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Charlize Theron's child comes out as transgender


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Charlize Theron has revealed she is raising her first child as a girl after first introducing her to the world as a boy.

The Oscar-winning actress said seven-year-old Jackson – one of her two adopted children – was three when the youngster told her: “I am not a boy.”

The 43-year-old star has now said she is raising “two beautiful daughters”.

“My job as a parent is to celebrate them and to love them and to make sure that they have everything they need in order to be what they want to be.

“And I will do everything in my power for my kids to have that right and to be protected within that.”


source: https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/charlize-theron-child-transgender-jackson-son-daughter_uk_5cb96884e4b032e7ceb6e2eb?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAEgqE4isbGZTdJK_aJFIVydmFIYuGxGpMmQvLQ7KGieDSJsXRiTPuoL0sV3-ftEH_f8tPdxnqPRcTnpInnFmumcUTF98LJowoOwQX7cVSz9xB88q1b3zS6y6TBQKr6tCgMZRM5K6klEP0dgRJINCngRpdSbflCUKrXR1DDp4I4v3

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11 minutes ago, Supersonic said:

“My job as a parent is to celebrate them and to love them and to make sure that they have everything they need in order to be what they want to be.

“And I will do everything in my power for my kids to have that right and to be protected within that.”

**** this is so powerful. so happy for the kid <3

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It's amazing that there are supportive parents nowadays that support their trans children :heart:

I just hope people on the right aren't going to make a scandal out of this and cause her disturbance :triggered:

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Guillaume Hamon

Some people gonna talk **** about her reaction but what would be better than that?  Expecting the kid to hide it like most parents did for centuries? It only make them feel terrible.

She did the right thing. Let's the kid grow up, figure out stuffs at the good pace and know it will be done with love whatever the path chosen.

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Oh these situations are so tricky, especially with children, her approach is amazing though and the kid is happy to have her as a mother and to have this support.

I'm the bitch that's fragile
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Queen Gloria

Charlize is the goat, I've always loved her. She's a rare performer in our generation. Classy, gorgeous, great dramatic actress, extremely funny, a badass stunt woman, now this. Just another reason to love Charlize and her family, congrats to them. 

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Ok, nice of her. But. How can she decide about that after one random sentence from a 3-year-old? 

I have many kids in my family and I 100% believe that the age of 3/4 isn't really indicative to decide about such important things because "my kid said that". 

Let them decide when they are older.

❗️ IG: thebumblebee__ ❗️
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4 minutes ago, Rifek said:

Ok, nice of her. But. How can she decide about that after one random sentence from a 3-year-old? 

I have many kids in my family and I 100% believe that the age of 3/4 isn't really indicative to decide about such important things because "my kid said that". 

 Let them decide when they are older.

She's not deciding anything? She's just letting her children express themselves however they want. If her 7 year old child wants to be referred to by female pronouns / wear feminine clothing and she's allowing it then she's letting her child decide.

headspin, happiness, DE̤̣A̢̯͔̘T͏͙̗̟̫H̗̙͡ͅ
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2 minutes ago, gag said:

She's not deciding anything? She's just letting her children express themselves however they want. If her 7 year old child wants to be referred to by female pronouns / wear feminine clothing and she's allowing it then she's letting her child decide.

Of course she is. And she HAS to. Because the kid is just 7 years old so s/he can't decide on most of the things him/herself. And the truth is that it's probably not what that kid wants but what SHE wants to do. 

❗️ IG: thebumblebee__ ❗️
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7 minutes ago, Rifek said:

Of course she is. And she HAS to.

How? :rip: What else should she do then? Force her daughter to wear clothes that she doesn't feel comfortable in? What's the alternative?

7 minutes ago, Rifek said:

Because the kid is just 7 years old so s/he can't decide on most of the things him/herself.

Gender expression is completely something that young children can decide for themselves in the forms of the types of toys they play with, the clothes they want to wear, the way they want their hair to be. They're not undergoing any surgery or anything permanent, what's the damage? If her daughter decides to detransition when she grows up then that's also completely fine, Charlize is just making sure she supports her children through their exploration of gender. As all parents should do.

7 minutes ago, Rifek said:

And the truth is that it's probably not what that kid wants but what SHE wants to do. 

I'm not even going to touch on this. You don't know that and it borderlines on delegitimising the experiences of trans people.

headspin, happiness, DE̤̣A̢̯͔̘T͏͙̗̟̫H̗̙͡ͅ
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1 hour ago, Rifek said:

Ok, nice of her. But. How can she decide about that after one random sentence from a 3-year-old? 

I have many kids in my family and I 100% believe that the age of 3/4 isn't really indicative to decide about such important things because "my kid said that". 

Let them decide when they are older.

How about we let transgender people tell us when they are transgender?

I get what you're saying but even kids can understand when they aren't feeling "themselves". Something really important here is that her kid was 3 when she made that remark, is now 7 and feels that same way. 

If you still can't see whats great about how Charlize is raising her daughters then just ask yourself if you want her kids to be happy or unhappy. 

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Regina George

How can a 3 year old be mentally able to make this decision tho? I’m all for freedom and equality but I honestly don’t think this is something 3 year old is able of understanding. 

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