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About Brian Newman After Dark

Franch Toast

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Franch Toast

Just to update, a limited number of tickets to the NYE After Dark went on sale ten minutes ago. They were sold out within the first minute. I had tickets in my basket, and then when I went to check out, I got the message that "Another fan has beat you to these tickets." Tried again and same thing, several times. And this was with me queuing an hour early on both my phone and computer! I tried to queue earlier, but when I first checked this morning, I couldn't click on the event yet. I have no people how those lucky ducks managed to nab tickets, but congratulations to those of you who did. 

Is it bad that I am hoping scalpers will resell some at a decent price? 

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do we know if he is bringing the after dark show back in may during gaga's run?  or is it totally done?

find your freedom in the music
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