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The fact that there are users on here who are genuinely MAD that all someone said was “refer to me as they/them”. :rip: One of the simplest things ever. 

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3 hours ago, KingRedd said:

I'm a slow and steady psych major( taking forever to finish lol) I do know the difference between the two, but to me it doesn't really add/help change society by being non-binary. To me, Men can act, do, and be anyway we want to because at the end of the day we are individual people, we all act and do things different from one another. I don't get how a man can say "I don't feel like a man, im non-binary" because that only supports the belief that men must be masculine. Men must be strong hearted and show no emotions. To me, Men can be whatever we want, act however we want and do whatever we want- as well as women. 

Non-Binary makes me think that individual is grading themsleves off of what society has taught us men and women must be. So much so that they desire to be neither and that's what I want to fight.

THIS!!! This is exactly how I think of this subject. Very well said

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I personally don’t see a problem with Sam wanting to be called this pronoun. If you all are so invested in someone else decisions in life, I’d suggest you log off to be fair :giggle:

The only issue I see here is if someone accidentally calls Sam a ‘him’, which I would imagine a mass majority of the world still would. 

Is it really ignorant if we accidentally forget that they want to be called ‘they’? Aren’t our brains wired to firstly assume ones male and female identity based on physical appearance and what is ‘requested’ from society? :shrug:

In my messy era.
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@mods some of the post are very disrespectful and disturbing in this thread....how about deleting them? ...thanks :heart:

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2 hours ago, KingRedd said:

Im saying you are born a man or woman. Trans people feel as though they are born in the wrong body so they call themselves what they feel they are. My problem that you're not seeing is that we allow society to put together a criteria of how a man or woman should act. Not what they are born as, but literally how a man should carry himself and how a woman should. The problem should be that, not pronouns. Why is it that a man cant feel like a real man? Why do we have criteria on how a man should act? That is what im saying should be the target issue. If someone cant be a man I'd ask them what they feel a man is and why is it that whatever they do think a man is eliminates them from being one? Men can act any type of way and their shouldnt be a set blueprint of "acting like a man" or vice versa. 


Have you ever heard of intersex people? This really helped push my mind past the binary perspective.

And I agree, society shouldn't have such strict rules on what it means to be a man/woman. But we can't be upset at the people who want to break the mold and be something different... Not sure why your frustration with society's rules project onto someone saying they are non-binary. Plus, third genders have been traced back to the beginning of humanity up into Native American cultures.

Maybe you agree more with the genderfluid label? Not sure.

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This just in:

Y'all haters lost, again.


(ïŸ‰â—•ăƒźâ—•)✧*: young, dumb, and full of numb (*Ž艞*) ♡♡♡
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2 hours ago, ltlmnstr said:

Not sharp okay...lmao!

You’re using FICTION as an example of REALITY


my goodness you’ve never cite your sources before??? I mean clearly since you “worked on some big documentary” you should know what a legit source is?

(And to everyone reading this thread, he doesn’t deny he started this thread as an assault on Non-Binary GGD users) Gotcha there!

Girl... get some air. 

I wasnt using it as a source but as an example that even in Pop Culture it is known. I used cause It's a popular film. 


Jesus! Relax a bit. 

I didnt start anything to attack anyone. But you do you. 

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1 hour ago, MJHolland said:

Wtf is this trash

It’s not a matter of getting offended by how people react to you. It’s whether or not those people chose to respect you and your wishes to be called certain pronouns.

If you’re not going to be an ally, what the f*ck are you doing on this site, let alone existing in 2019.  

Imagine being this unhinged. You should sign up for a meditation yoga class

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48 minutes ago, Arturo said:

The fact that there are users on here who are genuinely MAD that all someone said was “refer to me as they/them”. :rip: One of the simplest things ever. 

Its just not practical, there is no way for people to tell if you are none binary by the way you look. And using different language such as they to a singular person is confusing to do. It also will confuse other people who wont understand what im saying. I understand and respect none binary, but I disagree with them on the change of language.  

If you dont identify as what society expects a man to be, why dont you become a male that does not conform to societal expectation of what a male is? why does it have to be none binary? You can be however you want to be even if you identify as a man. You can be any version of a man you want and change the societal expectation of what a man is.

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14 minutes ago, Akiki said:

Girl... get some air. 

I wasnt using it as a source but as an example that even in Pop Culture it is known. I used cause It's a popular film. 


Jesus! Relax a bit. 

I didnt start anything to attack anyone. But you do you. 

It was also historically inaccurate.

Example/Source whatever you want to flip flop call it.
(Considering you're editing comments after I reply to save your face)

You using a film from 1998 as "an example" is modern-day revisionism. That whole movie is a fever dream.
There isn't record of Elizabethan Women rebelling and wanting to join Shakespeare's troupe.
Social norms of that time period were widely accepted with little notable rebellion. Women revered being a wife and giving birth.
You're imposing modern day norms onto the past when Elizabethan women, for the most part, were content with their status. Considering death at childbirth and disease were rampant in Queen Elizabeth the First's time period. 
The first woman to appear in a Shakespeare play did so in 1660. 44 years after his death. And it was open to the wealthy while anyone not rich lived mundane lives. 

Now that this is out of the way...

You condescendingly implied that "Drag was Oppressive." When the history of crossdressing date back millenia to Greek Cults of Aphroditus.

You don't know your Queer History and it shows. 

Futhuermore, this thread is an attack on Non-Binary GGD users.
You're implying they don't exist, shouldn't exist, and are delusional as per your many comments on the other Sam Smith thread. 

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4 hours ago, SKANK said:

Don't be a jerk and refuse to use a person's preferred identity. Don't be a jerk and over react if someone accidentally misgenders you, or is totally confused by our cultures shifting view on gender.

Well said!

chaeri pls
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5 hours ago, Akiki said:

„Sexual minorities once demanded freedom from oppression – now they demand freedom from reality."

This is one of the most disrespectful and non-reflective statements I‘ve read in a while. Probably without realizing the author disproves his own point and thus proves the point that sexual minorities are still fighting oppression because with just one sentence he claims to have a monopoly on truth. In his worldview the cis heterosexual man decides what passes as reality and what does not, completely disregarding other historical and cultural notions of gender that have been existing all along. 

To think that he wrote this whole article about someone asking to be called „them“ when his country has an entire Brexit to worry about. Fix your country, Jan.

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