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Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th

How many times have you seen A Star Is Born?


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Twice! And it really is true that the second time you watch it you definitely feel more emotional. 

I don't understand pineapples, so I don't eat bananas.
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Twice. I'll probably go a few more times just for fun :toofunny:

anybody knows you can conjure anything by the dark of the moon
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9 times LOL

Most were free (amc a-list)/comp passed or cheap with offers. For most I went with different friends each time who wanted to see it. 

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ZERO! I live in one of the very few countries that won’t screen this movie! I have to either fly 4 hours to another country/ region to see this movie, or sit my ass back here and wait for the DVD or ITunes version released! I seriously considered flying 12 hours to US last week just to watch this movie! 

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once, and i probably won't watch it again for a while. it hit home on a lot of levels and was emotionally draining. but i still absolutely love it. one of the best movies i've seen

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