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Gaga definitely had a nosejob


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I personally doubt she'd do anything like that, but if she's insecure about her face enough to have fillers, I don't see what would stop her from having surgery.

I don't think she would, though. Unless that insecurity has gotten the better of her, the very idea of using non-permanent fillers makes sense.

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 I don't think she got anything invasive I she probably just fillers in her nose to smooth out her bridge I've done it and it only lasts about 6-8 moths. A also think it's important to mention Botox between the brows she definitely has that shiny Botox look 

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1 hour ago, Emigrante said:

I'm not implicating that she did nosejob, but her voice changed diametracilly from Red and Blue to The Fame. 

I feel like her voice is constantly changing. It's really cool and interesting actually!

What I mean is that I don't think that she would risk ruining her singing voice...which is a possibility with a rhinoplasty. 

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Xoxo Adriana

It's confirmed she had a non-surgical nose job, we been knew :awkney: 

They also gave her a non-surgical nose lift, which can be done easily with collagen and botox, via injectable fillers. Regardless, she is still beautiful.

Also, you're comparing a recent look of hers to a look she did over 7 years ago, ageing is also another explanation to her what I like to call "mature" appearance. 

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Joshie S

Sorry but does your entire face look the exact same as 10 years ago? No. People grow and change. Chill.

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Luxe Ford

Is this a can of worms I see before me?

Whatever she did/does to her nose I miss the times when it looked like this:


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If I had her money the first thing I'm doing is reshaping my earlobes. Then my nose could use some carving too. I could probably do something with my chin as well. 

Thas just me tho. :gaycat:

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it got a little bit thinner from the sides only + the contour, Gaga's mom still has her original nose which looks kinda the same just puffier.

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I feel like I have to post this information every couple of months... She has 'non-surgical nosejobs' every 6 months or so. She gets them done at Epione along with her cheekbones etc, and it's done by injecting fillers in the nose to make it look straighter. Also her chin is made more prominent which balances out the nose in comparison.

She seems to have them done where I've put the arrows here:


 and then they fade out over the next 6 months or so, at which point she gets them redone. Which is why her nose constantly goes from looking straighter to looking like her 'old nose' and back and fourth. 


Here are some videos and pictures of her doctor at Epione doing it to other people to change their nose shape:



Here's a very drastic one done by another doctor to show how much can be achieved with temporary fillers: 


Also in the Telephone video she's standing at a different angle and she's making an expression with her mouth that's pulling her nose tip down.




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