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Mulan Actress Supports Hong Kong Police


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44 minutes ago, RudzXinc said:

I don't fully understand it either. It's very complicated matter.

Taiwan and HK are part of China. But they have their own system. Seems like now China want to take over HK or something.


Taiwan is governed by a government in exile. After the surrender of Japan in world war 2, the Republic of China (RoC) took over China and Taiwan. Then there was a civil war, the People’s republic of China (the same PRC that we’ve come to know and love) took over the mainland. No where else to go, the government of RoC ran away to the island of Taiwan. You might be thinking of Macau, another island which has similar status to Hong Kong.

Basically, because of its history, Hong Kong was given special concessions on the issue of governance. This involves a separate judicial body (courts).

Back a bit ago, there was a Hong Kong couple murdered in Taiwan and due to the lack of an extradition treaty, the murderer didn’t face any charges in Hong Kong. Since they couldn’t set up an extradition treaty with Taiwan (recognizing the Taiwanese government would go against the chinese government’s view that Taiwan is part of China...and Taiwan’s view that China belongs to them) they set up a general extradition bill. 

Hong Kongers see it as an existential threat as it would basically blur their judicial systems together. It’s especially a problem as the governor of Hong Kong, Carrie Lam, was basically appointed by the Chinese government without the people of Hong Kong being able to choose someone that they wanted, nevermind the propensity for the Chinese government to disappear dissidents using unrelated charges as an excuse. That’s why they’re protesting. 

Vox has a some videos on the history of Hong Kong and its relationship with China that are very good if you’re interested

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Morphine Prince

YIKES. Why did she have to say anything? 

Time for Disney’s PR team to take some drastic measures.

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If you are really following Hong Kong news you will find that the 'supporting HK police' slogan was started from HK locals. It is a shame that most of the western presses chose to report only one side of the story (of course, mainland China is only telling the people the other side). Lots of people in Hong Kong do fight for their freedom, at the same time, many locals also vocally are supporting the police and are against the radical protesters. This 'supporting HK police' slogan was mainly happened after some protesters attacked one mainland tourist and a reporter and tried to stop ambulance people rescuing them at the airport on 13th August. Hong Kong local newspapers and websites actually have published several articles and open letters to support the polices, such as this Hong Kong website 'Silent majority' (https://www.silentmajority.hk/articles/1004459). People should have the right to fight for their freedom, but at the same time, people should have the right to know the whole story. If you watched the video of Hong Kong people kicking the Mainland tourist on the floor, you could feel the hate. I don't understand if you are a fight for freedom, human right, how can you done something like this to a people who has no power? and for the people here, you wouldn't say 'of course because she is Chinese' if you have looked at how many people in mainland China, my friends, supporting Hong Kong protesters. I feel like, all these misunderstandings and hates were started from these bias and ignorance. 

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4 hours ago, RudzXinc said:

People are entitled to their political opinion :triggered:

Of course she said that, she's Chinese. Also that "I support HK police" stuff started because the demonstrators blocking airport causing people to miss their flights and attacking civilians in the airport.

They went to the airport because police were violently beating protesters in the streets. 

At the airport, police would be brutalizing otherwise peaceful protesters in front of the world. It’s the only place protesters are safe. 

Big yikes, will not be watching this movie. 

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4 hours ago, Faysalaaa said:

I know nothing about whats going on, so im gonna ignore her and enjoy disney movies.

What I learned though from the past couple of years as someone who lives in the Middle East, all these protests and Arab spring that happened destroyed our countries with zero progress, it infact created more strict laws and worse dictators. Look at Egypt, Libya, and Syria..

People in HK don’t have the luxury to ignore what’s going on. Everyone has a responsibility to check their privilege to turn a blind eye when others are fighting for their lives in the pursuit of freedom.  

HK has had relative freedom and democracy and it’s actively being taken away by one of the world’s biggest human rights abusers. China is a country with literal Muslim concentration camps. I doubt my pleading will do anything, but please care. 

4 hours ago, August3 said:

Okay. But why would people boycott Mulan? Why punish everyone who worked on it? 

Disney is just about the largest entertainment corporation on earth, I think the video editors will be fine. We should care more about the people risking their lives so their children and grandchildren can live in a free world. 

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Hi everyone, as a Hong Konger I'm glad to see some of you are following / paying attention to what's going on here in Hong Kong. I know GGD is probably not the best platform to discuss politics, but if any of you are interested to know more, I'm happy to do some Q&A here or in DM.


