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Outtakes (part 3)


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Willeo Soeurs

I love it tbh!

It should have been leaked before this : https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/382121_451160081613566_1633970154_n.jpg

To create "the hype"


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That is genuinely awesome. Could have been an amazing cover! Holy crap!

And wow she looks like she's, like, 8 feet tall. Her proportions are ridiculously nice.

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That is genuinely awesome. Could have been an amazing cover! Holy crap!

And wow she looks like she's, like, 8 feet tall. Her proportions are ridiculously nice.

I'm sure it has nothing to do with the heels :laughga:

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I'm sure it has nothing to do with the heels :laughga:

Now that you mention it, her legs now look infinitely smaller :rofl:

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I love this so much :cry:

Someone should edit her face a bit though :teehee:

The biggest thing I notice is that she is squinting one of her eyes, but I love it because, along with the pose, it makes her look insane. :flutter:

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The biggest thing I notice is that she is squinting one of her eyes, but I love it because, along with the pose, it makes her look insane. :flutter:

:omg: now that you mention it, you're right! :cryga: so wonderful!

TMBT 3.22.11 // TBTWB 1.17.13 // ArtRAVE 6.3.14 // C2CT 5.28.15 // TJWT 8.13.17 // Chromatica World Tour 9.8.22
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I've been on forums where they have two threads. Discussion and no discussion. I think the discussion is great, but It's a little frustrating when you just want to look for a picture and its endless pages of discussin or the same pic quoted 1000 times.

You actually make an excellent point. I am gonna refer your question to my superiors, because as your Media Mod I could enforce/make/enact that kind of improvement. I like your idea!
Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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