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ASIB Soundtrack is Everything Joanne Wanted to Be

Princess Stache

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Princess Stache

Okay, so I love all gagas albums so no shade intended,


I've come to the conclusion that the ASIB soundtrack provides the exact kind of genre-bending and appeal to all genre lovers that Gaga described Joanne as.  ASIB has country, rock, soul, jazz, pop, and ballads.  I feel like often times Joanne used "pop" as an anchor and stopped the album from going too far in the direction of a particular genre.  The overall sound of ASIB makes me think of a much more evolved Joanne.  Because ASIB isn't a CONCEPT album and instead tells a story over a period of time (and has Bradley Cooper) its able to fully dip its ankles in other genres.  Plus, this album showcases Gaga's best vocal performance to date (I have no clue how this woman can keep topping herself).

Share your thoughts laid ease

PS Joanne may have been the mature intro we needed as a precursor to ASIB, but I think its completely outshined by ASIB, another "personal" and "stripped-down" era.

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Joanne was cute but the ASIB soundtrack is drop dead gorgeous. I can listen to the soundtrack all the way though with no skips where as with Joanne I have only a few songs I go to listen to. 

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Joanne was incredible.

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I totally agree with this... I think Gaga (or her label) was scared of alienating her original fanbase, so they never fully went in any particular direction with Joanne. The end product was very listenable but pretty meh. It just felt very "soft".

Whereas with ASIB they were able to go 100% full-on into each genre for each character, and it just feels more rich and fully developed.

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I don't think Joanne wanted to be like ASIB. I see the resemblance between the first part of the ASIB soundtrack (the Fleetwood Mac-esque songs) and Joanne, especially Diamond Heart, Sinner's Prayer and Hey Girl but while Joanne went for a decidedly late 80s indie route, ASIB is, mostly, big anthemic pop rock with a sense of subtlety. I see it as Born This Way's natural, "I'm exploding into my 30s" follow-up, at least when it comes to the songwriting.

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Space Cowboy

They are both their own cohesive albums, with similarities. I wouldn't put one down to lift up the other. A star is born soundtrack definitely can stand on its own.

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I love love LOVE Joanne, it might be one of my favorite Gaga albums but I 100% agree with you. She was scared of going all the way and she even says that on 5F2. Songs like Dancing In Circles, John Wayne and Perfect Illusion (even though great) feel like fan-service. And she was right, a lot of people here hate Joanne and like only those songs lol.

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