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Spiked on Sam Smith: "You're still a he"


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9 hours ago, TheQueenLG said:

I don't think you understand the difference between sex and gender... Which is okay, many people don't. But it's important to knowledgeable on these things. 

Sex is based on someone's biological chromosomes and their sexual reproductive organs. Ergo, a baby born with a penis is a male, and a baby born with a vagina is a female. If someone decides, later in life, of course, that they want to change which reproductive organ that they have, they can have a sex-change surgery. 

Gender is something that society has invented to make things easy, one, and to oppress people, two. We associate the word 'woman' with someone having a vagina, and then we make all sorts of assumptions about that person based on this association. For instance, we will say that this person is more emotional, has less of a capacity to lead, and so on & so forth. These harmful associations are not based on science or the fact that this person has a vagina. These associations are based on small differences in males and females (that are not substantial and should not be an arbiter for anything serious) and oppression of one people on the basis of their reproductive organs and genetic makeup. 

Does this help?

You all do realize that by thinking this and going with the non-binary idea you are accepting and perpetuating these stereotypes?

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6 minutes ago, Hurem said:

Trans is changing from one gender to another. From male to female or the other way around. I simply don't see non-binary as the same people as trans and there's no need to call them trans... when they're not. Blaire White (lord have mercy for actually agreeing with her) made some points in her recent video about this.

As for the feeling both gender at the same time, I feel like everyone has dominant gender.

That's not trans as I understand it. It's not about changing from one gender to another, it's about gender identity and finding ways to express yourself so that you feel more comfortable in your body (including transitioning using surgery).

I'm gunna have to respectfully agree to disagree I think. I can't understand the stance of being so resistant to respect people's requests to be addressed a certain way when your only reasoning is that you don't feel or experience it yourself. Especially coming from the gay community :shrug:

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23 minutes ago, Bear said:

I can't understand the stance of being so resistant to respect people's requests to be addressed a certain way when your only reasoning is that you don't feel or experience it yourself. Especially coming from the gay community :shrug:

Giving everyone a chance to be their own made up gender is just dumb to me. This need to be different and have special gender is very attention seeking to me.

Just because I’m gay doesn’t mean I’m accepting of everything not straight or cisgendered in this world. :shrug: And with the way that gays and SJWs have been acting lately, I’m actually finding myself on the other side of the story.

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1 hour ago, Hurem said:

Trans is changing from one gender to another. From male to female or the other way around. I simply don't see non-binary as the same people as trans and there's no need to call them trans... when they're not. Blaire White (lord have mercy for actually agreeing with her) made some points in her recent video about this.

As for the feeling both gender at the same time, I feel like everyone has dominant gender. 

I had no problem with accepting the fact that he wanted to be referred to as "he" but everytime someone mislabeled there was this awkward silence and everyone not knowing what to do. :rip: 

Actually, some Trans people say that what makes you trans is the journey of transition. Attempting to transition from one sex to another doesn't make you trans right away. You either do it or not.

Non-Binary is a divisive concept. Even on reddit there are subs full of this debate. 

Acting like non-binary is consensual is wrong. It's miles away from being in the same position tha the LGBT and jeopardizes the community work and effort. 

Non-binary are the extreme of the LGBT community right now. 

Trans people struggle with the alignment between sex and gender. Non-binary it's more of political stance and form of expression imo. There is no substance to it besides hermaphrodites. 

Chemicals are the reason trans people exist. In the womb, the genitals come first. The brain takes much more time to develop. I'm not sure if it's possible to the body to make a perfect 50-50 hormonal input to consider non-binary a biological situation. The chances of that happening seem fairly slim and it would be very rare to be born non-binary. 

Acting like you can change your pronouns at will its risky. Specially when a third gender is still a concept for many. 

It's like going to national TV saying you'll give 100 million dollars freely when you dont have that money yet and you work for minimum wage. 


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12 hours ago, lovedillon said:

Seems like everyone’s got wrong opinions today... & it’s spreading

How can you call it a wrong opinion? Because it’s not YOUR opinion?

