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Will companies and investors prioritise Gaga for LG6 promo and rollout?

Luna Lovegood

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Luna Lovegood

What do you guys think? Gaga’s team is probably currently reaching out with other companies and streaming platforms to promote her upcoming lead and single 


(rumour has it Gaga’s team has a deal with Apple for SL lead MV)

Do you guys think companies and investors will prioritise Gaga knowing her as a pop legend with over a decade in the game and her legendary status? With 11 Grammys, 2 Golden Globes, BAFTA, an Oscar, she’s undoubtedly one of the best artists of our time. Do you think all that acclaim will play into factor as to if investors and companies will prioritise her? (Giving her great radio and Spotify deals, Multiple playlists on Apple Music & #1 on TTH etc, promo of SL at time square etc.) or it’s just money talks? I feel like the latter. People just care for the money tbh  

luna’s advocate
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Apple definitely has a roll in the lead single's promo 


Other than that....  maybe Eharmony? Match.com? Farmers Only? :ohwell:

currently streaming Disease
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I just want a smash hit single with a good video I don't even care anymore HOW it happens.


For the love of God just happen and soon my patience is dead!!!!



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  • 7 months later...

I hope investors will invest in real estate to make a video that will be in the style of Gaga. As a real estate investor, I can offer several options with home investors near me. I have a full-fledged idea for a driving song in my head. In this video, it will be possible to realize the entire magnificent wardrobe of Gaga, as it will also be shot by servants in a large expensive house. The lighting in the clip will be the same, but natural, to give the picture a touch of realism. Hey, the producers are texting me, I can do the real thing!

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