, KindnessPunk28 said:

Imagine moving from Canada to USA :billie: What a downgrade!! 

How so? Canada has universal healthcare, but America has a lot more to offer. A bigger  variety of climates, bigger cities, more corona, more Starbucks and targets for Harry to apply for, chic fil a...

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29 minutes ago, NCgaga said:

How so? Canada has universal healthcare, but America has a lot more to offer. A bigger  variety of climates, bigger cities, more corona, more Starbucks and targets for Harry to apply for, chic fil a...

But do they have the best city in North America aka Toronto? :gaycat:


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