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It's mind-boggling to me how so many people on this site are so triggered by Sam Smith's preferred pronouns. It literally does not affect you in any way  how they choose to see them self. Why is having basic respect and giving someone some dignity such a provocative concept.

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Giorno Giovanna
10 hours ago, LordEnigma said:


I mean this isn't a new concept. And I'm not sure why we can't label ourselves how we want.

Also referring back to your question about "cis-gendered." Cis is being your gender and sex align.

Also, isn't it sad how society has told our community in the past that "being gay doesn't make any sense - why can't they just be straight,"  and now this site is saying "being non-binary makes no sense - why can't they just be male or female." :laughga:

I kinda agree, it is a difficult topic, on one hand I think this non-binary stuff is just stupid and annoying 


on the other hand, I also realized that it wasn't much different for gay/lesbian or bisexual people in the past


I'm not really sure what my opinion about this nonbinary etc. stuff is

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7 hours ago, LordEnigma said:


Have you ever heard of intersex people? This really helped push my mind past the binary perspective.

And I agree, society shouldn't have such strict rules on what it means to be a man/woman. But we can't be upset at the people who want to break the mold and be something different... Not sure why your frustration with society's rules project onto someone saying they are non-binary. Plus, third genders have been traced back to the beginning of humanity up into Native American cultures.

Maybe you agree more with the genderfluid label? Not sure.

Intersex people are still a male or a female

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9 minutes ago, Ally the Maine said:

How can you call it a wrong opinion? Because it’s not YOUR opinion?

Cause GGD it's biased and a dictatorship. When you stan Gaga you have to follow rules or you'll be seen has a non-binary fan: Someone who likes Gaga's Songs but doesn't relate to her mindset. That will make your opinions instantly invalid 

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gay community bashing their own fellows saying "but-- i don't understand why" when the community itself has a long past of not fitting on social culture

what else is new

EDIT: now that the gays (and I say gays, not LGBT) have a little space under the sun some act like they can be selectives with who can enter in the pool


have some ****ing respect for people who don't feel right about their gender and social gender norms, you saying that you don't get it is the same as a hetero cis saying they don't get why someone's gay and therefore they shouldn't exist


stop ****ing invalidating people's lives

but again what else is new in a community that still struggles to respect trans people (you know the ones who fought hard and paved the way for younger generations)

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4 minutes ago, Edonis said:

It's mind-boggling to me how so many people on this site are so triggered by Sam Smith's preferred pronouns. It literally does not affect you in any way  how they choose to see them self. Why is having basic respect and giving someone some dignity such a provocative concept.

It's not about Sam but more about being  Non-Binary.

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4 minutes ago, JINNOCIDE said:

gay community bashing their own fellows saying "but-- i don't understand why" when the community itself has a long past of not fitting on social culture


what else is new

So we are obligated to be a "Say yes" to everything just because of that? 

And who decided for the LGBT fellows? Did we sign a treaty. Do you have an LGBT membership card? 

LGBT community is not an established organization. It's a group of people characterized by their sexuality. It's like being poor and rich, being black or white. None of those are homogeneous and think alike. They are connected by one single characteristic. 

I was born gay I didn't need to know what the LGBT was to be Gay. Stop acting like it's some sort of government force. It's a social construct just like gender. It's a way to say "Them and Us"

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"I don't know you, you don't know me, but let me, a total stranger, decide what your pronouns are" - basically Spiked to Sam Smith

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3 minutes ago, Akiki said:

It's not about Sam but more about being  Non-Binary.

The point still stands. A non-binary person wants to be identified as something other than he/she. It does not affect you in any way to show some respect to them. It's really not that hard. I will never understand the outcry about someone else's personal life. 

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2 minutes ago, Edonis said:

The point still stands. A non-binary person wants to be identified as something other than he/she. It does not affect you in any way to show some respect to them. It's really not that hard. I will never understand the outcry about someone else's personal life. 

But it bothers me to be in the same bag that non-binary people. Specially when their actions may have consequences for the LGBT. 

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