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Gaga's Dreads?


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Even tho there not really real dreads, I still really like them. At the time they were another wig we haven’t seen her wear so for that reason alone it was interesting to look at. 

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Lord Temptation

I can’t find the pics but there is also the photoshoot pre-album release where she is sitting on the computer chip throne wearing an inflatable white plastic bag (??? :wtfga:), and also when she did that hour long interview for SXSW. She had the white “dreads” on both times. I think :huntyga:

She reminded me of those white assassins in The Matrix sequels from the early 2000s. I remember thinking they were cool. PS my avi says hi :lolga:

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2 hours ago, Suspiria said:

But it's not a "black hairstyle". That wig is clearly not made from African hair, it's a totally different texture. These are clearly "white people dreads", worn by a white woman. And during that performance they were intentionally made to look dirty, wild and unkempt.

it is a black hairstyle. it's dreadlocks, regardless of whether or not the wig is made from "african hair"....like wtf. "white people dreads" aren't a thing, it's a white person appropriating a traditionally black hairstyle.

and the whole 'they were made to look dirty, wild etc..."


black people who wear dreadlocks aren't deliberately seeking to look dirty/wild. Gaga is stealing a look from another culture, and completely changing what this hairstyle represents, which she has the power to do as a. white and b. wealthy woman. But as as a white wealthy women, she doesn't have to deal with a stigma or consequence of having this hairstyle, even though she is the one who is contributing to the viewpoint that dreads are "dirty," "unkempt," or "animalistic" when they are anything but that.


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2 hours ago, modern ecstasy said:

I honestly don’t remember anyone talking about her dreads.

here you go:

a cnn article including gaga


and just because you don't remember it doesnt mean it didnt happen. I saw various posts about her dreads on twitter and instagram; people definitely took issue.

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2 hours ago, MuglerHooker said:

the reason the SXSW hairstyle is seen as dirty, filthy and animalistic is because they are dirty and meant to be seen as such. The dreads were obviously made white and dirtied up by Millie (the vomit performance artist). If it was normal dreads on another person and someone said they were animalistic purely because of the dreads, then yes, that could be interpreted as racist. HOWEVER this is not the case here, the dreads were purposefully made to be dirty and look unkept, that is why the hairstyle gives an animalistic vibe. Gaga's hair in the performence at SXSW was a variation on dreads, this variation is dirty, filthy and drug crazed. The "original" or "normal" dreads aren't. The simple fact is that Gaga is taking a hairstyle that she hasn't tried before and making it into an look that is meant to envoke emotion and present her in a way that matches the performance.


the simple fact is gaga is taking a hairstyle from a culture in which she does not belong, adapting that hairstyle in a manner that conveys negative connotations, contributing to the widespread racist belief that dreadlocks, and those that choose to wear this hairstyle as their daily hairstyle, are "animalistic" and "on drugs."

and then gaga gets the privilege of taking off her dreadlock wig, and returning to being a wealthy white woman with straight blonde hair, who doesn't deal with the stigmas and consequences that she herself has negatively contributed to.

whats sad is that not only are you defending gaga's choice to appropriate culture, your interpretation of her choice to alter this hairstyle in a way that is negative makes everything go from bad to worse. and you don't even see it:toofunny:

and if you want to sit there and pretend that people who have dreadlocks aren't treated unfairly in society (simply because of the prexisting, racist notions that white people have against black people with dreads) then here you go: a story about a little boy kicked out of school for having dreadlocks - FROM TWO DAYS AGO.


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Just now, TropicOfCANCER said:


the simple fact is gaga is taking a hairstyle from a culture in which she does not belong, adapting that hairstyle in a manner that conveys negative connotations, contributing to the widespread racist belief that dreadlocks, and those that choose to wear this hairstyle as their daily hairstyle, are "animalistic" and "on drugs."

 and then gaga gets the privilege of taking off her dreadlock wig, and returning to being a wealthy white woman with straight blonde hair, who doesn't deal with the stigmas and consequences that she herself has negatively contributed to.

 whats sad is that not only are you defending gaga's choice to appropriate culture, your interpretation of her choice to alter this hairstyle in a way that is negative makes everything go from bad to worse. and you don't even see it:toofunny:

listen, culture will always be evolving and intertwining. For example, most traditional Japanese art wouldn't have happened if Japan didn't "appropriate" or "steal" China's language which they later evolved into Japanese. Culture and art will always be intertwining, it's only recently that people like you started trying to prevent this. Culture is not something that must always stay the same. Culture must evolve to stay alive just like humans ourselves.

Also, the double standard that you have - white people aren't allowed to have "traditionally black" hairstyles but black people are allowed to have straight hair by wearing weaves. No matter how you phrase that, there is a double standard there and I do understand that there is a prejudice against traditionally black hairstyles but what you are doing is segregating cultures apart. 

