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Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th

About the Pre-Fame leaks...


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I don’t want to be that b****, But I’m going to be that b****


I understand that some of you would prefer to have leaks from 2009 and later, but come on you guys. We, as a fan base, are here to appreciate the legacy that Lady Gaga is creating. Some of appreciate the craft from each and every demo that is leaked. If you don’t like them, then just brush them off. There’s no need to attack the moderators for what they plan on releasing, or discredit what is released. 


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this. any career-long fan of gaga's, such as myself, can't possibly not appreciate these tracks. for those of us who have been here since the beginning, it's the craziest feeling finally having Retrosexual, WAP, LSG, WSG . . . song titles we've known for so, so long. it's surreal. and it's probably a bias of me knowing her since these pre-TF days, but it really is my favorite era of hers: most unique vibe, sound, and lyrics. 

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i've been here since pretty much the start but these leaks did nothing for me :gaysia:

well tbh, the only unreleased song i listen to is Brooklyn Nights lol so i guess the same would happen with any era :gaysia: 

however TYP is probably the only Fame era song i will meltdown for :gaysia: 

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21 minutes ago, FATCAT said:

The mods don't have anything new.

They still have things, regardless. Be it, original mixes, lossless versions. Things I would love to have

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I'm thrilled about the Pre-Fame leaks, personally. I have a LOT of love for the "FameGa" era, and these tracks are a great throwback.  Made me feel like I was in my early twenties again!

The studio version of Hollywood alone should be a huge freakin' deal for the fans.  This is a song we've all known about for pretty much a decade now, and we all finally have it.

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1 hour ago, Cruzifix said:

They still have things, regardless. Be it, original mixes, lossless versions. Things I would love to have

They're just people like us who have to make sure everyone respects the rules on a fan forum, they were not personally picked by Gaga or anything :oprah:

You popped my heart seams, all my bubble dreams
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