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Weirdest crush you’ve ever had?


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GUYS WHO friendzone me :( is that weird enough?

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4 hours ago, DannyRodeck said:

GUYS WHO friendzone me :( is that weird enough?

meeee lmaooooo

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There was an older hispanic woman at my elementary school that I had weird, almost romantic feelings for as a kid :poot: even now, a decade after coming to terms with being a hunty, I could still see myself hooking up with an older latina. Not for sex or anything, they're just the most entertaining and crazy binches around :diane:

The Puerto Rican male in me is in a constant struggle with the white gay in me I guess :laughga:

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On 8/30/2018 at 12:32 AM, Cassidyfal said:

Is it just me or does your crush suddenly go away when you realize they 100% don't like you? lol

It's you :giggle: the rest of us are sadists who find forbidden fruit more alluring than a fruit dinner made specifically for us :diane:

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mine was towards a girl when i myself as gay for almost 10 years and never had anything towards a girl before. it was 2 years ago and it made me question every single part of my sexual identity tbqh. anyone with the same experience?

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back when i was in middle school My homeroom that I was in for 4 different hours of the day My Teacher's assistant Mr.Blandford Oh dmn He was soo fking sexy His muscles were huge he had this nice ass tan his dark brown hair smoothed back he was in his late 20's 

Jim Carrey Idk where it started but back in early 2000's he was cute af and when he was younger but. He was quirky which drew me in along with his energy and aura. and just in the past few years in 2014 when ariana had a wierd crush on him i went back and watched his movies again and fell for him hard all over again lmao and a recent pic of him he looks fkn hot. Also his outlook on life really drew me in and everything his creativeness. I've seen all his movies more than 10 times I'd say im a fan lol



Recent Pic  DlkhCwpXsAIj6az.jpg:large


It's Not a wierd Crush But I also Love Matt Damon, Jake Gyllenhaal And Mark wahlberg ugh they could all destroy me :icega:


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Red Velvet

I had a crush on both Aquaria in and out of drag. And also Raja, oh and also Violet, and Bianca and Sasha! OMG, WHY AM I S9 ATTRACTED TO THESE WINNERS!

I'm like some kind of supernova
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On 8/30/2018 at 9:08 PM, DannyRodeck said:

GUYS WHO friendzone me :( is that weird enough?

What works for me is just looking at them like a sibling. It helped get rid of the feeling for me many times including female friends

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