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This is a controversial opinion but..can we just let go of like..small things like white girls having dreads? Or Asian idols wanting to rap? It’s not cultural appropriation. It’s inspiration. Go attack Eminem for what he does if you hate white peoole “stealing from your culture” if you are so upset about it. Or Macklemore. Like chill with being so damn sensitive

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Pretty sure there are example of cultures outside of African American or Rastafarian also having dreads. Like in India, Ancient Greece, the Celts, the Vikings. The American assumption that dreads are only for black people is false. 

Besides we know Gaga isn't out to hurt anybody with her hairstyles. 

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Lord Temptation
34 minutes ago, TropicOfCANCER said:

it is a black hairstyle. it's dreadlocks, regardless of whether or not the wig is made from "african hair"....like wtf. "white people dreads" aren't a thing, it's a white person appropriating a traditionally black hairstyle.

and the whole 'they were made to look dirty, wild etc..."


black people who wear dreadlocks aren't deliberately seeking to look dirty/wild. Gaga is stealing a look from another culture, and completely changing what this hairstyle represents, which she has the power to do as a. white and b. wealthy woman. But as as a white wealthy women, she doesn't have to deal with a stigma or consequence of having this hairstyle, even though she is the one who is contributing to the viewpoint that dreads are "dirty," "unkempt," or "animalistic" when they are anything but that.


Only in the SXSW show where she was being vomited on. 

But the other times she wore the white dreads she looked demure (the Marie Antoinette dress) or sexy (seashell costume).

That was probably the point Gaga was making: fashion can represent both reality or fantasy.

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Im from the Caribbean where the Rastafari culture was invented and we generally laugh at the obsession that you westerners put on “dreads” being cultural appropriation

This thread alone is hilarious. Im cackling at how yall sit and debate other cultures :selena:

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Lord Temptation
5 minutes ago, Frankenztein said:

Pretty sure there are example of cultures outside of African American or Rastafarian also having dreads. Like in India, Ancient Greece, the Celts, the Vikings. The American assumption that dreads are only for black people is false. 

Besides we know Gaga isn't out to hurt anybody with her hairstyles. 

Exactly. Clothes can represent both reality and fantasy. Gaga has worn the white dreads numerous times, each time evoking something different: the Marie Antoinette costume was obviously hinting at how the young Queen of France died at the guillotine because she was accused of being too outrageous and over the top - especially with her fashions. In the 1700s gigantic powdered wigs were all the rage: until the peasants (and critics) of Paris decided to murder their Queen and basically anyone who looked like her or associated with her. Thus when the French Revolution began, and the century-long powdered wigs fashion craze also came to an end. Nobody wanted to be associated with it anymore. 

Quite deep if you ask me. Gaga knows her history. She knows how to play with history and fantasy. 

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6 hours ago, TropicOfCANCER said:

here you go:

a cnn article including gaga


and just because you don't remember it doesnt mean it didnt happen. I saw various posts about her dreads on twitter and instagram; people definitely took issue.

I never said it didn’t happen or that you were wrong so calm down. I only mentioned my own experience.

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11 hours ago, Satans Ex Wife said:

I agree with your opinion pretty much exactly. If a young white woman wears dreads while trying to look trendy/"hey check out how much I love weed and hip hop, guys!", that is some Cringeville USA status. However, I don't think it is always racist whenever a white person wears dreads, especially someone like Gaga who has tried just about every hairstyle on the planet. She remixes them in her own unique and elevating way that doesn't just copy Black culture. 

On a similar topic, however, I did not like her high fashion use of Burquas. I guess in theory I think it's good for a celeb to present the idea that you can wear conservative fashion like niqab or burqa and still be glamorous and avant-garde and express yourself thru fashion if you wish. But I don't think Gaga was the right person to do it/I don't think she went about it in the right way. 

its funny you say that cuz honestly black people being offended by appropriating dreads to me, is so so so much more valid than religious groups complaining about dawning religious themed clothing.... 

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10 hours ago, TropicOfCANCER said:

You’re equating a black hairstyle with “animalistic” vibes (not to mention “dirty,” “filthy,” and “drug-crazed”) 

Like...I feel like the ignorance here is staggering. Don’t you recall the backlash and outrage people had when Giuliani said zendayas dreads probably smelled like weed? It’s extremely problematic, racist and dehumanizing. I would honestly suggest deleting your comment. 

She was puked on while humping a mechanical pig singing a song about rape. That's why it's filthy and animalistic, not because she's wearing  "black hairstyle". Don't be ridiculous.

Besides, if anything, the average person relates dreads to young, drug taking, pot smoking, hippies, not black people. So Gaga slurring through song after song being a general (but still fabulous) mess on stage, swinging the mic, throwing beer into the audience, and almost falling over while taking her shirt off would give off that vibe even if she wasn't covered in vomit and half naked.

You're making it way more serious and deep than it actually is. It's just hair - part of an overall style/aesthetic.

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