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Kesha - Rainbow leaked


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The album is just ok, I guess. It has pop, rock, and country. Weakest Moments are Hymn, Learn To Let Go, Rainbow and Finding You. Old Flames and Woman could have been a bit better. Boots sounds a bit like Swish Swish but still enjoyable. Bastards, Let Em Talk, Praying, Hunt You Down, Godzilla and Spaceship are highlights.


There are links in XcluxiveJams.xyz :happy:


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CTFUUUU I really opened this thread expecting pages of reactions to get a general vibe of the forums feeling to the album but instead I literally read throughout 100+ replies of “link pls” :air::air: 

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Bloody hooker

I'm going to have to wait until Friday anyway, because my computer is being fixed :emma:

This mutual gaze was a “longing to touch” or a "pre-coitus" stare.
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I was so excited for Spaceship but it's my least favourite :(

Hymn, Woman, Praying,Learn to Let Go are the best... Godzilla is cute. The last minute of Bastards is nice.. Boots isn't as pop as I first thought still has western country vibe to it.. I loveee Kesha but most songs are just "okay" I dunno though.. I'll listen again tomorrow.

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Praying is the absolute album highlight for me. As each single was getting dropped, I steadily liked each one less and less.


Overall, the three that I enjoyed are Praying, Woman and Godzilla.

Her lyrics, at least here, don't suit that style of music. Praying, lyrically, is not a goofy song at all. It's straight forward and deep. Some of the songs on the album seem as if they are trying to be deep but have goofy lyrics. I just simply didn't like vast majority of the production. She is incredibly talented, and writes really catchy lyrics, but this one was a miss for me, for the most part.


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