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I really thought that going by the (previous + official) screen cap and the promo images we were going to get something beyond incredible...

If this is real... sigh, well I'm seriously doubting Gaga's ability to turn out a video that will exceed Bad Romance... And I'm sorry, but yes, if you want Gaga's perfume to be commercially viable, you HAVE to accept that their needs to be a certain amount of marketability... If Gaga wants to pull in big numbers, she's going to have to create an image which people are going to actually WANT to emulate...

Gaga... I pray to you... don't take a gem of a song, and turn out an absolulty appalling video piece for it... We already had TEOG's marketability ruined by it's video...

It's her choice though. No matter how much you dislike it - she's still pushing your buttons. What the hell do you expect from a "BLACK PERFUME"? You expect it to be colorful and all Katy Perry? - no.

It's not up to US how she wants to be viewed and how she wants everything to be received. Why the hell do you already judge from a freaking screencap of the commercial? People need to gett of her dick, I swear. Keep an open mind. Knowing it's Gaga - it's never UP to your mold. It's up to HER mold.

Plus, it's really up to "her" if she exceeds Bad Romance or not - cause it's on HER perspective - her point of view. IF she felt like she exceeded BR - then she did. Your views doesn't necessarily mean it's a universal thought.

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If someone thinks she's ugly, they will not change their mind just because you say so...

If someone wants to say "She's ugly!!", he's free to say it. We're in a forum, we share our thoughts, Freedom of speech

Not everyone has to agree with you, so respect the other opinions...

She doesn't need to follow the "hollywood standard of beauty", but you can't say she's pretty in this pic... But if you think so...good for you

The commercial can still be awesome even with this look (I love the Alejandro video even if she wasn't so pretty in it..)

And of course, you missed my point. Have you actually read my original post about this? I said, people don't have to agree or love everything that Gaga does - however a line of respect must be maintained. I don't care if you think it's ugly - like you said - you have the freaking freedom to think that -- HOWEVER; it's all up to how you express yourself. Do you really think you saying "OMG THAT'S SO UGLY, EW WTF?" will make people view as a good person? no. You will seem like a vapid ignorant fool.

You clearly just missed my point by a long shot. I'm not talking about changing you opinion rather, expressing your opinion. When did I ever say "Oh you're stupid for saying she's ugly" ? - right. 'cause I never said that. I'm just saying look at how you present yourself. It just seems REALLY shallow AND immature if you write it like "OMG THATS F'N UGLY" . There's another way to express your thoughts without sounding like a jerk. You know?

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Galactic Mess

so she really is a man...

First thing I thought when I saw her face :toofunny:

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I'm the only one here that i like it! this remaind me when BTW album cover was leak and some monsters don't like it... i'm in love since the first time when i see... like this! i want to see this comercial so soon (not Gaga soon :creepflop: )

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It's her choice though. No matter how much you dislike it - she's still pushing your buttons. What the hell do you expect from a "BLACK PERFUME"? You expect it to be colorful and all Katy Perry? - no.

It's not up to US how she wants to be viewed and how she wants everything to be received. Why the hell do you already judge from a freaking screencap of the commercial? People need to gett of her dick, I swear. Keep an open mind. Knowing it's Gaga - it's never UP to your mold. It's up to HER mold.

Plus, it's really up to "her" if she exceeds Bad Romance or not - cause it's on HER perspective - her point of view. IF she felt like she exceeded BR - then she did. Your views doesn't necessarily mean it's a universal thought.

Sigh... Yes, I understand it's her work, and her vision... but at the end of the day WE'RE THE ONES THE MONEY... We are the people who are going to spend all this money on her tours, her albums, her merchandise, her frangerences, and we as the consumer have a voice... and a right to say what we think... And if the end product isn't good, people aren't going to buy it... Unless your some clone, who will blindly purchase anything the women ever releases just because it's Gaga...

And as a fan of Gaga, I can't help but feel as she's gotten to a point, where by she's almost become self destructive... Hear me out... I love that Gaga loves to get involved in every creatively driven aspect of her career, producing, directing, editing... but it's gotten to the point where by she needs to accept that in order for her to get that high gloss finish, she needs to get people in, who actually know what their doing...

If she continues to head down this path, of doing HER thing "her mold as you put it"... and not really commerizling her work in any way, It's going to loose it's marketability, and cost her popularity, money and profitability...

