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Rate the Last Movie You Watched

James L

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The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

I have never really watched the LOTR trilogy in depth, but I've seen an hour or so of each movie so I went in with expectations of the cinematography, and wow was I surprised. idk the filming seemed completely different, and I was a bit surprised on how lighthearted it was. Again, going in with expectations of a story I don't have too much knowledge of.

I thought the length was fine, but people who have read the book (and obviously knowing the story, not as I) felt it dragged on. I guess I understand?

Acting was top notch, btw.


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V/H/S - 8.5/10

I love found-footage horror films, so no surprise I loved this film. Though a little off and not entirely concise/coherent, the movie was creepy as hell, well acted, and the tapes were entertaining and interesting to say the least.

I consider myself a pretty good fan of the Paranormal Activity series but I have to say V/H/S deserves to be just as popular if not more.

"My people… need to let our bitchiness out. Otherwise, it turns to bile and poisons us"
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Rocky Horror Picture Show

The 2nd time I've seen this before, but I realized this time that I LOVE the soundtrack. The acting is a little cheesy


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Django Unchained 10/10

Brilliant,usually i'd not be interested in Western films but the way Tarantino made this film was great.Leonardo Dicaprio's acting was very good.

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Lion Heart

Albino Farm (2008)


Honestly not that bad. Chris Jericho is in for about 10 minutes and then disappears. There's little to no character development and the actors were just bland. You had your typical cringe-worthy, dumb- let's partay!-jock- who's not even that attractive to begin with, you had your typical "there's no such things as ghost lol" college girls, and then some other guy who nobody cares about until the end of the film. It could have been better but damn. Loved the ending though.

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Les Miserables - 5/10. i'm not trying to be mean but i find it extremely boring and overrated omg and i find most of the actors/tresses singing horrible (except maybe hugh jackman). i don't even understand how ppl can cry over certain scenes. may be it's just me...

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A huge, epic force of a movie. Haven't read the books, so I went in with not so heavy knowings on the story. Cinematography, pacing, acting, all top-notch. Fantastic movie, one of the best fantasies I have seen.

3 points in and ready for more
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Saw Zero Dark Thirty yesterday -

It was gripping at the explosive parts; the raid sequence was the best of it - phenomenally executed & photographed. But, overall I found it pretty lifeless, especially the protagonist Maya. She was stoic and uninteresting, I couldn't care for her. Chastain works with the little she's given. The character on the page is just insubstantial. Chastain was solid; largely impassive, a couple of moments a little overwrought. Anyhow, it's very procedural as i expected, very calculating, conceptually dry and characteristically reductive, and I'm indifferent to it. There's absolutely no character development.

It's not BP Winner material, certainly not what AMPAS likes to award, and now after watching it I'm even more convinced that it hasn't a chance of winning, barring an improbable anti-backlash reaction. For narrative execution & photography, 9/10; for everything else, 5/10

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