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Gaga Look Alike (Literally)

LittIe Monster

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LittIe Monster


Can you guess who's Gaga? :teehee:

Here's the actual link to the picture off littlemonsters: http://littlemonster...c64fed21c000ead

It's actually two people in drag as Gaga. Good job to them! :clap: Mah gawd tho... I thought for a while Gagz was the one on the right, they had me fooled.


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Monster Helper

Impressive :clap:

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LittIe Monster

WOW. The only giveaway was their noses and nails..nothing like Gaga's.

Exactly. :P Other than that they NAILED it.

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Gaga is Life

Wow, they could go out like that and fool people that they are Gaga.

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Oh my God! :clap:

I too thought Gaga was the one on the left till I opened up the spoiler :teehee:

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The one on the right is Jey Gaga,a beautiful(and a REAL girl) from Suda America.

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WOW. i thought the person on the left was the real gaga. anyway, i think it's just the make up.

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Mer Girl

How does the one on the left look like Gaga? It's clearly the one on the right. The one on the right has the eyes and mouth that look like Gaga's.

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Bravo. :golfclap:

dOnT sAd ReAcT mE 2 bE sHaDy i WiLL RePoRt U!!1!
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AMAZING... If we never get to meet Gaga we can meet one of these girls! BAM

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It was obvious neither one was GaGa to me. They just didnt look "right". I think it was mainly the eyebrows that gave it away for me.

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