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Gaga backstage with the fans at JWT


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23 minutes ago, ChicaSkas said:

how did you get 3 entire minutes :giveup: 

I got the fastest 15 seconds imaginable :giveup:

It was over so fast I had to force myself to remember what just happened :giveup:


It was like 3 minutes for everyone in the group. They didn't rush us out immediately for whatever reason and the guy with the Joanne tattoo was in my group 

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I wrote this in the other thread and I think it bears repeating here:

Gaga herself is very kind and friendly in those seconds you have with her. 

I had a great interaction for those 15 seconds. She didn't have glasses on, she smiled at me, and the generic "hello" she says to everyone changed into an "Oh, hi!" when I said I worked for GagaDaily. The tone of her voice changed and she smiled sweetly. Everything was so fast that i don't remember exactly what she was wearing but I think it was light blue or white in color. 

Since I only had 15 seconds, I ended up doing most of the talking and explaining, but after she said hello and as I was walking to be on her right side (my left side) I opened my jacket a little further so she could read my GagaDaily ModRAVE teeshirt so she could see I was one of those other people she met once  As we took our places, she put her arm around one side of me and gave a small little squeeze , like a one armed hug. I smiled as best I could and through my teeth told her about how we'd met at the dive bar *click* *picture was taken* and then how I'd given the ipod of 600 Gaga Daily remixes to Lane. She put both hands skyward and looked up and said to me, "I NEEDED remixes!" Then I said, "Well, if you ever need more, I have 35,000 at home, on harddrives, if you ever need archives for the Haus..." And I smiled and pointed to myself, "I can hook you up!" By now, security was having none of me delaying this anymore and tugged at my sleeve saying, "Okay, time to go..." And she was already posing with the next group of six. So, it's brief as heck but it's worth it 

How often does ANYONE have gauranteed time with her ever anymore...!

@not asher613 Also, I am continuing to write a huge descriptive experience post about my time at the JWT. Especially the details of how backstage really works. 

Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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3 minutes ago, lgaga1fan said:

It was like 3 minutes for everyone in the group. They didn't rush us out immediately for whatever reason and the guy with the Joanne tattoo was in my group 

which city were you in?

Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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My Little Phoney

So this isn't the best way she could handle this I agree, but aren't we all a little jealous that we don't have a picture with her?

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My Little Phoney
4 minutes ago, ChicaSkas said:

I wrote this in the other thread and I think it bears repeating here:

Gaga herself is very kind and friendly in those seconds you have with her. 

I had a great interaction for those 15 seconds. She didn't have glasses on, she smiled at me, and the generic "hello" she says to everyone changed into an "Oh, hi!" when I said I worked for GagaDaily. The tone of her voice changed and she smiled sweetly. Everything was so fast that i don't remember exactly what she was wearing but I think it was light blue or white in color. 

Since I only had 15 seconds, I ended up doing most of the talking and explaining, but after she said hello and as I was walking to be on her right side (my left side) I opened my jacket a little further so she could read my GagaDaily ModRAVE teeshirt so she could see I was one of those other people she met once  As we took our places, she put her arm around one side of me and gave a small little squeeze , like a one armed hug. I smiled as best I could and through my teeth told her about how we'd met at the dive bar *click* *picture was taken* and then how I'd given the ipod of 600 Gaga Daily remixes to Lane. She put both hands skyward and looked up and said to me, "I NEEDED remixes!" Then I said, "Well, if you ever need more, I have 35,000 at home, on harddrives, if you ever need archives for the Haus..." And I smiled and pointed to myself, "I can hook you up!" By now, security was having none of me delaying this anymore and tugged at my sleeve saying, "Okay, time to go..." And she was already posing with the next group of six. So, it's brief as heck but it's worth it 

How often does ANYONE have gauranteed time with her ever anymore...!

@not asher613 Also, I am continuing to write a huge descriptive experience post about my time at the JWT. Especially the details of how backstage really works. 

This make me happy!! People who weren't even there complain about the experience... what else is new Gagadaily

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3 hours ago, thopekas said:

The problem is that they told them not to hug her or anything because it was pre-show and she had to maintain her look untouchable because they don't have time to fix her hair again,so even the two that are lucky to stand  next to her can't touch her or anything,and thats why the photos look so emotionless and still.

I don't see anything wrong with the picture or the experience people got, however, this "excuse" is not valid. The backstage pass before the artrave which was extremely similar in the fact that you only speak to her very briefly, her "makeup" and "hair" didn't matter. She was already in her hair and makeup and had no problem rubbing up and jumping all over fans. 


Again, I will repeat this again, a POP STAR was murdered at her meet and greet this year, and a POP STARS concert was blown up. 

This fanbase has proven that it can't act ****ing crazy at times, she has every right to be guarded like this. Besides, it's not a ****ing meet and greet. Anyone who spent 1500 and expected to sit in the bitch's lap and shoot the **** for something that wasn't even marketed as a meet and greet is simply complaining just to complain. 



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1 hour ago, ChicaSkas said:

I personally knew the financial strain that was coming when I did this, and I worked as hard as I could to offset it and scrimp in other areas to make up for it. I had put aside money before that was a gift to me, and that money helped. It's not a purchase I made lightly because I'm rich. I agree completely, it was a luxury, but I'm so glad it happened, because I always had my nose to the windowpane so to speak when all the other GGD mods got to meet her. 

Exactly! I spent years saving up for this opportunity. I've had my nose pressed to the windowpane watching other monsters meet her for years too it killed me.

Find your freedom in the music
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1 hour ago, lgaga1fan said:

 Vegas last night 

Tell us more about last night please

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Noah X
20 hours ago, CalixSpurius said:



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Since some of you likes to delude yourselves by thinking that responses are dramatic, let's take a look at previous tours





looking at these made me really sad

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Threads like this make me sad. :noparty: 

It's cheapening the experience that some people, who actually enjoyed themselves, had with Gaga. Imagine spending that money, having a nice and memorable moment, only to come home and have everyone complaining that the moment was utter trash and that she didn't even care enough to pose properly. I know it would tarnish that memory for me. 

I have opinions on this event that I am going to keep to myself. It is for those who attended to complain, not those who didn't even purchase a ticket. 



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3 hours ago, lgaga1fan said:

 Vegas last night 

Yeah, tell us more about it... It's interesting that you had more time than others. What was happening? What was she like? What were you talking about etc? More details please :giggle:

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23 hours ago, Bradley said:

She looks like a wax figure :giveup:

I saw this on twitter and was looking which Madame Tussauds had unveiled a new wax figure :sharon:

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18 minutes ago, Chuckles said:

I saw this on twitter and was looking which Madame Tussauds had unveiled a new wax figure :sharon:


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