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(Mashup) Element of Crime + Dance in the Dark


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This is not made by me, I just wanted to share.

I don't get the 'Element of Crime' thing but I think this sounds great! I think Gaga's next album should have a song like this, It's lik DITD 2.0, but obviously without the pitched voice.

P.S.: THIS GUY HAS HAIR OFFICIAL INSTRUMENTAL. He uploaded it but UMG removed it, if someone could download it, please send it to me, thank you! :hug:

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but a mashup of DITD+ A song theory?

Yeah, I don't know! Ask that guy :toofunny:

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Someone ask him for the Hair instrumental!

fragment-fragment--bul-uh...scab-uh..fragment-foot, bullet fragment foot bich!
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P.S.: THIS GUY HAS HAIR OFFICIAL INSTRUMENTAL. He uploaded it but UMG removed it, if someone could download it, please send it to me, thank you! :hug:

He's a troll channel, he has nothing lol. I've asked countless times

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