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Cleopatra's Nose was also huge


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3 minutes ago, Varys said:

yeah I know but I have the feeling many people think Acient Egypt was just black because its in africa while it was actually a big melting pot. It still is this day. Their were black faraoes before like Hatsheput but Cleopatra wasn't one because of Greece accentry and Incest.

You're right the majority of people don't realize that Egypt has never been a black nation like most of Africa. It has always had a very diverse population and still does. 

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23 minutes ago, Candy Gaga said:

It's just Americans and the black community who insist that we are super dark that will make a big deal out of it :oops:

Americans see everything thru the lense of race and sometimes dont understand that in other countries where there wasn't a history of slavery and where there wasnt segregation between blacks and whites and there wasn't the KKK or civil rights movement/police brutality against black people etc etc that we don't see things like that. In that case they need to shut up and only speak about themselves cause it's tiring.

I was talking to an american (she's black) who told me she wasnt going to ever visit the UK or Italy because they are the "oppressor" and hate black people. I asked her where the hell did she read that and she gave me examples of instances of racism and colonialism in the past and then formed a history as to why they are racist against blacks and she's not welcomed there. I tried to convince her that she might see everything that way because of where she's from where they put so much emphasis on race but she insisted that it is that way in every single country in the world. Go figure 

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Regina George
35 minutes ago, RAMROD said:

Are you sure about that? Gaga will 100% be cancelled for white washing accusations by the social media iggies for it.

How tho? Cleopatra was white and it has been proven. People on twitter wanting to drag someone by showing their stupidity have no power to cancel her. It would be just a ridiculously stupid attempt. It’s basically them thinking that everyone who lives in Africa is black which is.. well stupid, love.. :vegas:

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Candy Gaga
14 minutes ago, kyanewest said:

Americans see everything thru the lense of race and sometimes dont understand that in other countries where there wasn't a history of slavery and where there wasnt segregation between blacks and whites and there wasn't the KKK or civil rights movement/police brutality against black people etc etc that we don't see things like that. In that case they need to shut up and only speak about themselves cause it's tiring.

I was talking to an american (she's black) who told me she wasnt going to ever visit the UK or Italy because they are the "oppressor" and hate black people. I asked her where the hell did she read that and she gave me examples of instances of racism and colonialism in the past and then formed a history as to why they are racist against blacks and she's not welcomed there. I tried to convince her that she might see everything that way because of where she's from where they put so much emphasis on race but she insisted that it is that way in every single country in the world. Go figure 

Thanks. Like some people on Twitter ( especially some black people in this case ) insist that if we're not black we're not true Egyptians. And I'm like I know more about my ethnicity and my country. Copts were the very first people after our grandfathers ancient Egyptians and since day 1 we were never black or white we have our own colour that is inspired by the area of Middle East / Egyptian Nile region. Also all proof , temples and museums show that neither cleopatra nor most pharoes were black ( Gaga with make up can absolutely get the role )  it was just some workers and now snowflakes wanna claim that those workers mostly non Egyptians ( Mainly from other African area ) are the true Egyptians so at this point we just ignore stupidity and leave people believe and try to convince themselves with what they want.

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audrey horne
30 minutes ago, JINNOCIDE said:

And there are A LOT of POC that have it (talent) :air: they don't get their jobs mostly because of more famous actors (who mind you are mostly white) so the movie can get a popularity boost.

Don't act like inclusivity includes minories just for the sake of it even if the person trying to get the job isn't the best, there's a lot of young talents out there that just don't have opportunity.

This Viola Davis speechs sums it up pretty well:


Off-topic but this speech has to make history. So important.

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2 minutes ago, Candy Gaga said:

Thanks. Like some people on Twitter ( especially some black people in this case ) insist that if we're not black we're not true Egyptians. And I'm like I know more about my ethnicity and my country. Copts were the very first people after our grandfathers ancient Egyptians and since day 1 we were never black or white we have our own colour that is inspired by the area of Middle East / Egyptian Nile region. Also all proof , temples and museums show that neither cleopatra nor most pharoes were black ( Gaga with make up can absolutely get the role )  it was just some workers and now snowflakes wanna claim that those workers mostly non Egyptians ( Mainly from other African area ) are the true Egyptians so at this point we just ignore stupidity and leave people believe and try to convince themselves with what they want.

The irony is that african americans, a huge portion don't know where they are from in Africa because of slavery, they have never even set foot in an African country but they act like they are in touch with their ethnicity and root. I don't wanna be mean but if you don't even know what your ethnicity really is, and you criticize a North African and say stuff like that, it's really really ignorant and disrespectful. Nobody knows your country more than you do, ugh. That's why they shouldn't talk about anythign other than the US. You don't know Africa, you don't know Europe, you probably think Spain is in south america too and then you wanna speak on other countries' history :interestinga:


sorry Im heated and stereotyping a bit but Ive seen so many cases like that and it's so annoying beyond words.


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Candy Gaga
2 minutes ago, kyanewest said:

The irony is that african americans, a huge portion don't know where they are from in Africa because of slavery, they have never even set foot in an African country but they act like they are in touch with their ethnicity and root. I don't wanna be mean but if you don't even know what your ethnicity really is, and you criticize a North African and say stuff like that, it's really really ignorant and disrespectful. Nobody knows your country more than you do, ugh. That's why they shouldn't talk about anythign other than the US. You don't know Africa, you don't know Europe, you probably think Spain is in south america too and then you wanna speak on other countries' history :interestinga:

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sorry Im heated and stereotyping a bit but Ive seen so many cases like that and it's so annoying beyond words.



