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ABC cancels Roseanne

Teal Ambition

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Good. She really needs to learn how to keep her damn mouth shut sometimes.

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18 minutes ago, Unites said:

Idk what to think about this... I don't support her, but ... this world becomes so sad... and... weird...  to live in. I mean, you say one thing wrong, you're done. I can't stand that.

Roseanne's always been known for doing controversial things. It's not like this was the first time she's said something that she wasn't supposed to.

If you ask me, people need to be held accountable for their actions/the words they say. I mean, you can't send out a tweet like that and not expect any backlash or repercussions. 

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Not The Real Gaga
5 minutes ago, M Monstre said:

Roseanne's always been known for doing controversial things. It's not like this was the first time she's said something that she wasn't supposed to.

If you ask me, people need to be held accountable for their actions/the words they say. I mean, you can't send out a tweet like that and not expect any backlash or repercussions. 

I understand your point of view. The thing is, this doesn't happen only to her. There are so many more examples of people who got fired immediately because they said something unacceptable - which I can understand, but such things make such a huge impact on someone's life.

I'm pretty sure I have said many wrong, unacceptable things in the past. And I've been dealing with anxiety actually because of that the last couple of months - even though I don't agree with most of these things anymore, they could still hurt my reputation or life if they would see the daylight somehow.

Like, that will hurt you for the rest of your life nowadays if something like that happens. Still, I'm not supporting this woman - and just want to point out that I can't support the trend behind this.

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2 minutes ago, Unites said:

I understand your point of view. The thing is, this doesn't happen only to her. There are so many more examples of people who got fired immediately because they said something unacceptable - which I can understand, but such things make such a huge impact on someone's life.

I'm pretty sure I have said many wrong, unacceptable things in the past. And I've been dealing with anxiety actually because of that the last couple of months - even though I don't agree with most of these things anymore, they could still hurt my reputation or life if they would see the daylight somehow.

Like, that will hurt you for the rest of your life nowadays if something like that happens. Still, I'm not supporting this woman - and just want to point out that I can't support the trend behind this.

I think it depends on who the person is, what they said, and how long ago they said it; it's circumstantial in my opinion. For example, if you get fired from your job for something you posted on Twitter five years ago, that honestly wasn't really that bad, then I don't really think that's justified. 

However, this is a different case. The tweet she posted was explicit, racist, and honestly, there's no defending it. In this case, she got what she deserved. To be fair though, I do feel bad for all the other people working on the show because it's not their fault that she said some stupid ****. 

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It's what she deserves...

I mildly enjoyed the show (mainly because my mom watched it as a kid and it was something for us to do together), but I had a feeling this would happen

Good on ABC, though! And Wanda Sykes and Whitney Cummings for getting out even before this. I do feel somewhat bad for the other cast members.

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1 hour ago, Triggered said:

But Gagadaily told me a few months ago that calling people “apes” wasn’t racist? 


Oh, it definitely is. Whoever tried you with that is wrong.

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as of writing this, i don't agree with roseanne's firing. it is way too harsh of a punishment. what she said was obviously racist and disgusting but it was put out there as a joke that fell flat on its face. 

i am reminded of bill maher a couple of months ago when people called for his firing when he jokingly said the n word on Real Time. to call for that is far too disproportionate and the ramifications of it are potentially damning in the sense that people who aren't PC are going to retreat HARD from PC culture and perhaps liberalism which goes part and parcel these days with PC culture. 

are people THIS disconnected with real life? the comments are disgusting and racist but IT'S HOW A LOT OF PEOPLE MAKE JOKES EVEN IN THIS DAY AND AGE. it doesn't always necessarily mean that the person saying them is a downright racist. the objective should be to ease people over to our side and instead we push them away with a FIRM hand. 

furthermore, if roseanne had been fired for peddling conspiracy theories then that would be a different story. she is steadfast in those convictions and some of these theories are just as abhorrent and it is undeniable that she 100% believes them. they are dangerous theories that put lives in danger (like pizza gate). they undermine facts and therefore the functioning of democracy. THAT is more reason to fire her than a really bad joke. 


as a hardcore liberal who always tries to look at things from the outside looking in, it's this type of thing that will bring liberalism to its knees. debate and dialogue and conversation is what is needed, not excommunication, shunning, firing, and for a bad and racist JOKE no less. like holy **** wtf is going on

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1 hour ago, Rainbow1 said:

Went to the Fox News fb page and of course they don’t find it racist....






