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No new music this Friday. I'm sorry.


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54 minutes ago, Economy said:

Not that I ever got my hopes up


But if that info was true about a release and wasn't supposed to be leaked of course they'd try to cover it up


And they aren't saying no by saying "no confirmation"


The original thread has no proof but this also means nothing 

I agree with this.  They didn't want it leaked, if it were going to happen. 

Also, someone's job is probably in jeopardy now. :messga:

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Nobody will believe but here goes... a friend at LiveNation knows **** but won't tell me... all I've gotten out of him is that there is no album coming anytime soon. Like none planned at all. She is planning to release singles, though. Like 3-4 of them over the next year. One will be "soon," but I know that's not helpful.

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Why did you even make this topic? This was already posted like 10 times.


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8 hours ago, Widows Kiss said:

Why would they confirm that nothing is coming on twitter when she'd release something? They'd just look like a fool.

Cuz they said no confirmation. It doesn't sound as bad



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16 hours ago, OMonster said:

My thread wasn't intended as confirmation of a single - it was more just to discuss the legitimacy of what the assistant was telling me. 

SiriusXM now backtracking on what they said, though, isn't confirmation either way... of a single, or of no single. Of course, faced with a breach of confidentiality, they are going to backtrack and deny what they previously said. This is common practice.  

That said, what was said to me (and a few others) *is not* confirmation that there *is* a single, either. 

It is a situation now where we will not know the 'truth' until Friday. But either way, no one is in the wrong here and no one is 'lying' - if anything, it is simply SiriusXM who were confused and did not inform their assistants correctly. 

They might have just assumed since you were asking about a new Gaga single that one was being released and telling you it would be played as soon as they got it. But who knows. I highly doubt it'll happen but won't be mad if it does.

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Tiny Purse

Nothing is happening. Everyone is just getting set up to be disappointing and then talk about how they hate Gaga and Enigma again. 

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