Just ignore it . It's becoming a joke now that everyone knows everything about us 

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1 hour ago, KleinGa said:

So I recently found out the deal with Cleopatra's nose.

So ladies the last Pharaoh of Egypt also known as the woman who invented gays had a huge nose


In fact, it is believed that her nose is what caused her to have so much confidence and dominance because during that time, a large nose signified that.

It seems as if people like Caesar and Marc Anthony would not have been attracted to Cleopatra if she did not have that nose. Jackson Maine fetish? 


I'm saying all of this to say that our queen of big noses Lady Gaga might actually be perfect to play Cleopatra! 

Is Gaga a descendant of Cleopatra? Well that's a theory for another day.

rupauls drag race shade GIF by RealityTVGIFs

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audrey horne
1 minute ago, kyanewest said:

The irony is that african americans, a huge portion don't know where they are from in Africa because of slavery, they have never even set foot in an African country but they act like they are in touch with their ethnicity and root. I don't wanna be mean but if you don't even know what your ethnicity really is, and you criticize a North African and say stuff like that, it's really really ignorant and disrespectful. Nobody knows your country more than you do, ugh. That's why they shouldn't talk about anythign other than the US. You don't know Africa, you don't know Europe, you probably think Spain is in south america too and then you wanna speak on other countries' history :interestinga:

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sorry Im heated and stereotyping a bit but Ive seen so many cases like that and it's so annoying beyond words.


Blame it on education for not properly passing on African and black history in USA and glorify white and European heritage instead. 

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1 hour ago, JINNOCIDE said:

And there are A LOT of POC that have it (talent) :air: they don't get their jobs mostly because of more famous actors (who mind you are mostly white) so the movie can get a popularity boost.

Don't act like inclusivity includes minories just for the sake of it even if the person trying to get the job isn't the best, there's a lot of young talents out there that just don't have opportunity.

This Viola Davis speechs sums it up pretty well:



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8 hours ago, RAMROD said:

Are you sure about that? Gaga will 100% be cancelled for white washing accusations by the social media iggies for it.

Cant white wash a white woman. Cleopatra was greek, Gaga being italian isnt far off 

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8 hours ago, Rio said:

Tbh, people gotta understand that we can't just be inclusive for the sake of it. Talent needs to get the job. Popularity of the actress may also need to be considered, as it may affect how the film performs commercially. Gaga would be a huge money-maker in a film like that I reckon, especially for such a huge role, and after her Oscars win. Race shouldn't be the only factor that decides who gets the role. So it would be a shame if that happens, but I don't think accusations of white washing like that will negatively impact Gaga that much.


8 hours ago, Candy Gaga said:

Believe me as a coptic Egyptian the first descendant of Egyptians we don't care much about this stuff :vegas:

It's just Americans and the black community who insist that we are super dark that will make a big deal out of it :oops:


8 hours ago, Wixson said:

"Stacy Schiff concurs Cleopatra was not dark-skinned, that 'the Ptolemies were in fact Macedonian Greek, which makes Cleopatra approximately as Egyptian as Elizabeth Taylor'..." so, I don't understand why does Twitter have an uproar whenever Cleopatra's mentioned. 


8 hours ago, LVbuttondown said:

Cleopatra, while Queen of Egytp, was not in fact Egyptian. She was one of the last decedents of the Macedonian Greek dynasty that ruled Egypt. Which gives Gaga the perfect linage to portray her. Gaga even resembles a lot of the portraits of Cleopatra. There are a lot of interpretations of her appearance but she was of greek decent.  


8 hours ago, ReginaGeorge said:

How tho? Cleopatra was white and it has been proven. People on twitter wanting to drag someone by showing their stupidity have no power to cancel her. It would be just a ridiculously stupid attempt. It’s basically them thinking that everyone who lives in Africa is black which is.. well stupid, love.. :vegas:


6 minutes ago, KleinGa said:

Cant white wash a white woman. Cleopatra was greek, Gaga being italian isnt far off 


Well, I’m just saying many people out there will take issues even if you don’t. That is how it is right now, and social media can actually be scary powerful when there is enough people taking part in the complain. Or worse to boycott something. You see how they do with Harley Quinn movies, don’t you? And you don’t want Gaga to be put in that position. Nor she wants to either, I believe.

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧*:・゚ young, dumb, and full of numb (*´艸`*) ♡♡♡
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8 hours ago, adterp said:

Blame it on education for not properly passing on African and black history in USA and glorify white and European heritage instead. 

Ma’am it’s 2020, not once do I recall “glorifying” European heritage in any of my high school or college history classes 

Think Grace Helbig GIF

For real though, idk what schools y’all go to or what classes y’all are taking but most of mine do the opposite when discussing American topics (American as in both continents, not just the US country)

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Anyway the fact that Gaga has family from Southern Italy/Sicily means there are high chances she’s got some MENA and Greek DNA in her anyway, so y’all can cease. GAGA FOR CLEOPATRA 202-

 Happy Oprah Winfrey GIF

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