Why do Fox viewers and conservatives across the board hate The View sooo much? They deflect their own racism by calling it "the most racist show on TV," which makes absolutely no sense and has no evidence to back it up. And they're crying now saying it's butthurt liberals that got the show cancelled because they can't take a joke... your party lines are showing hard. No matter the scenario, people stick with their side. There's a huge difference between a racist comment and harmless jokes at the WHCD, where they are supposed to be told.

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9 minutes ago, Eighteen said:

as of writing this, i don't agree with roseanne's firing. it is way too harsh of a punishment. what she said was obviously racist and disgusting but it was put out there as a joke that fell flat on its face. 

i am reminded of bill maher a couple of months ago when people called for his firing when he jokingly said the n word on Real Time. to call for that is far too disproportionate and the ramifications of it are potentially damning in the sense that people who aren't PC are going to retreat HARD from PC culture and perhaps liberalism which goes part and parcel these days with PC culture. 

are people THIS disconnected with real life? the comments are disgusting and racist but IT'S HOW A LOT OF PEOPLE MAKE JOKES EVEN IN THIS DAY AND AGE. it doesn't always necessarily mean that they are a downright racist. the objective should be to ease people over to our side and instead we push them away with a FIRM hand. 

furthermore, if roseanne had been fired for peddling conspiracy theories then that would be a different story. she is steadfast in those convictions and some of these theories are just as abhorrent and it is undeniable that she 100% believes them. they are dangerous theories that put lives in danger (like pizza gate). they undermine facts and therefore the functioning of democracy. THAT is more reason to fire her than a really bad joke. 


as a hardcore liberal who always tries to look at things from the outside looking in, it's this type of thing that will bring liberalism to its knees. debate and dialogue and conversation is what is needed, not excommunication, shunning, firing, and for a bad and racist JOKE no less. like holy **** wtf is going on

I could understand this MAYBE if it was just this one joke, but this isn't the only time Roseanne has acted out like this (and she was doing it even before the show got picked up again). I know ABC's statement points to this comment for the firing, but she deserves it for that and a lot more.

There have to be repercussions for one's words and actions.

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YASSS I am happy about it, this type of bull**** should  not be tolerated anymore. What's sad is that other people who had done nothing wrong lost a good way to make money like that, because of her! And the Trump supporters saying that there was nothing wrong with what she said ...

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1 hour ago, ryanripley said:

wtf is roseanne

I only know Joanne :trollga:

I’m not flawless but I got a diamond heart
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7 minutes ago, sethrb101 said:

I could understand this MAYBE if it was just this one joke, but this isn't the only time Roseanne has acted out like this (and she was doing it even before the show got picked up again). I know ABC's statement points to this comment for the firing, but she deserves it for that and a lot more.

There have to be repercussions for one's words and actions.

i know where you're coming from. i don't follow roseanne so idk if there is a steady pattern that would indicate that she's a racist, that, in other words, this tweet was the straw that broke the camels back rather than a couple of tweets alone making up the whole weight of it. if a string of racist tweets come to bear then i'll change my mind (which is why i wrote "as of writing this" at the beginning of my post) in the event that more evidence comes up. 

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ABC didn’t cancel it out of the kindness of its heart. They were going to loose a significant amount of money from advertisers, sponsors, etc. if they allowed it to continue. It was just as much of an economic decision as green lighting the show to begin with. 


With that said, I’ve never been much of a Roseanne fan regardless of political affiliation. I just didn’t find the show to be all that funny I guess. 

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1 hour ago, Triggered said:

But Gagadaily told me a few months ago that calling people “apes” wasn’t racist? 


Who said that? Show yourselves !


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