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Piers Morgan RIPS Sam Smith


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Not that it matters to y'all but let me remind you, your queen Gaga has said at one of these award shows for ASIB how she hopes award shows won't be male and female anymore, they'll be just one. 

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Inclusivity doesn’t always equal ignoring what’s gone before. If non binary people want their own category, let’s make one? You have best male, best female and you can always introduce a “non specified” category for non binary people or people who don’t want to specify their gender to one specific gender type 

If we introduce extreme actions like these were going to feed into the hate culture easily. People see headlines like these and are going to rebel and go against and throw a lot of hate. If we simply include them in things and make it equal we then it shows growth and inclusivity and that’s how we as people can progress by growing and accepting and including. 

To abolish the gender categories all together is extreme don’t you think? that then feeds the narrative of “bloody snowflakes!!!!! What’s next an iron man category oh sorry iron non gendered person??! I identify as a black ginger lesbian penguin!!!” 

Just include a category for people who don’t specify one of the socially known genders, that way you still have the usual order of service but are including people in between the two constructs 

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Little Fighter

Piers claims women are already equal, is there no need for feminism,  and always "rips" on people seeking equality, but he just so happens to say the categories need to stay as they are to protect the same women he claims don't need protection. His "support for women" is nothing more than a ploy to shove Sam Smith under the bus. If a trans woman were nominated under the female categories Piers would say that they are biologically male therefore are taking awards away from women. If the same trans woman were nominated under the male categories he would use it as "proof" that she is really a man. His positions switch faster than the GP did on Gaga during the ARTPOP era all for the sake of him seeming like a ration person instead of the scum bag that he truly is. 

<3 Little Fighter = Gaga & Xtina stan <3
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Not him suddenly being a champion for women’s equality :rip: He clearly has transphobic issues and it’s quite distasteful that he’s using women as some scapegoat victim to set people off and further his anti-trans argument :smh: 

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17 hours ago, Queen of Venus said:

How do gender categories make it fair and equal? If everyone was equal in the first place we wouldn’t need them

In an ideal world, no one would be sexist. But it's not an ideal world. No matter how much it improves, there will always be sexism in society. Segregated categories forces sexists to allow women to win. If we live in a society where we see women winning all the time, we'll stop being threatened by it and think it's normal, so less sexism will be produced in years to come. But if year after year goes by with barely any women winning, then female success is seen as rare, unusual, maybe even threatening, so more sexism will be produced in years to come as it can lead to subconscious bias that women don't win because they don't deserve to. When just 17 women took home Grammys at the 2018 ceremony, there were plenty of people in support of them but also plenty of men saying something along the lines of "maybe if they made better music, they'd win more." Even if you point out to them that these women had better reviews from critics than the men, it still isn't connecting because the overwhelming feeling among the public (women included) is that women simply don't make music as well as men can. Merged gender categories will only reinforce this belief as men will continue to dominate. If the industry is full of sexists like you say, then who do you think they're going to choose to win in a category of men and women?

16 hours ago, DrewJayC said:

Inclusivity doesn’t always equal ignoring what’s gone before. If non binary people want their own category, let’s make one? You have best male, best female and you can always introduce a “non specified” category for non binary people or people who don’t want to specify their gender to one specific gender type 

If we introduce extreme actions like these were going to feed into the hate culture easily. People see headlines like these and are going to rebel and go against and throw a lot of hate. If we simply include them in things and make it equal we then it shows growth and inclusivity and that’s how we as people can progress by growing and accepting and including. 

To abolish the gender categories all together is extreme don’t you think? that then feeds the narrative of “bloody snowflakes!!!!! What’s next an iron man category oh sorry iron non gendered person??! I identify as a black ginger lesbian penguin!!!” 

Just include a category for people who don’t specify one of the socially known genders, that way you still have the usual order of service but are including people in between the two constructs 

A very good point. I'm being very diplomatic when talking about all these gender identities but there are plenty of people out there who won't be so generous and it will feed into the hate culture. I could see a lot of fanbases of female stars getting outraged over their faves no longer standing a chance because they're up against men now. The only problem is, there aren't enough non binary artists to pad out their own category. Not enough well known ones anyway. If there was one, there would maybe only be 3 nominees and the most famous one would likely win, so its not fair against everyone else who has to compete against 4 nominees and there's multiple highly successful names in the category. What I'm trying to say is, that if a non binary category gets made, unless a new artist comes in who takes the world be storm, Sam Smith is going to win every award in these categories from now until the end of his career. That's hardly fair. That's why there's no other option but to merge all the genders into one category. Part of the issue I see with it is that gender identity can change over time, this is coming from the gender nonconformists, this is what they claim. So, Sam may very will decide on they/them pronouns at this moment but what if, a few years from now, he wants to go back to cis male and he/him? If gender segregation remains, could such a person effectively jump from category to category over time, depending on how they're identifying currently? This is where the madness really sets in. And to think the awards are thinking of changing, all spurned on by Sam Smith. Sam's only been around for 5 years and has just two albums, just a handful of hits. Fame is a fickle career. They could be gone by next year and no one non-binary ever rises to their level of fame to the point where they get nominated for these awards. When anyone in future asks why the awards became gender neutral, we'll say: "We changed it all for this flash in the pan singer called Sam Smith who decided he wanted to use they/them pronouns." Basically, it seems a long way to go for one person.

15 hours ago, ***Piercing said:

If a trans woman were nominated under the female categories Piers would say that they are biologically male therefore are taking awards away from women. If the same trans woman were nominated under the male categories he would use it as "proof" that she is really a man.

15 hours ago, Haroon said:

He clearly has transphobic issues and it’s quite distasteful that he’s using women as some scapegoat victim to set people off and further his anti-trans argument :smh: 

Granted, Piers has some very questionable views at times but he's never been transphobic. He has said multiple times that he understands transgenderism, undeserstandable why they want to transition and respects them. Whenever non-binary issues comes up, he always makes a point of stating that he has no issue with trans people because it's a medically diagnosible condition that he respects and makes it clear he's not putting them into the same category. Seriously, look up "Good Morning Britain non binary" and listen to his views. He's never said anything transphobic.

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23 hours ago, HighwayGuy said:

Let me explain how it feels to be a genderqueer person again because some gays just don't get it :saladga:

Basically yes, my sex is 'male' and i have a d***. But I constantly think about what it would be like to be a woman. i don't feel trapped in a mans body but i feel attracted to both sides. I guess i feel mid way in between masculine and feminine.

I don't think 'non-binary' is the best way to put it tbh, i don't identify with neither i identify with both.

To constantly be told 'but you're still a man' just completely disregards the other side of my feminine identity

I identify as a man and I’ve also wondered what it would be like to be a woman, I think a lot of men are curious about that because it’s the unknown as I imagine some women probably wonder how it would be to be a man... it’s just a natural thought process really, we’re all curious beings. That said, I know for certain I’m happy with who I am and though sometimes I still wonder what I’d be like as a woman, I’m me and I’m happy that way

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