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Gaga wrote most of Enigma herself


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Billboard has a neat interview with the Enigma/Jazz Show Production Designer LeRoy Bennett on how the Vegas shows were conceived during all the press for ASIB. It's super interesting. Some snippets:

How did the creative process for the Vegas shows compare to all the other arena tours and stadium tours you had done with Gaga prior, especially since she had all the commitments for A Star Is Born?

Even though it was a short amount of time and very rushed, it was concentrated and very focused. So, there was even more attention to every detail and she gave it her all. She was really involved with the story of the show and worked a lot harder on it because she knew she had to catch up on things. Normally, in touring mode, sometimes we don't even get through a full rehearsal before the first show. But the thing is she's a real true star. Once you put her on a stage, even though she hasn't gone through an entire run-through, she can do it. She just has that talent. She is organic. She's able to improvise in a way that you don't know she's improvising.

How did the genesis of the anime-inspired Enigma character come about?

She created the story and the wrote the script herself. But she had some help from Eli Russell, a young kid who's done some of the photography for her but somehow he got into the creative of the show. The character Enigma was based on a character that we've used in the past for her ARTPOP tour: Petga. She brought her back and gave her a different name and a bigger role.

Are there any plans to possibly switch things up or rearrange the shows as time goes on?

By the end of this year, we'll see where we're at and where her head's at. Fortunately, there are big breaks between the different runs. So, if you're only doing three and a half weeks of the same show, and then you've got three of four months off, you have gotten enough time when you come back where it seems fresh again. It doesn't become stale. Definitely through the year, I don't think there would be anything she wants to change. Once we get into next year, we'll see.


Full article: https://www.billboard.com/articles/news/8500580/lady-gaga-production-designer-leroy-bennett-creating-vegas-residency

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she should've hired a writer tbh. The storyline is a mess and so is the script.  


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Told y'all. The ones who were all "the show will change!!! don't judge it based on the first few shows!!" when responding to (in many cases justified) criticism were way off as I predicted. Gaga doesn't make half-ass shows on purpose to surpass them half a year later lol.

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Phaye Monster
2 minutes ago, ferretti said:

Sheï»żï»ż just has that talenï»żtï»ż.

Damn right she does

I guess this whole interview kind of disproves that LG6 is coming later this year but who knows. 

I'm an ARTPOP bitch, baby
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9 minutes ago, ferretti said:

Definitely through the year, I don't think there would be anything she wants to change.


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Sorry but I don't like the story. No offense but it's kind of silly

Gaga's brilliant, but the idea behind Enigma...not too much

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13 minutes ago, ferretti said:

By the end of this year, we'll see where we're at and where her head's at. Fortunately, there are big breaks between the different runs. So, if you're only doing three and a half weeks of the same show, and then you've got three of four months off, you have gotten enough time when you come back where it seems fresh again. It doesn't become stale. Definitely through the year, I don't think there would be anything she wants to change. Once we get into next year, we'll see.

She might want to change her address if LG6 isn't coming this year :huntyga:

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9 minutes ago, Judaz said:

It better be changed by the end of the year to add LG6 tracks

I don't think LG6 will be linked to Enigma. Just look at her two last records she only included one song of each

I just think that show is made to be a greatest hit. LG6 singles may be included later

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12 minutes ago, ferretti said:

Billboard has a neat interview with the Enigma/Jazz Show Production Designer LeRoy Bennett on how the Vegas shows were conceived during all the press for ASIB. It's super interesting. Some snippets:

How did the creative process for the Vegas shows compare to all the other arena tours and stadium tours you had done with Gaga prior, especially since she had all the commitments for A Star Is Born?

Even though it was a short amount of time and very rushed, it was concentrated and very focused. So, there was even more attention to every detail and she gave it her all. She was really involved with the story of the show and worked a lot harder on it because she knew she had to catch up on things. Normally, in touring mode, sometimes we don't even get through a full rehearsal before the first show. But the thing is she's a real true star. Once you put her on a stage, even though she hasn't gone through an entire run-through, she can do it. She just has that talent. She is organic. She's able to improvise in a way that you don't know she's improvising.

We can tell :lana: like girll.... she had so much time to plan this see this is what makes me mad about her sometimes like how she half asses **** :madge: 

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Sneaky Oliver

The story is clever. There's no way you guys think it's completely dumb. I think she had a great idea, but she didn't have enough room for the text so it became a little hard to understand the concept when you first watch the show. Plus: Enigma was not meant for Gaga stans-only. It has to be a great fun dancey pop show before the deep "gaga" stuff

I’m on my Legacy Act era
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