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Demi: “I accepted a free trip to Israel in exchange for a few posts"


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4 hours ago, August3 said:

I have a right to talk about everything i want to. 

Of course you are, and people have the right to call out how oblivious and out of touch you are of a topic that effectively doesn’t affect you 


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She is an idiot for writing too much.  All she should’ve said was that it was a spiritual trip and not a political trip, end of.  

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2 hours ago, kyanewest said:

Why should she apologize? I wanna visit Israel as well, should I apologize? Should everyone apologize whenever they buy a flight ticket to Israel? People need to chill

So not the point. 

I am totally over the PC-police-driven trainride to hell we are on right now, but this has nothing to do with freedom of movement or choice, rights coincidentally that have been stripped from the people whose land was and continues to be, taken from them against all universal laws and treaties and humanity. It has to do with someone *agreeing* to a *job* (she was offered money for a service = a job) that was an inauthentic endorsement (as she has admitted since) of a genocidal militant state regime in return for a trip to the country. 

There is nothing new or controversial about people having to defend their decision to accept job offers, even moreso if it involves something so emotionally-charged, or for people who endorse a product to have to defend that choice.

If I decide to strip in order to feed my child, that is a decision I would have to defend to all potential future employers when they see it on my resume. Now, imagine, my resume in 1950 had a line on it "Public Relations; Nazi Party of Germany." That role doesn't mean I did anything wrong - plenty of people get caught up in political movements and realize too late that it isn't what they thought (see: cults). But, you better believe that if the dates extended into the years where it was clear what the Nazi agenda was, I would need to defend my decision to get PAID to ENDORSE AND PROMOTE them. 

It's the non-starter "controversies" that make something actually real and important seem frivolous. Who cares if someone stumbles over a pronoun after trying their best? Who cares that their great-great-great-grandfather had a meeting with Trump's aunt 40x removed? Who cares if someone decides that Israel is worth seeing in their lifetime for the religious and cultural history of its territory [on their own dime]? Those are circumstances where actions like the ones in the screenshot above - educating the person on why they may have offended someone in case they are interested and/or hurt by any reactions. But, being a PAID PROPAGANDIST? Sorry, you did a cost-benefit analysis when offered the role and unfortunately, underestimated the risk. 

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Also, labeling views on Israel's occupation "right" or "left" is also just divisive rhetoric that takes the heat off the offender(s) and turns a potential united front against a genocidal regime intro a fragmented, bickering bunch of idiots. Just because some countries force their electorate into having to choose between 2 parties that have 'official platforms' and talking points does NOT mean that all 49-51% that affiliate with either agree with that platform in full. That's not fair or important.

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Offense culture is so aggressive nowadays, people get offended by every possible thing. She apologized and did it originally with a good intention not to piss off anybody politically.

“Don't you ever let a soul in the world tell you that you can't be exactly who you are.”
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9 hours ago, August3 said:

Ugh GTFO no one cared about your trip to Israel.


8 hours ago, LetsGetHigh said:

:rip: Chile, the ghetto.

:lmao: :lmao: 

8 hours ago, Awakened M said:


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: 

if you hurt taylor swift, i'll hurt you back
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When are you all going to start understanding that a country should not be defined by the people in power in it :saladga:

The USA is a wonderful country with fascinating history and culture, despite Trump

Israel is a cultural gem of a country, despite the politics. period

Not every American is guilty of Trumps words and action, and not every Israeli is responsible for the war 

That was a message towards the ones criticizing Israel's existence, which is plainly antisemitic 

Feel free to criticize the politics not the country

Demi should only have made it clear she was on a spiritual trip, not a politic one

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Queen Bitch
2 hours ago, Diente said:

Of course you are, and people have the right to call out how oblivious and out of touch you are of a topic that effectively doesn’t affect you 


What you mean I'm oblivious and out of touch? Lmfao

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I've heard of social media influencers being given freebies in exchange for posts and promo, it's a pretty common practice, but I'm surprised a well-known singer did this.

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I really don't care about her wanting to on a spiritual journey.... I couldn't care les....I'm more offended at the fact that she accepted a flight ticket without demanding an option to fly carbon neutral :lolly:

I guess not everyone is woke enough

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4 hours ago, lego said:



Yeah it's the same app that did a campaign to trash the tv show Our Boys by HBO during the release date (did you watch it?).

Can't believe that the IDC Herzliya is part of this, they used to be better and apolitical.

I'm working late, cause I'm a puta
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