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Kat von D comes out as an Anti-Vaxxer, urges vegans not to vaccinate kids


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It's important that vaccination is a whole community-wide effort! There are people who are immuno-suppressed due to disease or due to drugs such as chemo. If individuals like her kid who aren't immunized against a disease catch the disease they can easily infect such vulnerable people who depend on the rest of the community to be properly immunized.

Not vaccinating is not only selfish and unethical, but should be criminalised. SCIENCE IS NOT THE SUBJECT OF OPNION!

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Ugh, she thinks she's the center of the world :air:Ā 

I loathe this type of fanatically ignorant people so much :selena:

tryna go ask Alice, tryna catch that rabbit
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14 minutes ago, Supersonic said:

I'm sorry but me and my FBI agent are very good friends, her name is Susan and we talk every night about my boy problems :sis:

Actual footage of Agent SusanĀ :ladyhaha:


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We can literally get free vaccines..... whatā€™re they gaining from that Kat? If you get stabbed are you gonna let it heal naturally or with science?

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Luxe Ford

It's one thing if people kept their ignorance for themselves, but putting their children at risk and spreading disinformation when you have a large following is borderline criminal.

What happens in Luxe Ford stays in Luxe Ford
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Morphine Prince

People donā€™t understand basic biology... we need more educationĀ 

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I do think drugs and medicines should be limited, but I wouldn't do this

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I just couldnā€™t get past ā€œmakeup guruā€. The ones she wears or makes?

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Just going to say i am happy to see GGD supporting science in this thread. I love you guys.

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"Not safe"


U know what else is not safe? The high infant mortality until last century before vaccinations became a thing

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Ugh I just know that the future generations are going to be ruined because people making their own free will. So stupid of her not wanting to provide the vaccinations for the kids so that they can be immuned from the diseases. How dumb can you get? Sigh.

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The biggest fake news of the world tbh

They need to take the child out after birth, she's not a mother, she's a potential murderer and a threat.

The problem is that she will start to influence her followers and tp f-ck up their minds with anti vaxx posts..

I'm working late, cause I'm a puta
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Ocean Wrist

This is incredibly disappointing. I appreciated her for making her entire makeup brand vegan but I do not respect this decision at all. I am also a vegan and understand that certain vaccines contain animal products/byproducts or may be the result of animal testing and still am very much pro vaccine because of the overwhelming scientific consensus. It would be great if in the future vaccines themselves could also be vegan, but we are not there yet and have to consider the greater good. This is obvious to me, but it is exhausting to keep seeing highprofile anti-vaxxers emerge.Ā 

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interesting how she's vegan enough to foolishly protest against vaccines but still allow her make up brand to be owned by a massive fashion conglomerate, whose main business is selling leather goods, lmfao whatever keeps her coins coming I guess

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