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I know you're sick of these posts lol


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I know you guys are sick of these posts by now haha šŸ˜‚. Being at the show tonight with my best friend and daughter (gf had to work) was nothing short of amazing. It's our bonding time in a way. When I met my best friend at the Monsterball, I just thought that we'd be "coffee and shopping" type of friends but little did I know that we would become so much more. Lol we both say that going to a gaga concert is like going to a family reunion lol. I can't believe how much we monsters have been through togetherĀ and yet we've all made it through in one piece. When Gaga created little monsters, she didn't just create a home for the so called "freaks". She created a surrogate family ā™„ļø There aren't enough words to describe how much I love my monster family. You make my life worth living and I'd be unfixably broken without you. I think my heart would explode if I really thought about how much I love you guys. You're the piece that makes me whole ā™„ļø I love you to the moon and back a few times

I love you monsters. I'd be unfixably broken without you
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11 minutes ago, Buddy said:

OMG you're from LA? I need details about tonight's show!!!Ā 

Omg it was so much fun!!! I missed some of Dancing In Circles because I was waiting in line to go to the bathroom but other than that it was amazing. I personally think tonight's performance of "bad romance" and "million reasons" we're the best so far but then again I'm a little biased because "bad romance" is my top fave gaga song ā™„ļø I mean it's the song we were named after haha. There was a little girl 3 seats down from us that had a little miniature home made discostick. It was the freakin cutest thing ever. She had to be no older than 8 or 9

I love you monsters. I'd be unfixably broken without you
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I love these posts, they make me happy everytime I read themĀ :kara:

Hands up to the sky, I'm about to fly!
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Yasss!!! I love this! Don't be afraid toĀ postĀ positive topics like this one all it does is bring smiles to our facesĀ , some post the weirdest and rudest things and yet they don't care so you're good sisĀ :hug:

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I'd never get tired of these kind of postsĀ :kara: I wish all the people here were as loving and positive as you.

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8 minutes ago, MonsterOfSpain said:

I'd never get tired of these kind of postsĀ :kara: I wish all the people here were as loving and positive as you.

Aww thank you ā™„ļø Lol my best friend has started calling me "mini gaga" because I embody all f her teachings of spreading love and kindness haha

I love you monsters. I'd be unfixably broken without you
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not asher613

not everyone has a place where they feel comfortable sharing love and support with others. some people don't know how to trust any part of the world if it's because of abuse from someone that should have cared about them or tough experiences that tell you that you shouldn't let Ā your guard down anymore. I'm glad some people like that can find a sense of community through this site and LM's in general.

I love little monsters because of how they love the high Lady. I am a musician, and I consider myself a committed artist. Ā I like to analyze her work and try to hear what she is saying because I think her work is important and many overlook it because she entered the public sphere through pop and she writes music for mass appeal. I understand herĀ position, to use one's art as a tool and not to be slave to some kind of higher artistic demand for esoteric meaning. (her visuals are another story obvi).

I love little monsters because they bend an ear to actually appreciate what I think is undervalued. despite all her success and accolades, I do not think she is properly recognized for her contributions to art, theater, fashion/beauty, music, tactful career management, fan respect (aka people respect), social justice, specificallyĀ advancement of women's roles in our society.Ā Ā The simple combination of her innovation in aesthetic ideas we have (what is beautiful?) and the way she lives her life constantly looking to make more of life through art in a responsible way has already changed the world. in short, she is a serious woman and I don't think she is taken that seriously by too many (not that she makes it easy ;)).Ā 

I am not a very gushy person, although I have a romantic soul, but I love that thereĀ are those who know to pay attention to something/someone important. I do not look at her like a star, I look at her like a peer. Ā An artist worth watching. I am not a little monster. I am a big monster.Ā 

Thanks to the op for consistently demonstrating appropriate gratitude for someone who truly cares about and contributes to the lives ofĀ not only her fans, but mankind in general, truly.Ā 

(sorry to hijack the thread, it just came out)

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