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Lady Gaga tops $300M career touring gross


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Lady Gaga tops another milestone, becoming one of the only current pop stars to gross such significant numbers touring-wise.

The Born This Way Ball is on track to be one of the top earning tours of all time, coming off of the top selling American album of 2011, Born This Way. It should also be noted that Lady Gaga was the highest female tour-earner during the first half of 2012. EVERY SINGLE BORN THIS WAY BALL DATE has sold out so far.


The Fame Ball Tour:

$3M gross (estimated), 70 dates, ~130K attendance


The Monster Ball Tour:

$227.4M gross, 201 dates, 2.5M attendance, 16th most-successful tour of all-time


The Born This Way Ball Tour:

$71.3M gross, 33 dates, 525K attendance


Source: Billboard

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:Gaga: Any b---h can get a #1 but not any b---h can get this :legend:


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:Gaga: Any b---h can get a #1 but not any b---h can get this :legend:



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The MB grossed 75x the FB :deadbanana: That's a huge leap from one tour to another.

If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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I wonder if she'll continue to sell out all her Europe dates?

She managed to sell out those Taiwan and Philippine dates we though would flop. So anything is possible.

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I wonder if she'll continue to sell out all her Europe dates?

She managed to sell out those Taiwan and Philippine dates we though would flop. So anything is possible.

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15 years in the future: First solo artist to get $1.billion gross from touring :Gaga:

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Pure Adrenaline

wow and BTWB isn't even over :flutter:

It's much more fun to have hizophrenia... u never get lonely
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