FOR EXAMPLE...If Gaga DID go ahead and release a frangernce that smelled of Blood and Semen.... would YOU support it? And just give the argument... "well it's her choice???"... Gaga needs to be told, that certain creative ideas she has, are just simply not going to work out... I feel Interscope have given her WAY too much creative control with the whole era up till recently, and they need to pull in the reigns a little... (Which I believe their doing)

We're the ones buying into her, the fan.... the general public... and if she doesn't deliver something we like or enjoy, we have to right to say so... As do you...

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II'm seriously doubting Gaga's ability to turn out a video that will exceed Bad Romance... And I'm sorry, but yes, if you want Gaga's perfume to be commercially viable, you HAVE to accept that their needs to be a certain amount of marketability...


I'm sorry but I missed that part where the Bad Romance video was all for the commercially viable and mainstream :sick:.

People need to hush. I can't believe people are like "OMG SHE LOOKS UGLY" like where have you been the past freaking years? She has always pushed your perception of beauty. Saying that she looks ugly and terrible - shows that you're REALLY shallow + you're not really here for the music. I thought physicality didn't matter and it's all about the message? It's just really disturbing to see her fans actually criticize her - whether this is real or fake, I think Gaga should push for what SHE thinks and not what the public wants her to look. You guys are cruel saying "You're selling a perfume. You don't want to scare your buyers away" <-- LIKE WTF IS THIS. Seriously? It's time to grow up and stop being vapid.

EDIT: No - it doesn't mean that you have to like EVERYTHING Gaga's doing - but keep a sense of respect to what she's doing and appreciate it. You can still dislike her look and not be rude about it. It might not be upon "your" standard or your mold - but this is what's wrong with society and this what Gaga is trying to fight. Stop putting her in YOUR mold, and let her do what she thinks exemplifies BEAUTY for her OWN.


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I'm sorry but I missed that part where the Bad Romance video was all for the commercially viable and mainstream :sick:.


Ok... and that's a bad thing?

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Sigh... Yes, I understand it's her work, and her vision... but at the end of the day WE'RE THE ONES THE MONEY... We are the people who are going to spend all this money on her tours, her albums, her merchandise, her frangerences, and we as the consumer have a voice... and a right to say what we think... And if the end product isn't good, people aren't going to buy it... Unless your some clone, who will blindly purchase anything the women ever releases just because it's Gaga...

And as a fan of Gaga, I can't help but feel as she's gotten to a point, where by she's almost become self destructive... Hear me out... I love that Gaga loves to get involved in every creatively driven aspect of her career, producing, directing, editing... but it's gotten to the point where by she needs to accept that in order for her to get that high gloss finish, she needs to get people in, who actually know what their doing...

If she continues to head down this path, of doing HER thing "her mold as you put it"... and not really commerizling her work in any way, It's going to loose it's marketability, and cost her popularity, money and profitability...

FOR EXAMPLE...If Gaga DID go ahead and release a frangernce that smelled of Blood and Semen.... would YOU support it? And just give the argument... "well it's her choice???"... Gaga needs to be told, that certain creative ideas she has, are just simply not going to work out... I feel Interscope have given her WAY too much creative control with the whole era up till recently, and they need to pull in the reigns a little... (Which I believe their doing)

We're the ones buying into her, the fan.... the general public... and if she doesn't deliver something we like or enjoy, we have to right to say so... As do you...

I'm not saying I like her work all the time - or I'd just get everything she releases. I'm just saying - there's a PROPER way of expressing yourself. It's okay not to agree - but when you make a fool of yourself because of your comments like for example "WTF IS THAT SHE'S fukcING UGLY" then do you really think people would even have respect for your opinion? As for her look, I still stand my ground and say it's up to her. I mean seriously, it's just a look - the concept of the commercial may be mind blowing. I mean - personally - that's what I love about Gaga. It's not always whether you look pretty or not rather, it's whether you can rock the look or not - but then again, perception is still very objective so it leaves it open ended; however, like I've said before, it's just the way you say things.

Like you shared your views, in a very respectful + worth-reading manner. I really appreciate that. Like it makes me wanna value you your opinion more - rather just wanna argue and fight you, you know?

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I thought a blood+semen perfume would have been a sort of scientific asdfghjkl for me. Obviously it wouldn't have been pure blood+semen scented, but matching up with the same olfactory reactions to blood+semen.

Wait, who am I replying to lol

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pink sushi

I really hope this doesn't turn out to be Alejandro 2.0..... :wtf:

It sure is looking that way....

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I really hope this doesn't turn out to be Alejandro 2.0..... :wtf:

It sure is looking that way....

It seems like Alejandro but... err, idk, twisted? The whole red army thing kinda looks like a hidden subtext.

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