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Best games for the Switch? (Newer owner)


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Games I have so far: 

•Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

•Mario Party

•Mario Odyssey 


Not going to lie, at this point it feels like there isn’t much else to be excited for besides Zelda: Breath of the Wild and maybe Super Smash Bros (which I used to love on the GameCube). 


So..... Please help me out here, I’d love some suggestions for first person shooters (etc), games like Soul Caliber or Mortal Kombat (gah, ik that isn’t a reality with Nintendo). Buyers remorse to an extent. Meltdown in.....





Please give me some hope and tell me I’m overreacting...



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I'm really enjoying Let's Go Pikachu so far. I also have Smash Ultimate and have been enjoying it even though I suck. When Super Mario Maker 2 comes out in June, it's gonna be awesome.

I used to really like Splatoon 2 but I got tired of it pretty quickly.

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if you enjoy pokemon, try getting that one
some of the titles you should be excited for are coming pretty much later this year and next year so

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Widows Kiss

Zelda BOTW will keep you busy for weeks if you are dedicated. It's really one of the greatest games I've played yet. I'm also into fighting games, perhaps you'd lile Dragon Ball Fighter Z? It's not a Switch game only though. There's also Let's Go Pikachu / Eevee.

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I'm also a new owner of the switch and so far i have: 
Super Mario odyssey
Super Mario U Deluxe 
Super Smash Bros Ultimate

Smash is alot of fun to play with friends and i love super mario platform games so U deluxe is amazing. Most likely getting breath of the wild and Let's go Picachu/Eevee next (or just wait until they release a new generation pokemon for the switch).

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Breath of the Wild and Smash are Switch essentials. Bayonetta 1/2 are also amazing games that you should consider checking out (1 comes packaged with 2 as a download). I can't think of any FPS games on the Switch (:selena:) but Splatoon 2 is an online shooter-esque game that's a ton of fun.

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I loved Pokémon Let’s Go. Also BOTW is must own, I would suggest getting it next once you beat Odyssey. Mario Party was a bit of a let down for me. 

Also consider some great ports like DK Tropical Freeze, Captain Toad Treasure Tracker, Skyrim, Rocket League and Doom. Wolfenstein 2 might be of interest also for a fps.

I don’t own them, but many on this forum and the GGD Nintendo Hub [@Haroon] like Splatoon 2, Stardew Valley, LA Noire, Octopath Traveller and Bayonetta.


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BOTW. I had never played Zelda before I played it on Switch and tbh the whole Zelda franchise never seemed appealing to me but I took and chance and I'm glad I did. I love that game and I'm completely converted :heart: I've had it for over a year now and I still find myself going back to it trying to get 100% as there's SO much to do.

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