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New Pokemon Sword and Shield trailer.


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1 hour ago, Lion Heart said:

Team Yell I think they were callled. 


1 hour ago, Lion Heart said:

Also a lot of the new Pokemon look atrocious. :coffee:  



sorry for a post with just two pictures, idek :flop: 

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Tom Nook

To me some of the Pokémon look kinda weird and I don’t know why :messga: I think this is the first time in the franchise where I feel disconnected :shrug:

Uh Red Wine... Convict... Gah Gah...
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5 hours ago, RahrahWitch said:

I'm just so dissapointed with this generation, There's so little that I'm actually excited for.

I was never a huge Fan of temporary Evolutions like Megas or Primal forms but I could get behind them but this Dyna/Gigantamax thing not only looks silly but just doesn't interest me at all.  To think they got rid of Z-moves and all the cool mega designs just to bring in a new gimmick that hardly anyone likes that combines the two.

The Pokemon this generation also haven't sparked my interest apart from wooloo and thats only cause it's cute. Then you have the wild area which being the open world i was so excited for but after seeing the demo it looks incredibly underwhelming. And finall the fact that only pokemon in the national dex will be in the game is a huge let down, so much for catching them all.... :toofunny:

the wild area is so empty and kinda lifeless

check this video


I'm also so tired of this endless flying models of the flying pokemon.. I just want them to f-cking rest on their 2 legs lol


His fart felt like a kiss
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4 hours ago, River said:

the wild area is so empty and kinda lifeless

check this video


I'm also so tired of this endless flying models of the flying pokemon.. I just want them to f-cking rest on their 2 legs lol


O **** Dragon Quest looks great!

Anywho, I am really liking the designs for the new pokes but, this digimaxing thing is pretty bad compared to Megas (I'm am pretty tired of gimmicks in pokemon actually, they need to just focus on the game ffs), and the Wild Area clearly should've been done better. I think I'll have my parents get me this for Christmas rather than spend my own money on it.


Also, you can see a new pokemon if you pause the trailer at 14 seconds, right as the pokeball opens. It's kinda hard to make out, but it looks somewhat like an elephant.


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Does this mean that the  pokemon who can gigantimaxisuperfralidocious cannot evolve? 

Free my mind
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Rlly didnt wnna buy an entire switch just to play pokemon, but now that the switch lite has been announced, im gonna buy that one yaay

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Lion Heart

Toxapex and Ferrothorn confirmed.

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I feel like Pokémon is getting more and more childish. Up until Gen 6 there have been great and sometimes dark stories, amazing Pokémon designs (yes, I think gen 5 had some of the best) and they were just epic. They had the perfect balance between being suitable for younger players but also delivering more than enough for older players.

However, since Alola Pokémon has definitely been focusing on younger audiences which is so sad for all the other players. They should have taken a darker approach like they did with BW and XY (how we've been asking Gaga to do something dark and now I'm asking Pokemon:selena:)

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They are ruining this whole franchise...

To me cartoon was the most important thing and it's ruined. Remember when in first few seasons the characters were sassy, served some adult jokes, James doing drag... It's not there anymore.

The way they changed their appearances... Ash looks awful in s&m. Everyone actually... This is not the same cartoon anymore. Also it's boring, full of filler scenes... 

Also pokemon as creatures are now uninspiring... Some fanmade drawings on the internet look better than the official ones...

Everything is just bad.

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was thinking about getting a switch for pokemon but might just buy an old DS...

show me to me please
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Lion Heart
On 7/12/2019 at 5:34 AM, melon said:

was thinking about getting a switch for pokemon but might just buy an old DS...

The Nintendo Switch Lites have been announce. :) They're going for $200.


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Lion Heart

THIS is what I was hoping SWSH will look like: 


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