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Are we the obsessed fans who scare her?


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I am not judging anyone who does feel this way but how can people "jump and hug her"? I can't with all this idolization of the famous people. And that doesn't go just for Gaga. Give me a good reason why would someone idolize anyone! You are a king/queen to yourself. I buy her records, I care for her well being the same way I care about those I have ever met,I think she is a wonderful person with all her flaws, I have seen her live, I felt happy for that but I didn't think just for a second to go talk to her. To say what? How could we ever possibly relate? Her music is inspiring, she is a brilliant pop genius but that doesn't qualify as "i'm gonna make a love attack to her".

And then again, when a popstar opens up that much and starts being intimate with his/her fans, you should know that there will be spoiled between the good ones. To exclude everyone from your sphere of interaction is sort of insulting for all those whom you enlightened so many years with ur beautiful messages for acceptance and tolerance.


EDIT:Well, maybe I was a little judgemental.:reductive:

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There are many here who are obsessive to the point of being scary. Individuals claiming stuff as the truth without really knowing (like Taylor cheating on her and how it's his fault she's not doing pop), individuals saying she is not creative anymore, that she doesn't care, that she has to do this or that otherwise she's disrespecting fans, that she owes us because we made her who she is. If I were her I'd honestly just say **** it all, move away from the public eye and enjoy a rich as **** lifestyle.

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Modern Ecstasy2
21 minutes ago, Arcanum said:

I am not judging anyone who does feel this way but how can people "jump and hug her"? I can't with all this idolization of the famous people. And that doesn't go just for Gaga. Give me a good reason why would someone idolize anyone! You are a king/queen to yourself. I buy her records, I care for her well being the same way I care about those I have ever met,I think she is a wonderful person with all her flaws, I have seen her live, I felt happy for that but I didn't think just for a second to go talk to her. To say what? How could we ever possibly relate? Her music is inspiring, she is a brilliant pop genius but that doesn't qualify as "i'm gonna make a love attack to her".

And then again, when a popstar opens up that much and starts being intimate with his/her fans, you should know that there will be spoiled between the good ones. To exclude everyone from your sphere of interaction is sort of insulting for all those whom you enlightened so many years with ur beautiful messages for acceptance and tolerance.


EDIT:Well, maybe I was a little judgemental.:reductive:

Some people get so excited that they lose sight of themselves. They temporarily lose their moral compass. They see her as a Queen and forget that she is a human who breathes, feels and thinks just like we do. I wouldn't last 5 min as a famous person.

However, having said that, I think Gaga would be really sad to hear you believe you couldn't relate to her. All she wants in the world is to be seen and treated as a normal person and to have genuine connections with others instead of being idolized. I am sure the two of you could connect in many ways.

“Delete this thread that person is not Gaga he is a hot blonde twink”
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Who can know for certain how she really feels about that level of attention? Scared? Maybe she feels exposed at times? She always looks for camera lenses and finds them. She has commented on her weariness of going out in public without being hounded and it doesn't seem that most fans worry her, but paparazzi, reporters, media exposure put intense pressure on her if she doesn't look or dress in conformed notions of celebrity perfection. It sounds constricting if you can imagine being in her situation. From what I've seen, she has handled herself very well and at the very least extremely professional from meets and greets to interviews.

However, the in between stuff, like the paparazzi chasing her around the supermarket... sounds aggravating. And those fans who always find her... most of the time she has been polite and gracious, but sometimes I bet she gets frustrated when they find her when her guard is down, on a bad day, when she's with loved ones or people she'd like personal time with.

And to reverse the question, how do people feel about being obsessed about one person to the degree suggested? Is that really a source of happiness or entertainment? To me, it sounds like the road to misery.  If entertainment stops one from living or improving their life, there is a problem and chasing around a celebrity, even one as lovely as Gaga, will leave the poor soul feeling empty in time. Take Gaga's ascend to stardom as example and inspiration, learn from it and apply her determination in dreams, goals, and careers. It will allow you to enjoy their work in a more fulfilling and rewarding way.

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Modern Ecstasy2
2 minutes ago, unicornborn said:



“Delete this thread that person is not Gaga he is a hot blonde twink”
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That J

You also have to remember all the "fans" who would threaten suicide just to get her to answer them. That's traumatic in itself! How can you answer everyone?  Not to mention everyone ended up becoming a critic. She also overdid herself with hour long meet and greets where she was being honest and some were pushing their way to the front.  It all got weird and tacky.  Add on that all that...people breaking into her home, drugs...she was probably extremely paranoid and fans became enemies.  

Thankfully she's in a better place now and is in more control of things. 

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I hope that we aren't...I know that people here stan in moderation, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were several insane stans

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1 hour ago, Jessica Germ said:

Who s emma

Emma is a mod here, Gaga recently invited her on stage at the JWT and also gave her her own wheelchair after Gaga recovered from her hip surgery. Not long after, Emma joined the Haus too! 

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1 hour ago, Katie14 said:

A mod here who met Gaga and became friends with her. She said this site became too negative so Gaga stays away to stay healthy mentally. 

it makes sense.


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I could name a few she's referring to, it's not us... it's the people chasing her in the streets and through the country, screaming YAAAAASSSS GAGA 

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No. I also think some people should finally shut up and stop their "this fanbase is a bullshit, ofc Gaga hates us" nonsense

I think Gaga only wanted to distance herself from her fans because what she was doing was giving a space for crazy people to harm her and make her feel uncomfortable because they felt like they have a claim for her time. If she didn't have those fans (not possible, every celebrity has some fans who are too much) I think she would continue the intense relationship between her and Monsters.

I'm happy she has the right people around her and that she's strong enough to manage these problems and I hope that one day, she will feel comfortable again among her fans and won't feel afraid everytime someone grabs her hand, this must be incredibly stressful.

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:emma: I'm overly obsessed with her; but a lot of it have to do with not meeting her yet. So many people I know have met her, I just haven't had my moment.:giveup:  I just want to hold a conversation with her! About anything :sweat: and I mean anything :gaysia::creepflop:  it's just so sad she doesn't like coming here anymore. I wish people would be kind and nice to each other; and just respect the decisions that gaga makes. 

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If I meet gaga some day, i'm gonna treat her as if she were a friend not a god. No one deserves to be treated as a god tbh.

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The thing is, she herself once said that she wants to bring back super-fan culture back in the fame days. During the MSG Monster Ball she litereally said to some fans in the front that she recognises all of them, and she'd scream for them to take her picture, scream for her. She stopped that somewhere in the beggining of the Born This Way era when she soooo over exposed. And so that and all the **** she got during the ARTPOP era made her close herself, even to her biggest supporters and I have to say that I don't blame her. She went through hell to get her fame, and she goes through hell because now she can't get out of it

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1 hour ago, aaron l said:

No, she's scared of the fans who don't see her as a human being.

I've never seen her as a human being but above all other humans. 

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