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Shawn Mendes on being called gay


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Is he privileged? In some ways, yes.

Does being privileged deny basic respect? No

Is he straight or gay? That's up to him to know and share.

Is being gay bad? No

Is being straight bad? No

Does he deserve to be denied of what he is, straight or gay? Does he deserve (as a human being) to have his words ignored or even mocked, and be imagined in our little fantasies as what he might be? No

I would be annoyed that no matter what I say or do, people think I'm something else. It would feelĀ like I'm objectified and not appreciated of who I really am. Whether there is a closet or not for him to come out or not, don't bother knocking on the door against his will.


The minute someone is white, straight, or male, we shouldn't change our moral compasses drastically. At that point, it's not a compass anymore.

Shaking. My. Head.

I fell down the stairs once as an actor.
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I feel badly that he is so uncomfortable with the rumorsĀ and that he is so insecure about himself.Ā 

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Cody James
4 hours ago, Oriane said:

GGD : Ugh he complains that everyone calls him gay although he's straight, that's internalized homophobia

Also GGD : Look at the way he speaks and moves, he MUST be gay !

So as gay men we are defined by our hand movements and voices??Ā 

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Im not even part of the LGBT community, but there is no way this guy is 100% straight, at least bi but definitely gay. Hopefully he accepts itĀ 

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Guillaume Hamon
1 hour ago, kyanewest said:

Im not even part of the LGBT community, but there is no way this guy is 100% straight, at least bi but definitely gay. Hopefully he accepts itĀ 

Honestly I stopped assuming who's gay or not cause I realized you can never know lol. I was myself as a gay guy thinking "he must be gay" and being wrong then being surprised with one guy being gay when I was sure he wouldn't be gay. We based ourselves on stereotypes mainly then we see it doesn't make you know for sure since truth is often way more diverse and complex.

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6 hours ago, Admin said:

It's not. He can't control what gives him nightmares. He even said he hates it.

No oneĀ chooses to be homophobic. Prejudice is something that is learned when you are young and it sticks with you subconsciously throughout your life. His anti-gay anxiety is absolutely homophobic.Ā 

I bolded the last part of your response because it contradicts the first; if it's not homophobic, why does he hate feeling that way? Ā 

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Just now, MJHolland said:

No oneĀ chooses to be homophobic. Prejudice is something that is learned when you are young and it sticks with you subconsciously throughout your life. His anti-gay anxiety is absolutely homophobic.Ā 

I bolded the last part of your response because it contradicts the first; if it's not homophobic, why does he hate feeling that way? Ā 

I didn't say those thoughts are not homophobic. I said him admitting he has thoughts like that is not homophobic. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

Sure a response like "I don't care about people thinking I'm gay because there's nothing wrong with being gay" sounds like an obviously better one, but I actually think it's incredibly helpful that he admits he has those thoughts and knows they are wrong.

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19 hours ago, Oriane said:

This is one of the only straight guys who wasĀ actually comfortable having some feminity, not wanting to show pure masculinity, and look what all of this has done to him. He starts worrying about crossing his legs, the way he talks or behaves, just because these rumors won't go. Having the whole world constantly saying something you're not is exhausting, whatever it is.

Sometimes the LGBTQ community can beĀ its own "enemy", and I think its one of those cases. Forcing a sexuality onto other people, always making jokes about what he says, his moves etc. ThatĀ can make people, who were fine,Ā opened with LGBTQ, allies,Ā change their opinions/behavior and act different or think different. Poor Shawn,Ā it went too far.Ā Idk if I explained it well, anyway I'm tired I've been studying all day.

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Honestly, I still do not believe him. Some people take a long time to realize they are gay so who knows. Sexuality is fluid after all... And also, it's not like Justin Bieber or Justin Timberlake were saying they weren'tĀ gay. This honestly screams insecure in Shawn Mende's part.Ā 

trolly troll troll
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6 hours ago, Cody James said:

So as gay men we are defined by our hand movements and voices??Ā 

Of course, we have been lied to all this time, it has nothing to do with liking men, it's just about hand movements !

You popped my heart seams, all my bubble dreams
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Queen Bitch
22 hours ago, kyanewest said:

Im not even part of the LGBT community, but there is no way this guy is 100% straight, at least bi but definitely gay. Hopefully he accepts itĀ 

You can't say that tho. The only one who can say that is Shawn, he's the only one who knows it. Honestly you can NEVER tell if someone is gay based on their personality and the way they talk and act, as someone who IS part of the LGBT community I should know.Ā 

As someone else in this thread said; when someone says "I'm straight" or "I'm gay" that should be the end of the discussion. So just stop.Ā 

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Queen Bitch
16 hours ago, gumzy3000 said:

Honestly, I still do not believe him. Some people take a long time to realize they are gay so who knows. Sexuality is fluid after all... And also, it's not like Justin Bieber or Justin Timberlake were saying they weren'tĀ gay. This honestly screams insecure in Shawn Mende's part.Ā 

He could deny being gay a 100 billion times and you probably still wouldn't believe him just because. Honestly what makes him seem gay?Ā 

I never understood why people even care about his sexuality. It wouldn't change anything if he was gay.Ā 

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