'til it happens to you, you won't know how we feel.

🇭🇰/🇬🇧 • watch my blues turn gold
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16 minutes ago, MJHolland said:

They went to the airport because police were violently beating protesters in the streets. 

At the airport, police would be brutalizing otherwise peaceful protesters in front of the world. It’s the only place protesters are safe. 

Big yikes, will not be watching this movie. 

So they are allowed to harrast people in the airport?

Where's the logic in that?

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Btw this bitch has US citizenship.

she can’t enjoy Chinese communist money and hold passport of a democratic country. :grr:

skin her!

Im angry coz I’m from Hong Kong. The police force has been using force illegally against protestors. Since China’s internet is basically intranet, they had no idea of the backstory. They only started this supporting HK police hashtag coz the person we attacked was planted in the protest to anger protestors.

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I wonder how Disney will handle the damage control..

I'm not gonna watch it..

I'm working late, cause I'm a puta
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27 minutes ago, RudzXinc said:

So they are allowed to harrast people in the airport?

Where's the logic in that?

Not random people. 

The “reporter” was a set up to make protestors look bad. He didn’t state his intention, came to HK with traveller’s visa instead of press/working visa, said that he supports HK police and people can beat him now in the middle of his so called reporting, had a t shirt that triad members who attacked protestors wore. Clearly a bait from China to make protestors attack him.

the other guy who was attacked was a Chinese auxiliary Police. They were all banned from leaving China using traveler’s visa right now. How could he come to HK? Another setup?

We basically tried to protect ourselves from the communist’s infiltration of the protest. Yes we should’ve have been violent but we didn’t attack random people. 

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1 hour ago, Locke said:

If you are really following Hong Kong news you will find that the 'supporting HK police' slogan was started from HK locals. It is a shame that most of the western presses chose to report only one side of the story (of course, mainland China is only telling the people the other side). Lots of people in Hong Kong do fight for their freedom, at the same time, many locals also vocally are supporting the police and are against the radical protesters. This 'supporting HK police' slogan was mainly happened after some protesters attacked one mainland tourist and a reporter and tried to stop ambulance people rescuing them at the airport on 13th August. Hong Kong local newspapers and websites actually have published several articles and open letters to support the polices, such as this Hong Kong website 'Silent majority' (https://www.silentmajority.hk/articles/1004459). People should have the right to fight for their freedom, but at the same time, people should have the right to know the whole story. If you watched the video of Hong Kong people kicking the Mainland tourist on the floor, you could feel the hate. I don't understand if you are a fight for freedom, human right, how can you done something like this to a people who has no power? and for the people here, you wouldn't say 'of course because she is Chinese' if you have looked at how many people in mainland China, my friends, supporting Hong Kong protesters. I feel like, all these misunderstandings and hates were started from these bias and ignorance. 

I appreciate you for showing the other side of the story. I’m from Hong Kong and I’m more on the anti Gov side. Tbh the pro gov population is mainly new migrants from China. The Chinese government sends 150 people to Hong Kong to neutralize the population with pro Chinese government people.

I went to the airport. That person was a Chinese auxiliary police. If you follow HK local news and forums closely, you will see traces of how he was planted by the Chinese gov to make HK protestors look bad. 

This is just my side of the story of you want to know more about the story from my perspective since you seem to be accepting different opinions.

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Lion Heart


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Gov Hooka
7 hours ago, RudzXinc said:

People are entitled to their political opinion :triggered:

Of course she said that, she's Chinese. Also that "I support HK police" stuff started because the demonstrators blocking airport causing people to miss their flights and attacking civilians in the airport.

here come the posts justifying the actions of the police and Central Chinese government and condemning protests for DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS :triggered: She is entitled to her wrong opinion and hopefully this destroys her career and hurts the prospects of the movie doing well. Shame on her (and dishonor on her cow :giggle: )

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Gov Hooka
7 hours ago, Faysalaaa said:

I know nothing about whats going on, so im gonna ignore her and enjoy disney movies.

What I learned though from the past couple of years as someone who lives in the Middle East, all these protests and Arab spring that happened destroyed our countries with zero progress, it infact created more strict laws and worse dictators. Look at Egypt, Libya, and Syria..

I know the Arab Spring was only successful in Tunisia but the alternative is just as bad. At least in Hong Kong, democracy has existed for nearly 50 years and people should rise up to ensure they don't become subjugated under a new totalitarian regime. The two situations aren't comparable  imo

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