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Something that bothers me


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These last couple of years, people's (and especially youth's) patience has gone very downhill.
They want to have instant gratification, want their expectations to be met immediately etc. 
I work with youth everyday and notice a significant rise of this behaviour. 

Even though they're probably not the only culprits (I'm no sociologist, nor do I pretend to have the absolute truth. Nevertheless, these are my personal and other's close to me findings), social media is to blame. Youngsters nowadays grow up with apps like Instagram, Facebook and a constant, infinite stream of information. It is society's, teachers' and foremost the parents' job to guide this new generation, for them to develop a healthy relationship with social media.
For young people, enjoying things has become less evident: "I'll be entertained by this for 5 minutes and then I'll swipe on to the next thing".

All this leads me to the case of fans' reactions to the wait for LG6 (independently of the whole SL situation). I get that you (I do as well, of course) want new music by your favorite artist, but I'm trying to paint the picture of the bigger phenomenon, or even problem, this is part of.

People don't seem to appreciate looking forward to something anymore. Instead of enjoying for just a bit longer something that made you happy in the first place (eg. A Star Is Born), we're immediately looking for the next thing that will satisfy us. People lose interest and get mad, looking for their next pleasure/reward.


With the case of LG6, I often read "it's been 4 years!", which isn't even true. Joanne was released less than 3 and a half years ago and we got the A Star Is Born soundtrack about 1 and half year ago.


I'm in no way "above this all", I sometimes find myself guilty of this behaviour as well, but I try to be very conscious about this and I notice how extreme it has gotten for other people.

I think Anne Hathaway explained all of this perfectly in her Instagram post, which.... by coincidence, talks about A Star Is Born:

I'd like to end this OP with this German saying: Die Vorfreude ist die schönste Freude (Anticipation is the greatest joy).

PS: I post this here to share my opinion and to read about other's opinions on this, hoping this can be a serious conversation. I like stan lingo, forum lingo, jokes etc. as well, but let it be clear that this isn't the topic to comment things like "she should release LG6 though lol" or "ok whatever" or "imagine how tired we are" etc. Ok? :kara:


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I hate to be the "technology is ruining society!1!!! back in my day yadayadayada" person but unfortunately, tech is to blame here.

If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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5 minutes ago, Red said:

I hate to be the "technology is ruining society!1!!! back in my day yadayadayada" person but unfortunately, tech is to blame here.

This reminds me of this:
I remember someone telling me "in 10 years people will prefer talking to their screens (chatting etc.) than talking face to face with someone" and I reacted "no way, that won't happen" back then.
We're now about 13 years later since that moment, and damn, I see it happen around me :selena:

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Just now, NewUsername said:

This reminds me of this:
I remember someone telling me "in 10 years people will prefer talking to their screens (chatting etc.) than talking face to face with someone" and I reacted "no way, that won't happen". We're now about 13 years later since that moment, and damn, I see it happen around me :selena:

g0rl don't get me started cause I disagree with you and I have no time to write an essay right now

If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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Just now, Red said:

g0rl don't get me started cause I disagree with you and I have no time to write an essay right now

write it when you have time, because I'd love to read it :D

I'm talking in hyperboles here, to be clear, but it's there tbh.

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Just now, NewUsername said:

write it when you have time, because I'd love to read it :D

I'm talking in hyperboles here, to be clear, but it's there tbh.

The tl;dr version of it is that it's not because someone is talking to someone online it means that the connection they have isn't real, this may not be what you mean at all, but what I'm trying to say it's that the only real difference between being face to face and facetime is the distance, unless you actively make it meaningless, saying that "talking to a screen will replace face to face convos" shouldn't have a negative conotation.

If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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53 minutes ago, NewUsername said:

This reminds me of this:
I remember someone telling me "in 10 years people will prefer talking to their screens (chatting etc.) than talking face to face with someone" and I reacted "no way, that won't happen" back then.
We're now about 13 years later since that moment, and damn, I see it happen around me :selena:

That's because you didn't have the chance to speak with your friends ahead of an encounter so widely available back then, that's just one example. You could be in the grocery store and chatting with your husband about what is he cooking for dinner and what does he want you to buy; that possibility didn't exist so widely 13 years ago. Old people tend to generalize these things and blame technology "for ruining real interactions" without knowing they actually embraced them and made them possible under all new situations that were unthinkable 13 years ago.

This was an official message from the Office of the First Lady.
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You’re absolutely right. I don’t like movies anymore because they take too long. I can only focus for maybe the first half IF it’s good but then my brain starts to wander. Going to a movie theater is torture.

 I rarely use streaming services.  and if I do it’s usually for something mindless that isn’t story driven, so that way it doesn’t matter if I’m not paying attention. YouTube has become my main source of media and entertainment. Because videos are short and I can find something new in an instant. 

