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Does this look like Gaga?


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Ok, this is slightly creepy, but I'm working on something and I need your advice. Does this look like Gaga's face at all? What would you change for it to look more like her?





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I can see Gaga in this, I think the cheekbones, eyes and nose are alrdy rly good, the teeth are giving me some Freddie Mercury vibes tho, maybe it's the lips I'm not sure but really well done so far imo! 

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Face shape is kind of a bit off, maybe a bit less long? 

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Yeah I think her face is just a little bit more round and less long, and maybe the shape of the lips?  


everything else is good to me!


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My Name Isnt Alice

I can tell that it is Gaga but it doesn't look exactly like her maybe a little more fat

what are you planning anyway  :stalkga::stalkga:

secret latoya jackson GIF



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This looks a lot like old Gaga! Circa 2011-2012. Her face changes so much though that it really depends which time period you're going for :shrug: 

For example in profile her chin used to be further back, and now it almost reaches her lips. Her nose used to be more downturned, but it now longer in the tip. And obviously the cheekbones and lips. It's fillers.




More recent Gaga has fuller cheeks and a wider face, especially around the jaw/midface from front on. She also has a very soft jaw/ slight double chin. I'd also add some volume to the temples because her face doesn't curve back so much in that area.


She also has lower eyelids than she used to now (probably from botox dropping down her eyebrows, the same thing happened to me)




She's got a really difficult face to understand though, because she looks different in every picture! I remember trying to make her in The Sims once and being like wtf??? Every reference photo she looks different.


I'll be myself until they fūcking close the coffin.
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kinda looks like her here but her lips should be less perky and her face is more round and less long

please enlighten me to death
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Like others said, the shape of her face is less narrow. Also her jawline isn't as strong as the image but a lot rounder, especially the chin. And not to sound mean, but she has more chubby hamster cheeks.

Also the tip of her nose looks off. In real life it looks pointy from the front but in  profile the tip is round. The nose also isn't completely straight.

This looks more like her than Enigma does. 



According to Gaga I'm a ****ing rad bitch
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Looks like ARTPOPGa circa applause but yes, make her a little bit cheekier 

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I would say the same, the face is too narrow and too long. Other thing is that usually the eyes are in the middle of the head so now if you add hair she won’t have any forehead 

Free my mind, ARTPOP
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Like others said her face is a little bit more wide/rounded. Also the features are pretty good but in general her features are a little more small/delicate and not quite as strong 

the meow in zombieboy
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Is this for Chromatica? :excited2:



Admin is talented in 3D periodt

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Next Jeff koons

This is definitely why the Chromatica cover is delayed 


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