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Did Gaga try to cry on command in this interview?

David Ward

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David Ward


@ 6:34

I've always noticed it. She may not be faking it, but usually when I fake a cry, I act just like that :toofloppy:

It only seems fake in the beginning.

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Maybe, maybe not but I do think she planned to cry in the HBO special. What she said may be how she feels, but I think she already planned in her head to start crying about it.

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David Ward

Maybe, maybe not but I do think she planned to cry in the HBO special. What she said may be how she feels, but I think she already planned in her head to start crying about it.

I've always known that :toofunny:

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it was cute and I don't think it was fake, but.. check this out.


Around the 4:23 mark, she says "I'd never thought I'd be asking Cher to hold my meat purse"

And then when she starts the Thank You speech around 4:28, her voice is a bit different, more cute and it feels like she is about to cry. You'll notice the difference. I can't be the only one.

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David Ward

it was cute and I don't think it was fake, but.. check this out.


Around the 4:23 mark, she says "I'd never thought I'd be asking Cher to hold my meat purse"

And then when she starts the Thank You speech around 4:28, her voice is a bit different, more cute and it feels like she is about to cry. You'll notice the difference. I can't be the only one.

I see your point, but in the VMAs video, she sounds more like she's gasping for air because she is so excited and happy and is just catching her breathe.

But the one in the Thanksgiving Goes Gaga interview, it seems as if she forced it out. :)

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I think that sometimes she really starts crying but that other times she's like "ok, I'm going to do a little more effort to make it start, it'll be good TV"

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she needs to learn how to fake cry from tha quen b

Trust me,She doesn't need to learn anything from queen b that includes the word 'acting' in it :wtf:

That might be the most fake interviewer i have ever seen :lmao:

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