I never save any money because the instant high I get from buying something I don’t need. It’s hard for me to follow conversations. It’s hard for me to set long term goals. I get bored so easily. This all started to become a problem for me around 2014/15 

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I agree completely which is why this is my only social media left. I became a lot more patient without it, sometimes being bored is a necessity. It’s when we think and evaluate. 

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“People don't seem to appreciate looking forward to something anymore. Instead of enjoying for just a bit longer something that made you happy in the first place (eg. A Star Is Born), we're immediately looking for the next thing that will satisfy us. People lose interest and get mad, looking for their next pleasure/reward.”


What do you mean by “anymore” though? Like, what are the variables? Is there evidence people 50 years ago were more patient with music releases. :enigma: 

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1 hour ago, Red said:

The tl;dr version of it is that it's not because someone is talking to someone online it means that the connection they have isn't real, this may not be what you mean at all, but what I'm trying to say it's that the only real difference between being face to face and facetime is the distance, unless you actively make it meaningless, saying that "talking to a screen will replace face to face convos" shouldn't have a negative conotation.

aaah, no, that's not what I meant :) Because I mostly agree with you.

I mean that people sometimes are talking more to their phone, to other friends for example, than the friends they have literally in front of them at the same table.

31 minutes ago, Lionel Hutz said:

That's because you didn't have the chance to speak with your friends ahead of an encounter so widely available back then, that's just one example. You could be in the grocery store and chatting with your husband about what is he cooking for dinner and what does he want you to buy; that possibility didn't exist so widely 13 years ago. Old people tend to generalize these things and blame technology "for ruining real interactions" without knowing they actually embraced them and made them possible under all new situations that were unthinkable 13 years ago.

I'm not old though :laughga: 
And in that case, I agree, that's a positive use of technology. See my comment above, I clarified it now :)


8 minutes ago, WhiteWitch said:

I agree completely which is why this is my only social media left. I became a lot more patient without it, sometimes being bored is a necessity. It’s when we think and evaluate. 

exactly, this as well!

8 minutes ago, NFRockwell said:

“People don't seem to appreciate looking forward to something anymore. Instead of enjoying for just a bit longer something that made you happy in the first place (eg. A Star Is Born), we're immediately looking for the next thing that will satisfy us. People lose interest and get mad, looking for their next pleasure/reward.”


What do you mean by “anymore” though? Like, what are the variables? Is there evidence people 50 years ago were more patient with music releases. :enigma: 

there isn't, indeed :enigma:  But the behavior on here reflects my general findings, as explained in the first part of my OP


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The points made in the OP aren’t just ones I agree with, but ones that can and have been proven scientifically. There are interviews with several of the initial contributors to platforms like Facebook who got out and are now trying to warn people of the societal changes they have complicity forced into place.

Of course, the benefits and positive aspects of both technology and social media are numerous; we can easily and readily connect with friends and family from our past and current lives, find information immediately, seek help instantaneously, consume entertainment we desire, and engage with people around the world with ideas and common interests. It should be obvious that in order to shape human behaviors in a way as powerfully as social media has, there needs to be some “good” baked into the process.

But, what these insiders have shared is so apparent; the likes, shares, comments and other instant reactions and social approval/disapproval triggers a release of dopamine and over time, our brains become addicted. I don’t have any social profiles except LinkedIn but when I did back in the day, my feed was filled with wedding photos, vacations, baby parties, etc. And, as the years pass, weddings keep getting more extravagant, vacations more expensive, and parties more obnoxious. 

Facebook admits to changing its interface frequently because we are more apt to click ads when in a confusing environment. We are inundated with ads, both from big brands and from our “friends” that force us into thinking we need to spend, spend, spend.

Sadly, for a lot of people, the filtered photos they curate and post after are now more important than the day they say “I do,” their baby turns 1, or they venture to the Grand Canyon.

I’m grateful to have grown up in the initial stages of this takeover, because I love being able to share and consume content with people who share my interests etc. But, I hate that I need to ask my sister or friends to put away their phones when we go out and I want to look them in the eyes when they tell me how life is going for them.

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on gagadaily, a thread with this could be about anything:messga:

place your bets, f*gs. will it be:




-LG6 sub-complaint theme, Stupid Love

•The Original LG5

•Paparazzi Part Three

•ASIB not having more singles

•Haus Labs

•Someone who wants C3C

•Someone who desperately doesn’t want C3C

•Gaga’s choice in men

•Gaga’s choices in fashion since 2014




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2 minutes ago, FentyGa said:

on gagadaily, a thread with this could be about anything:messga:

place your bets, f*gs. will it be:




-LG6 sub-complaint theme, Stupid Love

•The Original LG5

•Paparazzi Part Three

•ASIB not having more singles

•Haus Labs

•Someone who wants C3C

•Someone who desperately doesn’t want C3C

•Gaga’s choice in men

•Gaga’s choices in fashion since 2014




Did I (partly) pass the test of being more original? :sis:

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